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Restore Multiple Tabs



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I just updated the app to find that the New Tab function is missing. Where is it? I hope this is still possible. There's no reason not to have this capability.

Ditto for a shortcut to simplify formatting.

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The first setup I was trying to restore after upgrade to v10 was to reopen my loved tabs - I am astonished to hear that tabs are no more available.

I absolutely need them, please restore this feature!!!

On 10/26/2020 at 9:33 PM, nigelrumsey said:

Many thanks also from me! I am going to revert to previous version; useless improvements if TABS are lost

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3 minutes ago, toems said:

I also really, really need the tab/windows-feature back, as I'm always working with several tabs and windows open. If I have only one window availabe, evernote is useless for me. 

Use the Legacy version

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After the latest update Evernote has become almost useless for my work. I always have several windows with several tabs open. Since this is no longer possible, I have to downgrade to one of the previous versions. Please make it available again, this update was a step backwards.

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8 minutes ago, anoell said:

the question is, for how long will this still be possible? long enough until we have managed to migrate to an alternative?

That's a different question   
I don't have the answer, but I can assure you we're good for today   ...    and tomorrow   

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Seems like I had only just found the multiple tab option a few months ago. LOVED it. Always had 2 or 3 open. Now with the new version, either that's no longer an option, or I am not seeing how to do it. I'm on a Macbook pro. 

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Logged in for my first time only to write that; For me, tabs are essential.

Long time user and I cannot recommend the product enough to my friends, but removing the multiple tab function absolutely su... is not good.

Have a lovely 2020!

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Signed in here for the first time right after getting the Legacy version to ask... WHY DID YOU REMOVE TABS??!! 

You also force us to use Emojis, the previous version had a preference (which you killed entirely) to turn on/off.

Although I like my emojis in texts, very few adults need their forced short commands in a productivity/work app. 

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Currently, the newest EverNote app is no more a native macOS app. It's almost just a web-app wrapped in quasi-browser called Electron.

Therefore, there is a workaround: instead of EvN 10.x app you can simply open many instances of web-app in multiple tabs of Safari/Chrome... And there will be not much difference in experience between web-browser app and standalone app.


On 11/3/2020 at 5:22 PM, Biffy7 said:

I recall years ago that the tabs feature can't be implemented on Windows because of a limitation in the windowing system, similar to why Finder on the Mac can have multiple tabs (which I use), and File Explorer on Windows can not.

I use Legacy version on Windows - there is an ability to open each note in a separate window - this can to same extend simulate multi-tab functionality...

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I agree. I was surprised this morning after updating Evernote to discover the option for tabs is now gone. This will be a deal-breaker for me to continue my subscription as it was a feature I used regularly; given the integration of MS products at my institution, I'll probably need to cave and use OneNote now.

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Evernote's mission is to help individuals and groups to remember everything, turn ideas into action, and work effortlessly together.

Microsoft OneNote uses tabs. Notion uses tabs, Salesforce uses tabs, Chrome uses tabs. Why? Tabbed browsing speeds up your browsing experience and make multiple ideas easier to manage. This helps users turn ideas into action.

@Ian Smalldo you use Evernote on OSX or Windows? I'm guessing Windows, because if tabbed browsing was part of your workflow, there is a 0% chance this feature would have been removed.

One of Evernote's key differentiators was how the in-app experience used the same navigation methodology as so many other modern solutions. When tabs have become a core productivity enabler in so many other key productivity tools, I just can't get my head around the removal of this functionality..

Does anyone have links to good articles that show how to disable tabs in Chrome? Thought if I remove tab functionality from some other everyday OSX apps I might work more effortlessly. Thanks.


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Devonthink had tabs - but left them out with its new version last year. One of the big reasons I returned to Evernote early this year after a year away (started with EV in 2008). People complained, but it seemed they thought it was feature of the operating system and they had not realised the new version did not work the same way with the OS. 

However I will stick with the new Evernote because its too does so many things very well and on my 2017 3.5 GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i7 is as fast as before; in fact some things, such as moving notes between notebooks is so much better. Maybe slow response for some people is down to bugs.

