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(Archived) EN 2.0 URL Feedback


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It would be nice to bring up a note's info, see a URL listed and be able to click on it and have the web browser launch. Or, at least be able to copy the text and paste in a web browser.

I am liking the second beta so far. Can't wait to see what else you guys come up with.

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It would be nice to bring up a note's info, see a URL listed and be able to click on it and have the web browser launch. Or, at least be able to copy the text and paste in a web browser.

Yea, that's in the works. You can see the URL in the note info, but we'll make that clickable.

Awesome. Thanks for the update.

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It would be nice to bring up a note's info, see a URL listed and be able to click on it and have the web browser launch. Or, at least be able to copy the text and paste in a web browser.

Yea, that's in the works. You can see the URL in the note info, but we'll make that clickable.

Super! That (and formatted re-usable lists) is the only reason I still use NoteEverything for some of my note taking needs, but it only syncs to Google Docs, and the synchronization implementation is poor, so I was really hoping that "linkification" would be coming to Evernote.


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