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(Archived) Petition to make Tasks a 1st class citizen

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Evernote ROCKS! and there's got to be a few regex junkies on payroll.


  • checkboxes are pulled from tasks and presented contextually (by location, by time, etc.)
    creation of a task is drop dead simple

reply here if you think so as well.

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1st class = a search for tasks. Putting tasks in a note is context enough for the task but then I have to remember to visit my notes with tasks.

I know there are plenty of task managers but assigning a task to a "thought" (capturing thoughts being Evernote's strong suite) seems to make all the sense in the world. Hopping into another program to make a task about a thought I already captured is tedious and unreliable in practice.

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Hopping into another program to make a task about a thought I already captured is tedious and unreliable in practice.

I don't know how you would do so in Windows, but that sounds like something OS X's Automator can do with ease. In Automator's case, just create a service that copies any selected text to your favorite task manager.

Now granted, if you were on the iPhone or an Android device and had a sudden thought, that won't work. The best workaround I can think of is to diligently apply task tags to the appropriate notes and create a "saved search" for that tag. You may want to pick an... unusual label for that tag such as TO_DO_TASK so your saved search won't pull up every note that simply has the word task included somewhere within it. The saved search then acts as a virtual folder of all your tasks.

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  • Level 5*
1st class = a search for tasks. Putting tasks in a note is context enough for the task but then I have to remember to visit my notes with tasks.

You can already search for tasks, using the 'todo' special attribute. From the documentation:


If the argument is "true", this will match notes that have ToDo checkboxes that are currently checked.

If the argument is "false", this will match notes that have ToDo checkboxes that are not currently checked.

If the argument is "*", this will match notes that have a ToDo checkbox of any type.

• ‐todo:false todo:true : Matches notes that have completed ToDo items, but no uncompleted items.


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Egretlist is a 3rd party app (for less than 2 UK pounds) that scans your Evernote notes / notebooks and finds the notes with checkboxes in and makes lists out of them. It also allows you to make your own lists and then send them to Evernote. And a lot more. I think it is brilliant. Takes a little bit of getting used to - but I can't do without it now.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Egretlist is a 3rd party app (for less than 2 UK pounds) that scans your Evernote notes / notebooks and finds the notes with checkboxes in and makes lists out of them. It also allows you to make your own lists and then send them to Evernote. And a lot more. I think it is brilliant. Takes a little bit of getting used to - but I can't do without it now.

Gurkha, since you've been touting Egretlist, I finally gave it a go. I agree that it does take a bit of getting used to but I also agree it's brilliant. I'm really liking it. Thanks for the heads up!

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  • 4 weeks later...


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