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@EverNote first of all, thank you for a great note system. Second, i would not have upgraded to the new version on my Mac if i had known that the Tabs were removed!

Can you at least tell us what feature is implemented or changed that would work as good as tabs?

I used tabs a LOT! In my work as a developer and consultant, i used tabs to easily switch between big projects. It was one of the defining features that moved me towards Evernote.
In fact, our whole office used Evernote because of the tab feature. 

Please bring it back, or give us an alternative :-D

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Completely agree with everyone above. Tabs are such a critical part of evernote. I also didn't realize they existed until a couple years into using the app, but they were then a game changer once discovered, and are now an essential part of my minute-by-minute workflow. If they're underused, I would suggest that it's because it's almost a hidden feature (at least, it seemed that way for me) - not because it's not extremely powerful and loved by those who use it.

I have reinstalled Evernote Legacy for now as this is so crucial to my daily ops. The new app is more aesthetic though, I'll give it that!

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On 11/10/2020 at 2:42 PM, AllisonH said:

I couldn't believe they took tabs away! I wouldn't have downloaded the update if I'd known, it makes Evernote much less useful for me. I might consider another service. 

To Allison and others regretting updating - I was in the same boat (tabs are crucial for me, too)... But thankfully I've been able to download the Evernote Legacy version, which still has tabs.

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On 11/16/2020 at 12:35 PM, Paul A. said:

Not as far as I know. However, the Evernote CEO did say in a recent interview that almost no one used the tabs feature.

I don't know.  Based upon what we've seen in V10 I begin to wonder about the integrity of EN "statistics".  Just saying.

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15 hours ago, Urs Albisser said:


How can it be popular if the tabs feature was never available in the Windows version? I think, instead of removing the tabs from the Mac version they should rather add the feature to the Windows version too.

That is interesting; I did not realize that tabs were never available on Windows. Presumably, when Evernote looked at whether tabs are popular, they evaluated it in context of the only platforms which support that feature.

But regardless I agree, I would support adding tabs for all desktop platforms. They can be very useful.

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I agree! Removing the Tabs feature seems like an unforced error. I'm back on the Legacy version so I'm all good but I had to look into this and put my 2 cents in.
Why would Evernote remove this feature? If you don't want to use Tabs, don't. But if you do, just make it available again.
In fact, why would you ever take away a feature from software like this? Seems like a huge mistake.
I've been a regular, paid user for 8 years. Please, Evernote, bring it back.
Thank you
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I agree! Removing the Tabs feature seems like an unforced error. I'm back on the Legacy version so I'm all good but I had to look into this and put my 2 cents in. Why would Evernote remove this feature? If you don't want to use Tabs, don't. But if you do, just make it available again.
I've been a regular, paid user for 8 years. Please, Evernote, bring it back.
Thank you
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Current version is already 10.4.

New windows is still not on the release list, neither announced in the „working on“ section of the release notes. Probably it will come with a future release.

If this is essential for you, install the legacy client.

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EVERNOTE, I freaking LOVE this app. But tabs are a MUST. How are we supposed to work in multiple notes without them? Opening a whole bunch of windows is so messy and difficult to navigate.

I saw on another thread that the CEO said tabs are an underutilized feature, but that can't be true because working multiple notes simultaneously is a very COMON way to use Evernote. Please bring them back!

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Tabs are a MUST! I think it's a very common thing to be working in multiple notes at once, and it's sloppy sloppy sloppy to do it with a whole bunch of windows open. I love the updated app, but taking out tabs was a huge mistake. For me it completely invalidates the value of the update because my overall functionality is badly impaired. Super sad to have to revert to the legacy version when you all worked so hard on this update!

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This feature is crucial to my efficient use of Evernote. I held off upgrading to this version until a couple weeks ago, hoping that all the kinks would be worked out. Had I known the tab feature was going to be removed, I would not have upgraded! This is like going backward 10 years in browser capability. Please bring back this feature ASAP!

