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Restore Multiple Tabs



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9 minutes ago, Ignacy said:

Will the next update have the tab functionality?

I've not seen any notice from Evernote
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OMG!! just updated to the new MAC v10.1.7 Build 1902 and it does not have "TABS" anymore.. Love the new look but  hate that its missing "TABS"...  i purchased subscription because of "TABS"... Please fix!!!!  

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Working with tabs is one of Evernote's core strengths and is essential for working efficiently and effectively. For me, the decision was immediate - I have gone back to the previous version so I can use tabs again. Nothing in version 10 will convince me to upgrade until tabs are hopefully included as a feature but are not listed on this page as a notable feature to be implement: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360047889214. Think about it. If you upgraded to a new version of your favorite web browser with no clue that it does not support tabs, what would be your reaction? Most likely to look for an alternative browser. 

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I just found this thread because I've been searching for the tabs on and off for days now after updating to the new version.  I don't want to sound unhinged but this is the worst decision.  It makes the new version, I won't say completely useless, but VERY difficult for me to use.  Removing functionality that seems obvious  that clearly many users want and use seems like a poor decision.  Again I don't want to sound like I"'m exaggerating but this seriously makes me question why I'm paying money for this and whether I should continue using or just switch to something free but that will work how I need it to work.

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I use Evernote simultaneously on a Mac and Win10 system. I have two accounts 1 for work, 1 for personal (premium).  I've been using Evernote since v1.

I recall years ago that the tabs feature can't be implemented on Windows because of a limitation in the windowing system, similar to why Finder on the Mac can have multiple tabs (which I use), and File Explorer on Windows can not.

I believe when Evernote went to a common code base (a good idea) they had to settle for a common denominator between both platforms (NO TABS). 


I also use Microsoft OneNote and at least you can launch multiple instances of OneNote. Not as elegant as multiple tabs, but it will do.

I love Evernote, but this is a huge mistake they have made.


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Mac Desktop version - WHY did you do away with multiple Tabs?

I need to be able to switch back and forth between multiple notes.

This was my favorite program in the world, longtime Premium subscriber, but with one of its most useful features being gone ...

(Not to mention Keyboard shortcuts being gone, which I believe could be delayed...)  

Please bring multiple tab browsing back ASAP!

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Honestly, just such a big miss... In what world does it make sense to remove the ability to have multiple tabs / windows?!! Would love to hear the PMs justify that one... I used to be a paying customer, but don't think I'll ever give this company a dollar again until the main features used by paying customers are supported and improved. I mean, really, in whose head does this make sense? You are trying to get more people to pay you by removing the features that paying people use/love the most? 


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So many users feel the same like me. TABS are my workflow! I need them daily. How could you do such a big change and not listen to all above. I am looking now for a way back to old Version of Evernote for mac. For me it is beside other bugs right now a killer for using evernote.



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where are the tabs?!?

This is a serious interruption of my workflow. I always had two or three open and toggled between them.

I really hope they will come back with next update, such an important feature!!!

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I wished I had read all of this before I upgraded 😥
I was in the middle of doing work with at least 5 tabs open when I got a prompt to upgrade.
Imagine my surprise when I lost all of that. Spent the rest of the night re-visiting some of the evernote alternatives I've been testing such as Notion, Bear etc just to see if I should finally bite the bullet and make that jump. Previously, the primary reason that kept me here with evernote was the ability to use tabs.
I'll find a way to download the older version till I can find a solution. In the meantime I hope the devs hear us out and bring the tabs back soon!

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Just noticed that I didnt update Evernote for 2 years. Well, I did update it yesterday.

And wow, what shall I say? It is really interesting how Evernote became WORSE! 

Deleting features which I used over years.

Evernote: You have your workflow?

Me: Yes

Evernote: Well, funk you! We ***** things up. Multiple tabs? Gone Classic note links for Omnifocus? Gone!


Great Job Evernote, great Job...

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‼️‼️ You can REVERT to the legacy version here: 



+1 for tabs. This is a critical feature for me. PLEASE BRING TABS back!! I love evernote, but not tabs is a serious drawback.

In reply to Evernote's CEO "we are not implementing tabs at this point... it was not a heavily utilized feature."

That's because most people don't know how to use Evernote to the MAX. If they did, they would NEVER leave Evernote. It would help to add tutorial videos for this and explain WHY these features are important and how they could be used.

