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Graphing tag frequency over time

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Hi, I am wondering if anyone has integrated something like Tableau or any kind of graphing tool with Evernote before? I would like to be able to quickly count hashtags over time, so I can see if any of my hashtag topics are trending in my research. Can anyone advise on any solutions to this please? Many thanks, Holly 

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  There's nothing that I'm aware of within Evernote,  and I don't know of any hashtag add-ins specifically for the app.  Evernote doesn't recognize classic hashtags as an entity,  though there are 'tags';  many of the special characters used to define a hashtag won't be searchable either - looking for #testhash will generate results for testhash only.  If you have a process to generate external tag information and can graph it with Tableau you could attach the graph to a note as a 'snapshot',  but there's no way to include updates other than as new notes or new graphics in one note.

Don't know exactly what process you have in mind,  and if you can share more information about that you may get more practical solutions. Forinstance:a number of automation tools allow different apps to be linked together - there's one called Integromat which can link two or three operations in a process - https://www.integromat.com/en/ - you might be able to grab hashtag data,  graph the results and add or update the visual snapshot in a note. (Disclaimer: I only just started looking at Integromat for myself and have no insights into how practical it is to use in your scenario!)

Other automation options include:






Hope that helps...

Edit: I forgot rather an important option if you're using a Mac - scripting!  (I'm a Windows/ Android guy) Colleagues here may be able to help you more with that...

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