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(Archived) Total Backup Notes - Active Notes


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I have 334 Backup notes - and only 133 active notes. Opening my file in Android I get all the backup notes. How can I call up only the active notes; or is there a way to delete the backup notes? All those useless notes really slows things down.

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In the upper left of the screen there are Notebooks

All notes 326


examples 17



I want to retain the 133 active documents - and delete all of the other documents.

I want to get rid of the old old discarded documents that are in the All notes 326

The problem is that the Android file is bringing along all most 200 deleted documents.

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Ok, that "Backup" notebook was created by you, or by one of the applications that you use. If you don't want any of those notes, you could delete that notebook and empty it from the Trash.

The Android client doesn't have an easy way to remove one notebook's notes from the listing of all notes.

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