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Epson ScanSmart to Evernote function stopped working

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I have been successfully using an Epson ES-300WR scanner with Evernote for several months.  For the Epson scanner, the Epson ScanSmart application was used that has a function to send documents to Evernote.  This past weekend that ScanSmart to Evernote function stopped functioning and the application windows would disappear from the screen without an error message.  If anyone have experience with this I would appreciate their insights.

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  • Level 5

If you can't get it working again, the scanner should have the ability to save scans to a particular folder. In Evernote, you can create an import folder from the Tools menu. Have the scanner deposit its scans into that folder, and Evernote will automatically import each scanned file as a note.

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Thanks for the advice.  I have contacted Epson support and it is now going to the Project Team for troubleshooting.  I appreciate the help on the work around.  It is still puzzling what happen to go from working one day to not working the next.  In the end, computers are binary machines.

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1 hour ago, jkilgore said:

Thanks for the advice.  I have contacted Epson support and it is now going to the Project Team for troubleshooting.  I appreciate the help on the work around.  It is still puzzling what happen to go from working one day to not working the next.  In the end, computers are binary machines.

Yes, I remember once reading a history of computing which said something like one of the early fundamental principles of computing was that giving the same input to the same program/process would result in the same output every time. I read that years ago, and I still get a good laugh out of it.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
I've tried resetting my scanner because there isn't a log out feature for Evernote within ScanSmart software. Seems to only be a login option... Seems like scanning to Evernote is dead in the water right now. Major bummer after doing so for 8 years now. Anyone have luck by rolling back to an older Evernote version?? 
I was wondering if this result is part of Evernote breaking apart Business and Personal user accounts.
- - - 
Below is the message I received from Epson on Feb 4, 2021:
We recently checked with our software engineers, and they confirmed, with the latest Evernote client app Ver.10, the function to connect with Evernote has been removed. The Evernote client app Ver.10 interface for connecting with clients has been abolished, therefore, the function to connect with Evernote through any Epson Apps cannot be used.
Affected Epson Apps
Windows : ScanSmart/ Document Capture Pro/ Easy Photo Scan
Mac : ScanSmart/ Document Capture/ Easy Photo Scan
Since the Evernote client app Ver.10, has no interface for connection, we are investigating a countermeasure for it. If/when there is an update to the Epson Software Apps, the updated version will be provided via the Epson Software Updater utility.
We have no ETA for updates at this time.
Currently, the only workaround is for users to manually upload files to Evernote.
We are sorry for any inconvenience this causes; however, it is beyond our control.
Thank you for understanding!
Epson America
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I've also had to return to the Legacy version of Evernote because the Epson can no longer 'see' the Evernote application when the newer Evernote is installed. I'm just not prepared to lose the ability to scan directly to a notebook as this disrupts my entire work flow. I assume that Evernote has altered it's default installation path? If so, is there a way to install the new Evernote to the old installation path? It seems incredible that Evernote really expects every single scanner manufacturer to potentially update their drivers because Evernote has made a change? 

Has Evernote made any statements about their intentions to return this functionality? 

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Thanks for the information!

I went full tagging, which worked well in the Desktop client, but personally I found it incredibly cumbersome to find anything when using the older mobile apps, so now have tags in combination with a lot of notebooks (which I found quicker on mobile). Creating and maintaining numerous upload folders would work, but is onerous, so I'm sticking with Legacy for now. Sadly I've started reviewing alternative products since there's no guarantee they've any intention of returning the scan to notebook functionality.  

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I received a response today from Evernote support: 

" I was able to identify that the feature or capability to send scanned documents directly to folders in the new Evernote using Epson ScanSmart Software is indeed no longer available on the new version of the Evernote app for desktop computers and I apologize for the inconvenience this may be causing you.

We haven’t built this feature into the new Evernote app as of yet but please be advised that his is one of a handful of features we are still considering. "

So it seems there are no guarantees that this functionality will be returned, which as I understand it means not just Epson, but many scanner workflows will be totally disrupted. I'm quite worried that they won't be returning this functionality. The lack of this feature really starts to level the playing field and make other services look more attractive. 

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As long as we get Import Folders back it will still be possible to scan to a desktop folder and then import completed scans to Evernote..  plus my Fujitsu scanner has some built in document management tricks if its own that I've not bothered with up to now.  Maybe worth looking at what your scanner offers.  Using one of the many automation products out there (Zapier for example) it may be possible to move completed scans into Evernote in one way or another.

You could also raise this as a feature request - if there's enough support maybe we can persuade the Powers That Be to definitely bring this back!