As a Peak Performance Coach, helping people minimize COGNITIVE LOAD is key. Easy flow and movement around Evernote is KEY if we are to use it as a second brain.

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I am also dumbfounded, awestruck and confounded to the point that my jaw literally unhinged itself and fell all the way to the floor that the CEO and your entire team decided to do away with Tabs.  It is a monumentally bad judgment to make.

If one thing has been proven with internet browsers: TABS MAKE WORKFLOW MORE EFFICIENT.

Instead of GETTING RID OF TABS, you needed to PROMOTE TABS AND IMPROVE THEM to make Evernote even better than its competitors.  

I am one of the now growing number who have just today installed the legacy version again found here Evernote Legacy - and I am now very seriously considering dropping my premium subscription, knowing that the money I've been spending every month to support your company is going towards making such terrible decisions.

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The system just upgraded on me and now I'm backing out to the legacy version. The current version is broken for me without tabs. I regularly take notes in one tab, while reviewing multiple other notes in another tab. For example, at the end of the day I review my day. New notes in a note called "Daily Review", while another tab has a saved search for all the notes updated today. I literally do this every day. 

I'm really upset about this. I've been a premium member for years because Evernote has become critical to how I organize my digital life. All I really want is for things to keep working, which is why I pay for a subscription. I've voted for various feature requests, but really -- just don't break things. With this upgrade you have broken my processes. One way or the other I require the ability to take fresh notes in one note, while reviewing a set of other notes. I don't care if it's in separate windows or tabs (tabs preferred), or something else, but at the end of the day it has to work. 

I'll roll back for now, but this is the first time I've considered moving to something else. It's a bad enough breakage that it has me questioning. Please fix this. 

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Does this Forum even mean anythign to you guys at Evernote?

This thread has 188 Upvotes. and 50+ likes./

Doi you even care to reply.

Atleast tell us if it is coming or not.

And if yes, when?

Why not sooner?

Do you not know about "listening to consumer feedback"?


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Tabs and Multiple Windows.

I uses two monitors with multiple OS X "Spaces". I would have different themes in each.

This functionality is gone. A serious loss. I really need it back. I NEVER JUST USE ONE WINDOW with evernote.

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Tabs are also essential to my workflow.  Though I could never understand why on earth in the previous (mac) version, the tabs weren't labelled correctly – the tab just gave the name of the notebook rather than the actual note, which was essentially useless for distinguishing between different notes.  Given that I always had 5ish open, this was a major annoyance.  I use fullscreen mode for my workflow on mac, and I use a lot of different spaces.  Having all open evernote windows in separate spaces is totally impractical.  You could open a separate desktop and pile up windows there (i.e. take them out of fullscreen mode), but that's still an additional space needed, and it is much slower to set up and navigate, more visually cluttered, and less user-friendly overall.  I too welcome many of the new UI changes, but tabs were an essential feature for me so I will be hoping they make it back ASAP....

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Removing tabs with no plans to restore?  This is surprising and ridiculous.  The new look and feel is nice, but doesn't really make more more efficient.  No tabs decreases my efficiency.  I'm going to downgrade until the tabs feature is restored.   

@EverNote, why did you waste my time with this upgrade?

Can somebody please tell me how I can downgrade to the previous version?

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I used to have a tab open for every notebook I regularly use. Where has the feature gone. Am I so dumb that I don't see how to get multiple notebooks open?

And please make the items in the left pane sortable, I use a lot of 'favorites' and now the 'all notebooks' button is beneath the favorites menu. Now everytime I need to close it to press 'all notebooks'. I thought Evernote should increase productivity.... Have been a Evernote user for 11 years, but sometimes not really happy 😞




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On 10/20/2020 at 1:26 PM, BrooklynBen said:

Watched the recent YouTube video interview. The CEO says "we are not implementing tabs at this point... it was not a heavily utilized feature."

Which is a crime, on two aspects. First, Tabs are integral and critical to my usage, because I will have open archival documents simultaneously with my notes and research outlines. But more importantly, second,  I didn't know Evernote did tabs until maybe 1-2 years ago. And my brother (finishing a joint MBA/MHA and a big Evernote user) and I were chatting, I complained about the removal of tabs, and he said, "Evernote has tabs?!" 

Clearly, the company has not done a good job telling users this was available, which probably accounts for its low usage. 


Only those who were never aware or used tabs would say its not an important feature - once you used tabs there is no going back!  