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I just started using the new Evernote for Mac. I was really excited until, like others, found there were no tabs. This is an essential part of my workflow. This was definitely not a good move on my part from the company. Darn! I will have to look for another tool to use for my business. I loved using Evernote Business but cannot sustain my workflow this way. 

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Really? Removing one of the key feature that saves a lot of time? It is not upgrade it is downgrade! 

Thread was created in beginning of October,  and you guys even do not provide any response on that. User support level - zero. 

I have supported Evernote for many years by paying for premium account even I do not need such feature. And when I see such 'great' support, I think that I need to stop to do so. 

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On 11/29/2020 at 5:08 PM, Spike_Tbone said:

This feature is crucial to my efficient use of Evernote. I held off upgrading to this version until a couple weeks ago, hoping that all the kinks would be worked out. Had I known the tab feature was going to be removed, I would not have upgraded! This is like going backward 10 years in browser capability. Please bring back this feature ASAP!


I always try and approach updates to any software with an open mind (easy to resist change) but not having tabs is a massive deal for me.

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The jump from the Mac version of Evernote, 7.14 to 10+ (currently 10.4.4) has become a business and personal productivity nightmare, with the loss of multiple open note tabs.  Previously for many enjoyable years using Evernote before the 7.14 jump to version 10 in October 2020, I could have several note tabs open at the same time.  I could work on one note, while waiting for people to call back and have that note instantly accessible as an open tab in Evernote.  I could work on concepts that require looking at and comparing several notes at the same time.  Now, under version 10+, it is a productivity nightmare, trying to have related notes quickly available, and having to create multiple workaround shortcuts, etc, which if used, simply close a screen that I need to keep open when accessing other notes.  Is there a plan to re-incorporate multiple note tab functionality back into the Mac version of Evernote or not?
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Oh. What. The. Foobar!

Seriously? TABS are a critical part of this application. How can it be removed? Why not at least leave the option?

This is a must-have @Evernote — please FIX this ASAP or you'll have one of your oldest, most loyal users, look for alternatives. Meanwhile, I'll downgrade :(

Really. Wow. Unbelievable.

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Just adding one more voice to the choir of users for whom tabs are an essential part of regular workflows.

I am excited about the possibilities with a rebuilt app and many of the changes are excellent. However, the removal of tabs is extremely disruptive and I will be using the legacy client until they are reinstated—and potentially searching for another software solution.

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I have updated to evernote 10 today - and I'm stunned (in not a good way). No multiple windows. No multiple tabs in each window. Nada.
You now have, in essence, just ONE TAB only.
Holy cow! I understand pruning, but this is like cutting down the tree and leaving me with just a single branch.

My use scenario: using tabs, (and then also windows) would give me an overview of notes related to what I'm working on.

I used to open several tabs each with a topic e.g. 
tag:c++, tag:read
tag:c++, tag:top_articles
tag:c++, tag:toreview

you get the idea - and use tabs to switch between them, getting a good overview of my notes / articles related to a topic (for e.g. c++ there's several thousand)

then I'd open another window and e.g.
tag:fourier, read
tag:dsp, tag:frequency_domain
tag:fourier, c_language

So via tabs, (and then also windows) I'd have a good overview of a topic (or several).
(and I also had my most frequent groups of searches automated via applescript and key commands)

**Am I correct that opening multiple searches simultaneously is now just.... gone ?**   I'm stunned. 

I have been a premium user for several years. This amount of regression is just... heartbreakingly annoying, and unnecessary. 

One search at a time?  That's it? 

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Does anywhere know how to a note to a new tab in the new evernote?

I feel this update has gone backwards, I've been a Premium Evernote member since 2013 and this update is awful! - All my favourite features have disappeared!

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For the most part the new version is nice.  But no Tabs is forcing me to go back to the Legacy version.  Thanks to all that posted that link. 

If we could open more than one instance of Evernote it would help but Tabs is where it's at.  Imagine browsing the internet without tabs.  I paid for Opera web browser back in the day because it was the only one with tabs at the time. 

