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V10.1.4 and V7.14.1 different search results

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besides all these missing features and UI glitches I finally have an even more disappointing issue. It's within a notebook shared to me.

There are two notes tagged with "Presse" and "2017".

on V7: If I use the tag filter and select "Presse" I see some notes, after selecting the tag "2017" I see two notes. That's correct

on V10: if I use the tag filter and select "Presse" I see some notes, after selecting the tag "2017" I don't see any note.
If I modify (e. g. change note title) one of these two notes using V10 then the Tag filter process works with that one note. If I modiy the second note than this note is shown as well after applying my two-step Tag filter. Seems the new version / search engine / tag filter doesn't know these two files until I change them.

It is so boring to run into so many issues with this new version - I really give up now - unfortunately I already upgraded to V10 on one of my iOS devices. The remaining ones will stick on V8 and on Mac I keep V7 alive as long as possible.

I don't have time to report all those issues - I pay for a tool and don't get paid to report all these issues


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