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Restore Multiple Tabs



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At the moment use legacy, or try the web client (you can open several tabs to EN in the browser). In some cases it may work as well to open several windows from v10 instead of tabs.

For v10, we have to wait and see what happens.

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Yes, let me add to this BRING BACK TABS!!!
I use Evernote for as a calendar, project management, etc.

Which "genius" decided to get rid of it?

I'll be using Legacy version until they bring back tabs to the "new" version.


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Just wanted to add another voice to the "TABs are important to my workflow" chorus. 

I've been a premium user since 2012 and am a heavy Evernote user. I upgraded to the tabless version of Evernote today and found a few changes that broke my current workflows - especially the lack of tabs. I tend to organise days by windows with tabs being meeting notes, tasks, things to reference, etc.  This will get very cluttered without tabs.

Currently moving back to the legacy version (on Mac) in the hope that tabs are brought back as a feature soon.

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This is the main reason I have not updated my app. I live off of tabs and it's absolutely crucial. Unfortunately, on my new Mac, I was forced to upgrade and have struggled to keep my productivity the same way and sadly have been trying out competitors because this new desktop app is frustrating compared to the features you had in previous versions. So please bring it back.

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On 7/2/2021 at 1:50 PM, Dave Bridgeland said:

Sometimes a new version feels worse just because it is new. So after "upgrading" to v10, I spent several months working with it, learning its new features and capabilities.

Conclusion: v10 is in fact much worse than v7. The removal of tabs reduces my productivity significantly. In addition, v10 is slow and unresponsive. 

Today I upgraded back to Evernote Classic: v7.

To use tabs with v10, you can try the web client. It is pretty close in functions to the installed desktop client, and you can open several tabs.

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You can bang your head against the wall, wait until it disappears, or use the door 3m to the left.

To me it seems you currently try the wall.

What I propose from one user to another is a workaround. To ask for a solution use the clients feedback function or issue a support ticket.

P.S. The web client isn’t all that terrible, in fact it is nearly on feature parity with the installed app.

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Hope your keyboard problem is only temporary - it seems the caps lock gets stuck …

If you are in dire need of tabs, install the legacy client, or use the web client. Up to now I don’t remember any rumors that tabs will return to the desktop clients soon.

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9 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

It was just not build into the app until now. They probably have it on their backlog list anywhere, hopefully not to far down. From experience they will hardly comment on it - it will show in the release notes one day, and then we can uncork a bottle or two … 🍾

But feel ignored if it gives you a better mood.

They already had it and then they killed it for unknown reason ;) 

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You can open as many notes as you want in individual windows.

To get tabs (sort of...), use the web client.

EN notoriously does not communicate their further plans. Everything related to the underlying framework may be dependent on the ability of the framework to support it.

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Setting up a new laptop.  Getting ready to install Evernote.  So decided to check on this request.  Surprised and disappointed that I still need to find and install the legacy version of Evernote.

Getting closer to switching to OneNote.  ☹️

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I use Evernote desktop on both Windows and Mac. I got along fine without tabs in the Windows version, but they were also really nice to have in the Mac version.

One reason that tabs were nice is because if you had a list of filtered notes and you wanted to refer to another note without losing your place of the filtered list and the exact spot in the editor where you are at -- then you could open a new tab and search for that note and/or other notes. It was pretty great.

In the above scenario, I think Evernote could help alleviate (but not totally resolve) the want for multiple tabs (at least in that above scenario) by making it so you could open a note in a new window from the 'Switch To' dialog.

It'd also be helpful if you could link to another note in the editor by finding the note in place by typing '[[' in the editor and have a little search box come up to find the note you want to link.


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What you see it the future of EN, based on the use of a framework (practically a browser without a front end) and of common code for different platforms. Some things are easier based on the framework, others are more difficult, or plain impossible.

Tabs seem to belong to the later category.

There is the option to open notes in new windows - which I like even better, because I can arrange them side by side to view them all at the same time, instead of „tabbing“ through them.

If the future of EN is the future for yourself, only you can decide. I do not expect tabs to return to the apps any time soon. If it is not there, it is for a reason (of course I could be dead wrong on this, no inside knowledge). So forget about urging any action from others to do what you think should be done. Instead decide for yourself what you will do.