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Just adding my voice, in case it matters, that tabs and having multiple evernote windows open simultaneously is essential to me. I will be reverting until the previous version until they implement this feature. I did like many parts of the new version, especially the updates to the notes editor.

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On 11/12/2020 at 8:03 AM, Ovi said:

‼️‼️ You can REVERT to the legacy version here: 



+1 for tabs. This is a critical feature for me. PLEASE BRING TABS back!! I love evernote, but not tabs is a serious drawback.

In reply to Evernote's CEO "we are not implementing tabs at this point... it was not a heavily utilized feature."

That's because most people don't know how to use Evernote to the MAX. If they did, they would NEVER leave Evernote. It would help to add tutorial videos for this and explain WHY these features are important and how they could be used.

As a Peak Performance Coach, helping people minimize COGNITIVE LOAD is key. Easy flow and movement around Evernote is KEY if we are to use it as a second brain.

Thanks - I was looking for alternative products to migrate to and found this post instead.  if I can maintain the older version I won't have to do that.

of course like everyone else on this thread, for me tabs are a must-have feature for notes in business.  If I were using Evernote for simple things as a student in college or basic family notes I'd be ok without, but for my use case I have to either have tabs or multiple windows or something.  for the time being I've had to revert to multiple browser Windows to augment the MacOS app.


I should also point out that the IOS app isn't as useful for me due to the lack of an easy way to switch between notes or even display multiple notes on the same page.  iPadOS has recently added the capability to have multiple apps on a screen side-by-side. This capability would make Evernote on iPad much more usable also.

As for the CEO's comments I'd ask the people on this thread:  How many people have you influenced to use Evernote in the past? How many will you influence to use Evernote if there are no tabs? How many will you bring with you to a different product if you have to change products?  

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On 12/8/2020 at 10:39 AM, sonoio said:

I have updated to evernote 10 today - and I'm stunned (in not a good way). No multiple windows. No multiple tabs in each window. Nada.
You now have, in essence, just ONE TAB only.
Holy cow! I understand pruning, but this is like cutting down the tree and leaving me with just a single branch.

My use scenario: using tabs, (and then also windows) would give me an overview of notes related to what I'm working on.

I used to open several tabs each with a topic e.g. 
tag:c++, tag:read
tag:c++, tag:top_articles
tag:c++, tag:toreview

you get the idea - and use tabs to switch between them, getting a good overview of my notes / articles related to a topic (for e.g. c++ there's several thousand)

then I'd open another window and e.g.
tag:fourier, read
tag:dsp, tag:frequency_domain
tag:fourier, c_language

So via tabs, (and then also windows) I'd have a good overview of a topic (or several).
(and I also had my most frequent groups of searches automated via applescript and key commands)

**Am I correct that opening multiple searches simultaneously is now just.... gone ?**   I'm stunned. 

I have been a premium user for several years. This amount of regression is just... heartbreakingly annoying, and unnecessary. 

One search at a time?  That's it? 


I totally agree... just updated to v10... for 10 minutes, and then installed 7.14 again....

No more multiple windows (which I used a lot), the "Move to ... again" also gone, now you have to select a different notebook over and over again... I can't believe my eyes!

This update isn't an upgrade... it's a downgrade... 11 versions back!


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No tabs. Really?

Doesn't make any difference what usage stats say.  There's no compelling reason to not have tabs. Does it make it unstable? No.  Does it slow it down? No. Does it make it bloated? No. Does it offend people? No.  

I don't care if only 5% use tabs (and to be sure, that's not the case, but just saying), it certainly does no harm and many of us need it.  Very bizarre to remove this.

I'm going back to Legacy.  Thanks, @emjbe.  I'm goin' back with you.


C'mon, developers.  Put it back and you know what?  Issue all of us an apology for your lapse in judgment.    

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On 10/21/2020 at 2:48 AM, Pastor Wynn said:

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE bring back tabs!   I use the Mac version, and tabs are essential (as mentioned by another poster).  I always have several tabs open.  I have a Daily Work List that is my main tab and I click on other tabs for doing other work.  As a Premium subscriber, I believe that EN should have taken a user survey before making the incredible decision to jerk tabs out.