It's the exact same thing as if Firefox or Chrome removed tabs from their browsers: Suddenly being constrained to a single page at a time is neither functional nor acceptable. Sadly, I will be looking for a new notes app if tabs are no longer available in the client.

I also challenge Evernote to produce their data on tab utilization. Are they really collecting metrics on our app client's number of tabs and frequency usage? Anecdotally, all my colleagues who use Evernote always run multiple tabs.  

Apparently tabs were never made available on Windows client, which naturally would skew the already questionable data on usage, but it makes no sense to match the versions by removing such a powerful feature.

You also have to wonder what's going with Evernote's leadership and decision making:  I find it hard to believe no one at Evernote used tabs, and those must be just as upset about it as the rest of us, but apparently they're either not able to speak up or not being listened to.  Either way, that's not a good sign for Evernote's future.

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I can't believe tabs are gone. Multiple tabs (or windows; I personally prefer tabs) are an essential part of almost any software on the market today. How does one easily  copy and paste different excerpts of a note into another? How can one compare different search threads? I used to have up to 5 open next to one another.

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To put it bluntly, I give Evernote 1 more month to bring tabs back and MAKE EVERNOTE WORK ON OSX before I cancel my membership for good. Its disappointing not to even see any acknowledgement.

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Logging onto the first time in order to support this. I need tabs and multiple evernote windows.

I have tried out many different note-taking apps, and have been seriously considering switching after the last update. 

Please fix. 

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4 hours ago, BrooklynBen said:

Watched the recent YouTube video interview. The CEO says "we are not implementing tabs at this point... it was not a heavily utilized feature."

Which is a crime, on two aspects. First, Tabs are integral and critical to my usage, because I will have open archival documents simultaneously with my notes and research outlines. But more importantly, second,  I didn't know Evernote did tabs until maybe 1-2 years ago. And my brother (finishing a joint MBA/MHA and a big Evernote user) and I were chatting, I complained about the removal of tabs, and he said, "Evernote has tabs?!" 

Clearly, the company has not done a good job telling users this was available, which probably accounts for its low usage.

Two questions: on what platform are/were the tabs available? I've never seen them in the Windows desktop program. Secondly, and related to this, is that in the interview Ian Small says that features critical to the workflows of smaller numbers of users will be intensely missed, but weren't seen as important enough to hold up the development or release of the product. That's obviously a point that could be debated; but it seems that especially features available or plausible only on one platform are the ones that have been most consistently whisked away, for the moment at least.

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Just wanted to belatedly add my voice to this discussion – got little to add that hasn't been said above, but the ability to have multiple tabs open has been a major part of my workflow since back whenever it was introduced and I won't be using the new Evernote for Mac while it's missing. As I have said in feedback before, Evernote has been my single most used/useful app for years, but I'd be much less likely to recommend it in its current state. Please bring back the tabs!

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With Google Chrome being the go-to browser for web developers like myself and with the workflow there of using multiple tabs, it was only natural that we also liked using multiple tabs on Evernote. The workflows matches. Without tabs, my workflow is immensely impacted!!!! Bring them back or I will also jump ship. Premium member here.


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Just checking in to see if Tabs are back with the latest update?

after discovering that Tabs are gone with the first update on Nov 2020

I am now running on Evernote Legacy (after uninstalling the “Latest Evernote version”) 

Otherwise, wake me up, once tabs are back...

I don’t care if my Evernote Dock Icon is Gray!

Gray Icon beats No Tabs any day!


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Bring back tabs! Tabs are life! I use Evernote to keep my head screwed on straight, so it goes without saying that my ideas are spread out over multiple notes. Not being able to quickly jump back and forth between tabs is EXTREMELY difficult for my work flow. I've been an Evernote Premium user for a couple years now and have weathered multiple ups and downs, but this is by far the most frustrating feature issue EVER. Please please please bring back the tabs function!

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It seems everyone is commenting about the tab feature in the application itself. But what about multiples tab in the web browser version. This is completely ridiculous. I would like to understand, why the heck they block multiple tabs in Safari (web browser version), but allow it in Chrome?!?! See the screenshot attached. This is what you see if you attempt to load the Evernote web version in more than one tab in Safari. 

I switched from Chrome to Safari today, after many years of refusing. I couldn't stand hearing the MBP fan anymore. Everything has been amazing so far, until I ran into this BS.

