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(Archived) Evernote v2.0 beta


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I just installed v2 beta version. First impressions are great, finally a "full" mobile Evernote.

Here are first issues are noticed:

1. It would be great if nested tags are supported in tag browse mode. At least child tags should follow parent tag when tags are sorted by title

2. top icons (new note, view, search) could be more finger-friendly, i.e. bigger

3. picking a multi-word tag when searching returns no results. I think it is the same issue v1.5 had and which was addressed by v1.5.1

4. a few of my tags do not show in tags list. Could not see any logic, i.e. tags named scripts, volatility etc. However, search tag:volatility etc. works fine

5. 9 out of 950 notes did not sync. I found 7 of them, could not see any reason why they did not sync because many similar notes synced just fine. I can send you these notes if it can help.


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Thank for your comments. We are still continuing improveing and adding features on our new Android Client.

As for #4, tags are sort by uppercase first and then lower case. So, the missing tag(s) may be at the botton of the tag list. (You can check by adding a "1" in front of the missing tag to see if it shows up in the list. It should move the tag to the top of the list)

As for #5, can you check trashcan from the web client? Some notes may be a "copy" after you edit it. But if it is not the case, you are welcome to send us the note and logfile from sendlog (a freeware from appworld).

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