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Nota arriba de la libreta

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Hola a todos,


Les comento, para cada libreta que creo, que generalmente creo para proyectos, hago una nota índice. Quisiera que esta me apareciera siempre en la parte de arriba de la libreta para tenerla a la mano, sin que se cambie la posición en caso de que modifique alguna otra nota, ¿alguno tiene idea de cómo realizar esto?


Muchas gracias.

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Guest Anibal I.


En mi opinión, una buena manera de crear una nota índice para tu libreta sería creando títulos para tus notas en orden de número y luego ordena tus notas en orden alfabético. Esto causara que su nota índice siempre sea la primera nota disponible en su libreta.

Si alguien tiene alguna otra solución más productiva, me interesaría mucho saber.

Captura de Pantalla 2020-04-07 a la(s) 4.34.33 p. m..png

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  • Level 5

The question is why I should sort my notes ?

There are options to sort by several dates, titles etc. But basically I see EN not as a filing machine, it is a finding machine.

So I prefer to put stuff on a heap (or haystack) and rely on the search capabilities to find the needle whenever I need to.

My main view is usually set to „All notes“ and „actualisation date“, with a few notes marked as favorites for permanent visibility.

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  • Level 5*
On 4/5/2020 at 6:40 AM, copdeb said:

I tell them, for each notebook I create, which I generally create for projects, I make an index note.  I would like this to always appear at the top of the notebook to have it at hand, without changing the position in case I modify any other note, does anyone have any idea how to do this?
-- Translated by Google --

Evernote does not support pinning notes to the top of a notebook or saved search

Notes are sorted by title or dates.    
By adjusting the note's title and dates, I can ensure the note is always sorted at the top   
For example I sort by date-updated.  I set my index note date to 2999-01-01 and it's always at the top

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hace 18 horas, PinkElephant dijo:

The question is why I should sort my notes ?

There are options to sort by several dates, titles etc. But basically I see EN not as a filing machine, it is a finding machine.

So I prefer to put stuff on a heap (or haystack) and rely on the search capabilities to find the needle whenever I need to.

My main view is usually set to „All notes“ and „actualisation date“, with a few notes marked as favorites for permanent visibility.

That's true. However, I like to have a index note to have glimpse on what the notebook has; however, when I update a note insid the notebook the index gets lost.

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  • Level 5

You can place a limited number of notes into the „favorites“ section. These will always stay on top of all.

Another possibility is to use special characters at the beginning of the notes title, and sort by title. Many special characters will be sorted at the beginning.

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