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Copy text in note and paste in pages

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I write a lot in Evernote and want to be able to copy that text and paste into Pages (Mac) or any other document but it brings along all kinds of formatting that I don't understand where it gets it from. How can I copy and paste without this? As it is now it is useless and I need to re-write the whole thing. I must be missing something here :).

Many thanks, Lotta

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  • Level 5*
17 minutes ago, ladelstal said:

I write a lot in Evernote and want to be able to copy that text and paste into Pages (Mac) or any other document but it brings along all kinds of formatting that I don't understand where it gets it from. How can I copy and paste without this? As it is now it is useless and I need to re-write the whole thing. I must be missing something here :).

There is a mess of formatting code behind the text you're copying909888848_ScreenShot2020-05-06at7_59_46PM.png.7698c83b0067f2779e6d09abcaf0ca7e.png
The format is enml (basically html)
It's possible to simplify the formatting using Evernote's Format functions

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