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In fact I don't care (as another user) if you think claiming here while sitting tight would be the better strategy.

Time will tell, and I could be wrong.

From my experience with forum threads I have no indication whether theses discussions are read by EN staff in general. What I can tell for sure (because there are threads that prove it) even threads with a 3 digit vote count, running for years have not resulted in a changed app code.

With some I understand there are technical reasons, with others I don't have that technical insight. And "valuing user input" does not mean turning everything into code what users may want and wish for.

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Hello Pink Elephant, thanks for your response. Yeah, maybe you're right i should probably just suck it up and roll over wink!.

I have spent the last couple of days researching alternative note apps and I'm very surprised to see that in 2022 there isn't really an app that works like Evernote (circa 2016, with multiple tabs) and perhaps with a more logically worked out finder structure. Something that resembles an old school filing system. Imagine a filing cabinet type arrangement.  Or something that even resembles a more text friendly version of Macs own finder system. Simple. But no developer has made this simple app. I should learn to code but I'd never be able to keep track of all the  class notes i'd need to take. God bless everyone anyway, life is short and this is a minor issue for us and the evernote team. 

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Personally I am quite happy they broke the stalemate situation we had in the last years of legacy. EN devs were just keeping up with OS developments - no new features, inconsistent UI between platforms, and so on.

Now with v10 we have to wait and see where it goes. There are as many expectations as there are users. Some are driving productivity workflows, other just want to collect stuff and keep it searchable.

There are alternatives, but you need to know your workflows and the ability of the different apps. My advise is to use the test versions, and just on a few typical notes. If you don't like the feel & touch, drop it.

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On 5/27/2022 at 12:35 AM, DonWolfe said:

the floating window thing isn't useful as it stands, it disappears behind other windows and its messy and confusing

Ctrl-DownArrow and Cmd-Backtick are your friends here.

Ctrl-DownArrow will show all the open windows of the App you currently have focused.

Cmd-Backtick will cycle throw all the windows of the App you currently have focused. (This is different from Cmd-Tab.)


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Hello EN,

It's me again. Please restore multiple tabs for macOS. Thank you.

(till then I'll just keep using Evernote Legacy which works just fine)


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Still no EN here - the forum is user2user.

To reach EN PM, you can use the feedback function in the clients. Or issue a support ticket.

From what I see I would not wait for tabs to return to the desktop clients. You can use the „open note in a separate window“ function. Another option is the web client - in this case you need a different browser than Safari. Tabs are not supported in Safari.

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EN practically never communicates about features they have in development. You can think about it and decide yourself.

Hint: Tabs existed only in legacy for Mac. Windows users (closer to MS products anyhow) never had them - and used EN without. I don’t remember a lot of users during the legacy days requesting tabs for the Windows client.

It seems for most users it is not that decisive. So it is unlikely „we“ will move to ON - if „you“ do it is entirely up to you.


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14 hours ago, locksley said:

Should we just give up at this point and move to OneNote?

Who do you mean by "we"? Every one that wants multiple tabs? If so, I'm one of those people and my answer to your question is heck no!

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On 10/20/2020 at 12:26 PM, BrooklynBen said:

Clearly, the company has not done a good job telling users this was available, which probably accounts for its low usage.

Ditto. I've used Evernote consistently since it came out and never ever knew about tabs. It's a feature I look for and hope for regularly.

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On 1/3/2021 at 2:18 PM, Hawanuka said:

So many users feel the same like me. TABS are my workflow! I need them daily. How could you do such a big change and not listen to all above. I am looking now for a way back to old Version of Evernote for mac. For me it is beside other bugs right now a killer for using evernote.



More than 2 years later and the multitab feature ist still not back! I want to use the new version but I need multi tabs for my workflow. Why in hell nobody cares about one of the main feature of an good office programs? Open speaking: I waited every update since long time. My patients is over and I will move on to other software.

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Just go ahead. If a feature is essential for your workflow, it makes no sense to wait. Although somebody can ask how it can be essential if you now did 2 years without it.

You can open as many notes as you want in their own windows. If it is tabs instead, then you need to look elsewhere.