I completely agree!!!
Bring back taps ASAP please!

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Why did you remove tabs from Evernote, with tabs product usable  and tabs are essential for me too. I am Premium user and  now I thinkig about another tool - now product is useless.  I also link together many of my notes - now to open link is hell !!!!!

Now is your product total S.H.I.T !!!! and why , because of fancy looking GUI 

shame to you

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17 hours ago, DTLow said:

Evernote has two product; Legacy and Version 10    
You might be happier with the Legacy product   
The Version 10 product is a work-in-progress and not ready for general use

With Legacy I can recover the tabs function and aldo I can have evernote in 2 windows (evernote v10 and Evernote Legacy). Thanks

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While I would definitely welcome back tabs as a "feature", I have been surprised to learn through this process that this was unique to the Mac app and Windows does not have tabs.  The more concerning missing "feature" for me is the inability to open to instances of Evernote, as I find that much better than tabs since I can have those two instances on different monitors or spaces in Mac.  I imagine the two are related, but if Evernote brought back the ability to open multiple instances, I imagine that could be a compromise for those insisting on tabs.

As a workaround, I find myself opening individual notes much more often and utilizing the quick keyboard shortcuts of Cmd+1 through Cmd+9 to access the top favorites.  I have a number of saved searches and notebooks I visit frequently in those locations.  It is not the same as tabs or two instances, but it does help with processing my inbox.

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YES! Tabs please! I've been trumpeting this ever since the update that took them away.

I've been using the Evernote Legacy version as a workaround on all my macOS devices and it works fine but c'mon!

Let's do this Evernote! 

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The improved web client as well is important if you use EN on a Chromebook or on a Linux computer. I am even able to run EN from my Raspberry Pi, a 60€ computer, through the web client. Not super fast, but it works.

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He decided against tabs as a feature of the early v10 versions. So - surprise - there are no tabs. If he did so because they used the wrong statistics to measure user interaction is futile, it makes no difference.

The best workaround I currently know is to open notes in additional windows, and use the method build into the OS to jump between them. Not really a replacement, but better than nothing.

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4 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

The best workaround I currently know is to open notes in additional windows, and use the method build into the OS to jump between them. Not really a replacement, but better than nothing.

Opening multiple notes really doesn't solve the problem/gripe since you can't have two separate searches or notebooks open...

HOWEVER, I have found that using the web version of Evernote in tandem with the desktop window works great... the new web version is almost indistinguishable from the desktop version for most tasks, and you can open a new browser tab whenever you want.

I still hope that they add tabs or the ability to open two separate Evernote instances on the desktop app... but until then web works.

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I must admit, I’ve been trying the multi window thing the last couple days and I’ve been liking it a lot.

If I were on a single screen / laptop, that’s another story: I’d hate it.

My setup: —MacBook plugged into 2x Displays which are used for everything-non Evernote —1x Display used for primary Evernote document —Laptop used for any secondary Evernote documents I need handy

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Good to discuss possibilities: I like the idea @aukirk posted above. Using the web client is really an option today, since it was vastly improved and is in fact very close to the desktop clients.

On the MacBook without a second monitor, one could try to use several virtual desktops - if the web client is no option. Not as good, for sure.

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9 hours ago, scav_on_gelli said:

I must admit, I’ve been trying the multi window thing the last couple days and I’ve been liking it a lot.

If I were on a single screen / laptop, that’s another story: I’d hate it.

@scav_on_gelli if you are on a Mac, use "spaces"... you can open multiple desktops and swipe between them with a keyboard or mouse shortcut.  


4 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

On the MacBook without a second monitor, one could try to use several virtual desktops - if the web client is no option. Not as good, for sure.

@PinkElephant I am not sure what you are referring to about "virtual desktops"... but if you are referring to the "spaces" feature on MacOS, you can't have multiple instances of Evernote open in different desktops.  There may be some more advanced feature or app that allows you to boot up two instances of MacOS (similar to Boot Camp running Windows OS), but I imagine that would be very difficult to work with.

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