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Thanks for the response, it's great that it works for you, but it doesn't for me. Currently the new Evernote client only accepts scanning to the default folder. I have numerous jobs to scan directly to the correct folders, and additionally frequently scan to the open folder. This latter option is the biggest hit to my workflow. Import folders add maintenance issues to my workflow that simply weren't there before, and don't work when I'm using the scanner on a different computer, outside the home, etc. 

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24 minutes ago, Ditsy said:

it's great that it works for you, but it doesn't for me.

Fair comment that you need something more - I'm still on the Legacy software,  and I've always worked with the 'scan to folder' method so nothing would change if/ when I go to v10.  If you do have a remote access issue,  then I can imagine that there will be a solution if you're willing to look for it - Dropbox or another cloud store can be available to any device,  and scans that go into the default notebook can be sorted for you by a third-party app Filterise. 

I used to have several import folders on my Windows system,  connected to different notebooks.  Now I only have one folder feeding into the default notebook and Filterise sorts scans based on content or title and tags and assigns them correctly.

My Windows and Linux laptops (don't ask) share a Dropbox folder so anything I can't handle directly in the Web client on the Linux lappy is available on Windows when I get back to it.

Evernote however is sorting itself out - slowly - so hopefully you'll be able to get back somewhere close to your normal processes soon.

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So I finally had time to try rolling back to a legacy version of Evernote and it worked for me to scan from Epson ScanSmart software to my choice of my usual Evernote folder! Thank goodness albeit not sure how long this will last! :(Head to this page and download the link to gray elephant version - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote.

PS - Aren't elephant gray anyways? Evernote's "unicorn" green days are long past... #bringbackoldimportantfuctionalities

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/4/2021 at 2:48 PM, overjohnco said:
I've tried resetting my scanner because there isn't a log out feature for Evernote within ScanSmart software. Seems to only be a login option... Seems like scanning to Evernote is dead in the water right now. Major bummer after doing so for 8 years now. Anyone have luck by rolling back to an older Evernote version?? 
I was wondering if this result is part of Evernote breaking apart Business and Personal user accounts.
- - - 
Below is the message I received from Epson on Feb 4, 2021:
We recently checked with our software engineers, and they confirmed, with the latest Evernote client app Ver.10, the function to connect with Evernote has been removed. The Evernote client app Ver.10 interface for connecting with clients has been abolished, therefore, the function to connect with Evernote through any Epson Apps cannot be used.
Affected Epson Apps
Windows : ScanSmart/ Document Capture Pro/ Easy Photo Scan
Mac : ScanSmart/ Document Capture/ Easy Photo Scan
Since the Evernote client app Ver.10, has no interface for connection, we are investigating a countermeasure for it. If/when there is an update to the Epson Software Apps, the updated version will be provided via the Epson Software Updater utility.
We have no ETA for updates at this time.
Currently, the only workaround is for users to manually upload files to Evernote.
We are sorry for any inconvenience this causes; however, it is beyond our control.
Thank you for understanding!
Epson America

I received the same reply. I uninstalled Evernote and installed a legacy version and the functionality returned. I am VERY DISAPPOINTED in EN for closing off this capability...AND WITHOUT WARNING!

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  • 5 months later...
On 6/10/2020 at 9:01 AM, Dave-in-Decatur said:

If you can't get it working again, the scanner should have the ability to save scans to a particular folder. In Evernote, you can create an import folder from the Tools menu. Have the scanner deposit its scans into that folder, and Evernote will automatically import each scanned file as a note.

Do what he say, Do what he say!

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Yes, sounds good. Especially after import folders are now available in v10 desktop, both on Windows and Mac. @Dave-in-Decatur showed prophetic powers when he recommended it months before it was released 😉

Works very nicely. Even when my ScanSnap ix500 has the option to send a scan directly into EN, I now use the workflow with the import folders instead.

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  • 7 months later...

I have the ES-500W and the scan to Evernote still sends the file to Legacy, which I never uninstalled. So, I try to batch my scanning now and then open up Legacy, sync, and close it back down. Other than this one issue, I'm completely switched over to 10. I'll have to try the import folder and see if that works better for my workflows. 

Edited to add: Here's a link to the instructions on how to create an import folder: Create import folders – Evernote Help & Learning


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  • 10 months later...

I recently purchased an Epson RR-600W and was disappointed to hear that the the direct Evernote connection was disabled. However I was glad to see (as previously mentioned above) that scanning to an Evernote import folder can happen with an easy work around. I simply pop the Evernote Import Folder on my Desktop and save the scanned file to that folder. It appears in Evernote almost instantly.

Another way to get your files to Evernote is using Epson Connect to setup your Evernote email in  the Epson Cloud Services. You can then use the details in the Presets section on the LCD screen and scan directly to Evernote from the LCD screen on the Scanner.

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