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(Archived) I'm ready for a Super-Premium Subscription!

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I'd like to see an option for rollover uploads - if I don't use all of my allowance one month, it can roll over to the next. There are a variety of ways to do this, even ways that would prevent someone from storing up a years allowance and slamming the servers with it all in one day.

I'd also like to see a feature of PDF auto-conversion for popular document types, such as Microsoft Office. I often find myself uploading an Office document, then manually generating a matching PDF and attaching it to the same note, so that the content is viewable and search-able. Making the conversion PDF/A compliant would be even better!

Take my money, please...


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I'd like to see an option for rollover uploads - if I don't use all of my allowance one month, it can roll over to the next. There are a variety of ways to do this, even ways that would prevent someone from storing up a years allowance and slamming the servers with it all in one day.

Great suggestion - I go for months without coming anywhere near hitting my Premium allocation, but then if I have a big document dump, I have to stagger it out over time.

I think even a one-time payout for additional storage would be a worthwhile addition to the subscription options. An extra 500MB for an additional $5 that month, and so on . . .

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