And honestly, I never even used the Evernote Web browser version until a few months ago, when they also decided to handicap their free users by classifying the "web browser" version as ONE of the sync devices. Are you kidding me? Prior to this incredibly stupid decision by the Evernote team, a free user could use 2 devices (e.g. their iPhone and their laptop) and also access the notes via the website. This obviously comes in handy when for example, you have a work device, a personal device, and an iPhone, and occasionally, god forbid, you have the desire to view the contents of that one file through the web browser on your work device (or secondary laptop for that matter). But no, now you can't, because the stupid web version is counted as a device. 

Honestly, people complain that free users should stop complaining and just upgrade. Well, I have an argument for that. Some free users, like myself, have paid for the premium version and after a year or so, I found that I didn't use any of the features. I barely take up a few hundred MB of disk space on their servers, I never have a need for saving note files larger than a few MBs and I use the app sparingly. I have also advertised by recommending the service to friends, family, and blog readers. This is free advertising for them and certainly has been worth more than 30 bucks or so a year. 

Seeing the direction of where things are going, is extremely frustrating. Users have no doubt been leaving the platform. Has been the best platform out there for a long time. But just like Chrome and Safari as I referenced earlier,  now that they both have the ability to sync passwords across devices, sync bookmarks, and have all the same browser extensions, it really doesn't matter. I guess I need to look into Google Keep and OneNote again to see how far they have come. Perhaps I will switch over to one of those today as well. Safari has been quite refreshing. Pathetic!

Screen Shot 2021-02-20 at 1.31.39 PM.png

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On 7/24/2021 at 12:29 AM, PinkElephant said:

Beside the question why they simply add tabs to a release, the better workaround IMHO is not legacy, it is the web client.

It has all new features, and supports tabs by opening several sessions.

Nah. One of the functionalities of Evernote is to be able to work with my notes, documentation and - as of lately- tasks *away* from my browser, which is already a myriad on its own - with indeed multiple tabs. With multiple tabs in Evernote I can use different workflows (for instance based on different searches or in different notebooks) next to each other, easily copy text from one note to each other. Sometimes I do use Evernote for Web to these ends, at the moment, but it is a crappy alternative. So please!

Thanks in advance,

26ph (Evernote Premium user for almost 10 years)

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1 minute ago, Rufus M said:

Tabbed browsing was always an essential Evernote feature for me, to the point that I'll probably revert to the old version until it returns.

that's what I have done,

but I very much doubt that it will return, I have a feeling this is a point of no return!!!

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Why is the ability to create multiple notes in one window with tabs gone with the new version?! This way I can't use Evernote like I am always doing. The whole reason I wanted to keep using Evernote is because I felt it was really easy to switch between notes because of the tabs! Please bring this back really quickly because right now I can't work like I am used to. 

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21 minutes ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

Two questions: on what platform are/were the tabs available?

It was on the Mac version. And I think it was one of the well kept secrets. 

I don’t use my Mac for work stuff so I never used it much but when I did I thought it was a good feature to have on the windows app. 

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1 hour ago, Mitoids said:

Removing tabs with no plans to restore?  This is surprising and ridiculous.  The new look and feel is nice, but doesn't really make more more efficient.  No tabs decreases my efficiency.  I'm going to downgrade until the tabs feature is restored.   

@EverNote, why did you waste my time with this upgrade?

Can somebody please tell me how I can downgrade to the previous version?

This should help.


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I think this is the best way to post my notes for the latest Evernote update. I rely on Evernote, I have everything in this application. 

What I like: I like the view of the notes, I like the collapsed view so I can see more notes. The search function does seem better and I appreciate that.

What I need back: TABS, this is the biggest thing. I use tabs constantly and not having them is the most annoying thing.

Smaller things: It seems I can't drag and drop my notes between notebooks well anymore. It keeps adding them as shortcuts which is really annoying. When I click on a note towards the bottom of a list, it jumps me back to the top and 50% of the time it's not selecting the note I'm clicking on. It also seems like there's a select feature that needs work because I can't always tell where I'm clicking. The back button (which I'm using more because I don't have my tabs...) it doesn't take me back to the last note, it takes me back to that notebook and the note at the top. Between this issue and when I click a note towards the bottom, being jumped back to the top, I'm losing a lot of time just trying to go between my notes. I also am not really a fan of the copy internal link having two options now (Web and app), I use the links to other notes all the time so this is an extra step I'm not fond of. 

