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[Share] The perfect way to import Typora into Evernote

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1. Evernote editing function is very weak.

2. Typora is now the best markdown editor.

Generate demand: use Typora to write things, then use Evernote to save and search.


1. Copy directly from Typora to Evernote, the format is completely messed up, this method will not work.

2. Export PDF and add attachments to Evernote, it is not a direct text note, this method is not good.

3. Export html, and then copy to Evernote, the format is a little better than directly from Typora, but there is a gap between the effect and the web page itself, and it is not perfect.


Based on the above problem, you can use the following solutions, a little trouble, but to ensure that the format is perfect.


1. Export html, assuming the name is export.html;

2. Start an nginx locally, a simple command under mac: brew service start nginx

3. Visit in the browser: http://localhost:8080/export.html

4. Use the browser's cut plugin to cut and save the current webpage to Evernote.

5. End, perfect format.


Although it's a little troublesome, the whole process, I used it myself, got it done in less than 1 minute. It seems troublesome, but it's actually very efficient and a good way.

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  • Level 5*

Typora is a markdown editor, creating .md files1283221482_ScreenShot2020-06-04at9_11_37PM.png.016e6b203fdcc25885f662d4a993f85d.png
I store/organize these .md files in Evernote as note attachments

I also export and store a pdf version in the same note
The pdf can be viewed inline, and is searchable

>>1. Export html, assuming the name is export.html;   
2. Start an nginx locally, a simple command under mac: brew service start nginx

Why do I need nginx?
I have an html file and can open it in my web browser (Safari)

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1 hour ago, DTLow said:

Typora is a markdown editor, creating .md files1283221482_ScreenShot2020-06-04at9_11_37PM.png.016e6b203fdcc25885f662d4a993f85d.png
I store/organize these .md files in Evernote as note attachments

I also export and store a pdf version in the same note
The pdf can be viewed inline, and is searchable

>>1. Export html, assuming the name is export.html;   
2. Start an nginx locally, a simple command under mac: brew service start nginx

Why do I need nginx?
I have an html file and can open it in my web browser (Safari)


I store/organize these .md files in Evernote as note attachments

This is the reason for personal preference, I don’t like the style of the attachment. I like text format.



Why do I need nginx?
I have an html file and can open it in my web browser (Safari)

This is just to be able to use webclip, because this works better, for some of my code snippets.

Of coursse, can be copied directly into evernote without nginx.

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  • Level 5*
8 hours ago, vegerote said:

I don’t like the style of the attachment. I like text format.

Evernote's note format is enml  (basically html)

With your use, what happens to the Typora markdown format? 

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