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iPhone and iPad Unsyncing

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It is a long story but the short version is that my iphone 11 Pro crashed and I had to use two different old iPhones. Then when I tried to update my iPad and that crashed too. So now I used one of my "unsyncs" and I am not sure which one used the "unsync". I am worried that when I get my new iPhone that I won't be able to use only the one "resync" the other one wont be able to work because it still synced to my old iphone that is broken and is going to be sent Apple because I have AppleCare+ (I know this is more of a question for Evernote, but there doesn't seem to be a way to contact them unless you are a "Premium Member" which is kinda ridiculous. 

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  • Level 5*
4 hours ago, ToddJ said:

I know this is more of a question for Evernote, but there doesn't seem to be a way to contact them unless you are a "Premium Member" which is kinda ridiculous. 

All users have access to Evernote Support at   Twitter @evernotehelps

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  • Level 5

You can always go to the web client through any browser (even the one on an iPhone, which does not really work on the notes because of the screen size, but will do for the settings). Just log in with your account credentials at evernote.com. The web client is never counted as a device, so you can always un-sync another device through this way.

Just be aware that there is a limit as well on how much devices you can un-sync per month. If you don’t like it, send your greetings to users that tried to circumvent restrictions in the past by permanently switching devices while on Basic.

If you want to really sort it out, you could decide to go Premium for one month, which will lift the device restrictions for this time. It will cost you a months fee, so you have to see for yourself whether you need it or not. IMHO it is not necessary if you use the web client.

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