I tried to use this app as it is for the last couple weeks and I am seriously struggling. I'm a teacher, online learning sucks. All of my lesson plans and notes are in Evernote. My annoyance with this is probably heightened because of all the other stress in my life. Please help! 

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I'll add on -- using Tabs is a critical part of my Notetaking workflow and the recent Mac app update removed them. It's been painful the last few days. Now I know it's a feature intentionally left out, so I'm not holding my breath it will come back anytime soon (given a lack of confirmation that it will in this thread by Evernote). But I will be taking this weekend to reinstall the Legacy version to get the feature back. And to buy myself time to plan a better migration off of EN. My Premium renewal is due in 2 weeks so I have just a little bit of time. I've been an EN user since March 2008. I'm sad that I'm at the point of exporting and planning a full migration to a different platform. the lack of features in this upgrade and the laggy performance is really hitting me hard. 

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On 11/7/2020 at 1:06 PM, Directorkayy said:

What I need back: TABS, this is the biggest thing. I use tabs constantly and not having them is the most annoying thing.

I second this request. I know note tabs were limited to the Mac desktop legacy version, but it is truly a convenient way to view and manage note workflows. I too relied heavily on note tabs, and without them, Evernote becomes more cumbersome to use. Please consider adding the note tab feature back to the Mac desktop version (it would be great to see this in the Windows version as well.)

PS...I have clients that used note tabs in their Evernote workflows as well.

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Seconded. In my workflow I use three different notebooks next to each other on my screen. Using a tab for each of them, I can easily copy text etc. from a note in one notebook to a note in another book. Without tabs, this is very cumbersome. The same goes for navigating from one notebook to another. Please restore the tabs, at least in the Mac version!

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I upgraded, realized there were no tabs and no Cmd + J. I deleted and re-downloaded the old version (now referred to as Evernote Legacy). I'll consider downloading the new version again when tabs and Cmd J comes back.

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On 11/10/2020 at 6:31 PM, Peeler said:

Devonthink had tabs - but left them out with its new version last year. One of the big reasons I returned to Evernote early this year after a year away (started with EV in 2008). People complained, but it seemed they thought it was feature of the operating system and they had not realised the new version did not work the same way with the OS.

Good to know. I was considering Devonthink as an option. My week-long search for a simple notetaking app that allows for tabs had been in vain thanks to every app also hopping on the Electron bandwagon, which upset me even more that Evernote decided to do away with a feature that had set them apart from the rest of the competition. Nevertheless, Typora (though not a notetaking app, more like a markdown editor) allows for tabs. Obsidian also allows for multiple panes, which means I can open several notes side by side. So that'll have to do for now. I just gotta get comfortable with having markdown in my life from now on.

Update 10 May 2021: Just dropped in to say I've been enjoying using craft.do as well, which also allows for tabs. Haven't moved any EN notes there yet but have been creating new notes with it. There's a lot of potential here.

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I just upgraded to ver 10.3 for Mac.

No multiple TAB notes?


Multiple TAB notes is NOT AN "OPTION"


Fortunately I was able to keep previous version.

Uninstalling latest version 10.

I'll check back in a year or so.

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Yes, tabs are an absolute must. 

I don't want to pay all this a year only to have this inconsistency and removal of what were trusted needs. 

This has such a negative effect on my work flow. 

I've been on Evernote for about 7 years now. If this isn't returning, are there alternatives on par? I can't accept this whatsoever. 

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Tabs are critical to me for switching quickly between notes in different notebooks. I have had to revert to the legacy version. If tabs are not reinstated on the next version of Evernote for Mac I cannot use it, I will have to find an alternative.

What possible justification could there be for removing this feature? So what if it wasn't used by most people, it's extremely valuable to the people who do use it and removing it adds zero benefit to anyone.

Really getting fed up with evernote not listening to their users

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I definitely need the tabs feature.  I used it heavily.  Not having tabs makes Evernote almost unusable for me.  Removing tabs was a very poor decision.  What I don't need are more windows open. Now I have to seriously consider finding somewhere else to put my notes.  This is ridiculous that you arbitrarily removed this feature

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Removing tabs from the Mac version is pushing me to finally switch to something else. I downgraded to the previous version and will start the painful process of transitioning to a different platform. Goodbye Evernote. Thanks for consistently disappointing your paying users.

