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(Archived) Feature Request - Android widget to directly edit notes


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I find myself wanting to use Evernote for things like shopping lists, but I am continually frustrated that by the workflow to get to given notes:

Click Evernote icon (skip this step if you use the existing Android widget)

Click search bar

Enter search term

Select note

Menu button

Edit button

It would be nice if there was an Android widget that would directly link to an edit view of a specified note. One step....

Additionally, it would be helpful if I could do the same thing from my desktop client (place icons on the desktop to directly edit a specified note). This would probably also tie in with requests to make notes linkable via file handler or URL, but the simple additional of functionality specified above would make Evernote substantially more useful for me (and I imagine most other users).

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One way that many Android programs solve this is by allowing "shortcuts" to be placed on the home screen. These then launch the program and open a given document directly. These have the advantage over widgets of not requiring a process to be running in order to display them on the home screen. I would recommend this being added as a menu item when viewing an individual note or even notebook.

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