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Folks - On android a past updated allows me to only enter in bullets as a little square box and no longer as a period sign which is possible in the windows version. Any way to get back to the period sign so all my notes could look uniform?


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attached but when i take a screenshot, the menu bar for selecting bullets disappears As you can see, I can add to the current bullets which is the period form but if I go lower down the note and try to create a new bulleted list, I'm only offered the square option and not a period




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  • Level 5

When you say "little square box," are you referring to the checkboxes? In other words, are you getting a checklist/to-do list rather than round bullets? That would be very strange.

I just tested, and it's working OK for me, so it is likely to be a problem on your system. The standard advice is to restart the device and see if that helps. If it doesn't, do a sync, uninstall Evernote, restart the phone again, and reinstall it. It will take a few minutes for Evernote to download what it needs to download, and you'll need to recreate your settings, but this should do it.


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I think evernote is doing everything possible to prevent its users from opening cases. I went to that link and it says thanks for logging out. Then I log in, go through verification process and again puts me in the same loop about thanks for logging out. 2 browsers so far - wonderful support indeed! Do they have a  phone number i can call or email alias?

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