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23 minutes ago, bowhall said:

Evernote auto-updated the other day, and I just realized what so many of you already knew. There are no tabs!!! Has anyone from Evernote responded to this?




Not as far as I know. However, the Evernote CEO did say in a recent interview that almost no one used the tabs feature. 🤷‍♂️

Personally, I think if no one used the tabs feature it's because it wasn't very discoverable. Unlike say a browser window, the UI doesn't give you any hints that it supports tabs. A better design and better support for tabs would likely make them more discoverable and thus more popular.

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10 hours ago, CalS said:

I don't know.  Based upon what we've seen in V!0 I begin to wonder about the integrity of EN "statistics".  Just saying.


11 hours ago, Paul A. said:

Not as far as I know. However, the Evernote CEO did say in a recent interview that almost no one used the tabs feature. 🤷‍♂️

Personally, I think if no one used the tabs feature it's because it wasn't very discoverable. Unlike say a browser window, the UI doesn't give you any hints that it supports tabs. A better design and better support for tabs would likely make them more discoverable and thus more popular.

How can it be popular if the tabs feature was never available in the Windows version? I think, instead of removing the tabs from the Mac version they should rather add the feature to the Windows version too.

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This new version completely destroys my normal workflow. 

I work on projects by opening multiple tabs at once, and moving back and forth between them.

This new version is completely unusable for me. Sorry Evernote. This is a dealbreaker. I'm a paying subscriber and I'm out. 

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One more vote for tabbed notes! I am still using Version 7.14 exclusively because it is simply more efficient. I absolutely love Evernote, it has become a major fixture in both my professional and personal life, and I tell everyone about it. I would love to level up to the latest version and take advantage of new features, but the tab thing is a deal breaker for me. I know it sounds like a petty complaint, but jostling between multiple clients notes without the old tabs just doesn't fit in a 2020 multi-tasking environment. Too many extra steps, Too much waisted screen real estate, too much time and concentration diverted from tasks.

Tabs, and those awesome "prev/next" arrows beneath would make Evernote perfect again!


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I use Mac and Win versinons at same time. And allways I despretly regret missing tabs in Win version.

My Email was overbombed in last days by your emails - new Evernote version is comming!!!! My hope: Tabs for Win vesion are comming...

But you desided to remove tabs in Mac too???? Why???


Please bring them BACK. In Mac and Win version.

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Multiple tab is essential to me as well. I was shocked to find out yesterday and then came to this thread. 

I have uninstalled the latest Evernote app and downloaded an older version (7.14) on Internet. If multiple tab feature is not back within a few months,  I probably will just move to use other apps.  


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I just want to add my voice to say that I also, being a mac user, constantly use multiple tabs. The new version, without tabs and without the cmd-J feature to quickly swap between notes means my regular use of Evernote is slowed significantly. I've just reverted back to the legacy version. I see cmd-J will be implemented soon in the new version. Please bring back tabs, on the mac version especially, but seems to be a really useful feature for all versions!


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You can go back to the pre V10 version as many have and wait to see what EN adds back.  Maybe V11 will compete with the previous releases.  My hope anyway as I sit on 6.25.1 for Windows.

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Please bring multuple tabs back. I made an account on this forum just to say this. have been using Evernote for 8 years. Discovered the tab feature 4 years ago and it made me use the program so much more. PLEASE bring it back.

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I do hate how apps get updated without you having any say at all.

As a consultant I work on multiple clients simultaneously, on multiple topics and projects within a client, and with multiple people. Evernote is a great tool for supporting this, especially with Tabs. To remove tabs is like telling me I can only do one thing at a time. 

If I want to copy or cut and paste something from one note to another, as I do most every day, I now have to go and find each note, scroll up/down to the exact point, then copy/paste before rinding the previous note again. What an inefficient process. it's enough for me to go and find another app. 

For now I've installed the legacy version. I've been using Evernote for probably a decade. Without tabs it will be the end of my journey with Evernote as it simply makes my working processes too inefficient. 

