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Extract selection into a linked note

Maxim Golov



Apologies if this was posted already, a search did not bring up anything. Here is the idea description:

It would be great if I could select some of the content in a note, press a shortcut and a new note is created with the content selected. The selection in current note is replaced with a link to the new note.

The title may be generated automatically from the content or a prompt may be displayed.

This would allow to quickly refactor larger notes while keeping the link with the parent.

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3 replies to this idea

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On 6/5/2020 at 1:18 PM, Maxim Golov said:

It would be great if I could select some of the content in the note, press a shortcut and a new note is created with the selected content. The content in current note is replaced with a link to the new note.

  This would be useful - I upvoted

fwiw  I can script this on my Mac (Applescript)   
I'd also insert a back-link in the new note

edit: Here's my use case for this feature
        I type entries throughout the day in my daily journal note
        At the end of the day review, I need to move the entries to a separate note - tags, reminder etc

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11 minutes ago, DTLow said:

fwiw  I can script this on my Mac (Applescript)

I am on Mac as well and would love to test that. Have not touched Applescript myself so far so looking for a free ride 😂

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On 6/5/2020 at 1:35 PM, Maxim Golov said:

I am on Mac as well and would love to test that.

I posted some Applescript basics at https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/112316-scripting-on-a-mac-applescript/

Here"s the basic script   ExtractSelection.scpt
and addresses the following steps

  1. Instructions to the Evernote app
            tell application "Evernote"

  2. Save the original note and the selected text (replace the selected text with [Holder]
    set theOriginalNote to item 1 of (get selection)
    tell application "System Events" to keystroke "c" using {command down}
    delay 1
    set selectedText to the clipboard
    tell application "System Events" to keystroke "[Holder]"
                  delay 1

  3. Get the title for the new note
    set theTitle to item 1 of (paragraphs of selectedText)
                 set theTitle to (text returned of (display dialog "Title" default answer theTitle))

  4. Create the new note, get the link
    set theNewNote to create note title theTitle with text selectedText
    set theLink to note link of theNewNote as text
                  set theLinkHTML to "<a href=\"" & theLink & "\">" & theTitle & "</a>"

  5. Back to the original note, replace [Holder] with the link
    delay 1
    set theHTMLCode to HTML content of theOriginalNote
    set theHTMLCode to my Replace_Text(theHTMLCode, "[Holder]", theLinkHTML)
                  set HTML content of theOriginalNote to theHTMLCode

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