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20 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

Just go ahead. If a feature is essential for your workflow, it makes no sense to wait. Although somebody can ask how it can be essential if you now did 2 years without it.

You can open as many notes as you want in their own windows. If it is tabs instead, then you need to look elsewhere.

You've made all these points a multitude of times already, but they don't seem to be helping much other than your commenter score.

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Here in the forum we are all talking among users.

You can continue the way you communicate.

It will just be a bit difficult to communicate this way AND expect to be taken serious at the same time.

You are free to contact EN staff via feedback or support ticket.

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Just keep in mind this feature existed only on the legacy Mac client, not on Windows. You hardly miss what you didn't have, but it makes the argument that one can't use EN without tabs sort of weak.

I think it would be good to get a tabs feature in v10, but I also think we should find better arguments than "we want it back". Handling multiple notes is not really enough, this can be done by opening several notes in their own windows.

What can't be done in the split off notes windows is for example keeping notes lists with search results open in a tab.

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I was just "force updated" to v10 again. I don't even understand how the program is useful at all without tabs. If you switch notes you lose all context (it goes back to the top of the document), which means you can't work BETWEEN notes -- which equals useless except for trivial short notes. Trying to revert back. I've been using Evernote since the beginning, but it's the speed of looking up something new without disturbing what I was working on a minute before that makes it useful. Without tabs, or some other similar way to have multiple ongoing contexts, it's just a gimped echo and I will probably have to migrate to something else.

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If you don’t understand how one could use the app without tabs, just ask all these users of EN legacy on Windows. They will ask „What do you mean by tabs“ ? Tabs only existed on the old Mac client.

The closest to tabs in v10 is to use a browser (not Safari) and open browser tabs there, each running an EN session.

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12 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

If you don’t understand how one could use the app without tabs, just ask all these users of EN legacy on Windows. They will ask „What do you mean by tabs“ ? Tabs only existed on the old Mac client.

The closest to tabs in v10 is to use a browser (not Safari) and open browser tabs there, each running an EN session.

Thanks. That's useful for everyone to know and is a good workaround that I use. My remaining question is why this isn't possible in Safari which is my main Mac browser?  Any ideas as to why multiple tabs is restricted by Safari?

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No idea why it is restricted by Safari, I have the same situation. I think that it is maybe Safari being sort of restrictive with anything regarding security and privacy. 

Personally I use Firefox as my secondary browser.

Another option some users find a good replacement, others less so is to open notes in their own windows. You can have plenty of notes open in their own window, and navigate between them similar to tabs.

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Been using Evernote Legacy on Mac for a long time now.  Any suggestions for a viable alternative application that offers a good and similar implementation of tabs?

I'm an O365 user too, but OneNote is not the replacement.  Tabs in OneNote serve a different function.   I'm not a fan of the browser option, although I may eventually cave and do it.

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The current options are mentioned in the posts above yours. The web client in fact is pretty close to the installed desktop client, so if tabs are what you want, that's probably the way to move.

You can tell support about your preference.

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18 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

No idea why it is restricted by Safari, I have the same situation. I think that it is maybe Safari being sort of restrictive with anything regarding security and privacy. 

Personally I use Firefox as my secondary browser.

Another option some users find a good replacement, others less so is to open notes in their own windows. You can have plenty of notes open in their own window, and navigate between them similar to tabs.

I hadn’t thought of that....Thanks for the good advice. 

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19 hours ago, Mitoids said:

Been using Evernote Legacy on Mac for a long time now.  Any suggestions for a viable alternative application that offers a good and similar implementation of tabs?

I'm an O365 user too, but OneNote is not the replacement.  Tabs in OneNote serve a different function.   I'm not a fan of the browser option, although I may eventually cave and do it.

I recommend Pink Elephant’s solution of multiple tabs in Chrome or Firefox web browser. I tried exporting my entire Evernote database to One Note and it was pretty disastrous. I just couldn't get used to the completely different navigation. And, as you say, the tabs are used differently.  The import messed up all my historical ordered filing  so I eventually abandoned and went back to Evernote web. I rarely use the client application these days (except on iOS together with Scanable) as that is a very good experience for my use  

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19 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

The current options are mentioned in the posts above yours. The web client in fact is pretty close to the installed desktop client, so if tabs are what you want, that's probably the way to move.