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It makes me sad that I have to post about something I already had. I typically don't waste my time posting on boards, which also is upsetting that I am wasting time I don't have to post about something so basic. I have been an evernote customer since ~2008, and a **paying** customer for as long as I can remember of that. But this new version has broken my daily workflows so bad I would rather go shop around and learn an alternative than learn a new sub par work flow. As a product manager for large company I see this happen often. Most people won't bother to spend the time to move until you give them a reason. I now have a reason. I would ask the other users for recommendations, but I assume the post would not get past the moderator. Fair the well evernote, time for my team to look at the gazillion competitors I was ignoring (that are waiting with an import script). And a question to the PM org, when the CEO said "not that many people were using tabs" were those numbers based on paying customers or drive by tire-kickers/free accounts? Did anyone ask corporate groups that will keep it on auto renew until they have a reason not to? As Seth Godin might tell me, I guess it is "not for you".

All the best, I hope it works out, I know these are the hard calls we have to make.

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Tabs for me, as well as for other users, were an integral part of working at Evernote. I can close my eyes to the lack of adding my own fonts and a wider column of notes. But put up with the absence of tabs .... Many, once again think about switching to alternative programs. Hopefully in the next implementation of the program, we will see the tabs again, otherwise it will become a serious problem!

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  • Level 5*
19 hours ago, Slade Roberson said:

Are there alternative Evernote programs

Evernote has two products; Legacy and Version 10    
You might be happier with the Legacy product   
The Version 10 product is a work-in-progress and not ready for general use

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Unbelievable! Whoever thought getting rid of new Windows and new tabs was a good idea has made a big, big mistake! 

To the (many) of us who use these features, new windows and tabs are an essential part of our workflow. How can you just remove features that are fundamental to the way many of us work. 

Tabs and windows consolidate multiple different work streams. There's a reason new windows and tabs are still used on internet browsers - they're extremely useful !

I have loved using Evernote and have been a premium subscriber for many years but this really is not good. Have installed Evernote legacy for now but I too now need to look for an exit strategy. Very sad indeed

Please, please reintroduce these features! 

Edited by PatC
Noted that new windows is also not available !
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Add me to the list of folks who desperately want Evernote to bring tabs back. I also agree with the comments that I would like to know how Evernote knows tabs weren't utilized. Only way you could know this would be to log keyboard and mouse events from users and send them to EN servers. That would be quite the intrusion on people's machines. Otherwise, did they use surveys? Hardly a reliable tool. PLEASE BRING BACK TABS!

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This is crazy! Why WOULD you take tabs away? I made an account just to come here and add a +10000 thumbs up for reinstating tabs ASAP in the new Evernote! Like so many here - I have gone back to the legacy version so we can keep using this pretty basic, but completely essential tab feature! 


I can't imagine anyone not using this feature! Evernote you have many long term customers that are upset about this clearly! Please listen to us and get TABS back in the next version!!!!


Thank you in advance!

With love


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My FEEDBACK e-mail to evernote & 2 week "ultimatum" before I start looking for new options. Many key features have been removed including the "multiple tabs"


The new update horrible.

I understand you guys have new leadership and making moves which is great, but removing basic features that your legacy and loyal clients have gotten used to OR even got Evernote for is insane.

1) No ability to merge windows so that one can have multiple tabs in an open window
2) Removed shortcuts (i.e., shift + cmd + J for tag search, and probably many others); this makes using the app way slower; this is my "second brain" so I expect it to work as fast as my real brain
3) Cannot have multiple notebook tabs anymore...
4) The "Preferences" button doesn't even work. It just shows "Save Data at Logout"

I am reinstalling Evernote LEGACY, as it's a completely superior product.

And I am starting to look at competing products (i.e. Notion). 

Making updates like this and then not listening to your loyal following is absolutely bonkers. I've read some of the community / feedback boards, and there is an insane amount of feedback on the features that your core, heavy user base loves. For example, ability to "tab notebooks". Yet, there this issue has not been fixed. And why remove those features in the first place?

141 Replies to the "Multiple Tabs" feature:

I'm not a programmer so I don't know how long and how much work that would take, but at the same time I run my business using Evernote, a key tool for me. If I can't do what I want or used to with it, I simply will not be using it anymore.

Don't get me wrong, I love your product and it's helped me so much in my life. I've probabbly gotten 20-30 people to use it, but at this point I would not recommend it.

I would appreciate a detailed reply to my message, explaining the rationale of the changes and strategy going forward, and how you will address the concers of your "core user" based. Including HARD timelines of when these features mentioned abvoe will be re-instated or alternatives.

I've set in a reminder in my calendar. If I don't hear back in two weeks, I shall start seriously looking at other options. 

I hope you will be able to address my concerns and blow my expectations.

Alex Palivan.

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