You can tell support about your preference.

I agree that the web version is so similar to the desktop client app that I rarely bother using the app these days. Following Pink Elephants advice I'm using a separate browser solely for Evernote (Safari for everything else) and I can have multiple tabs/notes open there. The separate browser neatly brings all my Evernote stuff together

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Good hint - I doubt it will rank at the top. Windows legacy never had it, v10 never had it, wich probably leaves 90% of users in the dark what might this weird function be and why it may be helpful. They all build their workflows without.

So maybe you explain instead of promote ?

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Pink Elephant. This is a thread titled “Restore multiple tabs”. In this thread are 4 pages full of posts from users requesting multiple tabs. It requires no vast leap to assume they do not need me to explain to them why they, themselves, are here requesting multiple tabs. If you have nothing of value to contribute, please feel free to refrain from posting. I will not reply to you again. 

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I understand you have nothing of value to contribute (that’s what I asked for). Instead you post a suada …

Most posts before yours read the same: Please, please, please … and no arguments. That’s not good if anybody asks „Why“. There are plenty of other feature requests asking for implementation that explain their use cases - which in turn raises the probability they will be done.

But of course, this will be ignored …

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Tabs are definitely essential and pretty much table stakes feature in this specific case. I've shared my feedback with the app team. The solution with multiple tabs in the browser is a very lame workaround and could only be proposed by an inexperienced and potentially arrogant support person, not by a seasoned product manager.

@PinkElephant, I understand that you are not part of the Evernote organisation based on your comments in this thread. You already proposed a workaround, so no need to paste your responses in here anymore. If you were part of their team, I would already let you go based on your attitude, that's just my observation here.

Arrogance and ignorance are the two key contributors to many SaaS platforms decline. Let's hope it will not be the case for Evernote. 

To anyone else, I suggest you send yoru feedback to the provider (email:



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You posted 15 lines of text to promote your issue.

All about what you think will not work, what other users do wrong, and more unimportant stuff. In short: A lot of words for nothing.

The only thing you don’t tell is why tabs are important for your use cases. You better elaborate your answer - you need to explain how the 80-90% Windows users could ever use the app successfully without having tabs. Or how all users manage it since v10 launched. 

Tabs were an exclusive feature of the old Mac app. Most EN users don’t even know what they are missing - maybe you enlighten us all … ?

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No point to repeat what 200+ people said in this thread. If you still don't get it, I'll let you live in ignorance. ☮️

For the rest of people - look at Notion and it's functinolaity and ability to auto import Evernote content... you will be surprised.

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That legacy is broken (it is broken since 2 years now) is not really an argument. Windows never had tabs, v10 Mac doesn’t since 3 years.

Why is it so important ?

Just wanna have is not enough to convince anybody.

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Ugh. Why does people requesting a feature make you so angry? Why do you get such joy from telling people they're wrong? Isn't the whole point of companies in a capitalist economy to do their best to provide what consumers want? Or do you prefer an economy in which consumers must justify their requests in front of a panel, only getting what the apparatchiks deem they really "need"?

The fact that a feature does not exist, and yet people carry on, does not imply that it would not be useful. Allow me to demonstrate the logical fallacy. By your logic: Evernote did not exist for the first 300,000 years of Homo sapiens existence, yet humanity survived, ergo Evernote is not important. Same for computers. And light bulbs. People got by just fine without any of these for eons. Therefore, no one should have spent their time developing them, and if all were to disappear,  no one should complain.

Please, before you say tabs are not useful, count the number of people who have posted in this "Product feedback/feature requests" forum, requesting tabs, and then count the number who have trouble understanding why. There are 4 pages in this thread; it shouldn't take too long. I'll give you a hint: the only "nay" is you.

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Is it wrong to ask for a use case ?

Especially if a feature was never available for the majority of users, and is gone for all users of the modern clients since 3 years.

When I try to convince somebody to invest time and money into a feature, what is the better approach ? Nagging without arguments, or reasoning ?

So what is your positive argument ? You write a lot, but you don’t name it either.

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