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(Archived) Evernote Premium Subscription

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I have recently purchased two AbrAus green Evernote Premimun Notebooks. Whilst somewhat expensive (particulary shipping to Australia), I did so knowing that they also came with a 1 year Subscription. However I am Already a Premium Subscriber and there looks to be know way to enter the code and get my premium Subscription period extended. Now sure, I could enter the Activation notes into evernote, cancel my auto subscription renewal and then enter the details once my current Subscription ends but that seems heavy handed for what would be a simple date change in my subscription end date. So how about it evernote team... BTW the Notebook is a great addition and allows me to capture ideas and notes wherever I am.

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If your existing Premium subscription went through PayPal, then there isn't any good way to "extend" your subscription, since PayPal will automatically bill you regardless.

If you've paid through any other mechanism, then you should be able to enter the code and extend your subscription.

Or you can cancel your existing subscription from the Settings page (https://www.evernote.com/User.action). Then, you'll remain Premium until your existing subscription expires. You can use the code to extend such a subscription.

Or you could give the codes to a friend to activate, obviously.

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  • 2 years later...

I have been using the free version for the past year and just bought the MacHeist bundle but can't find any way to enter my activation code to go to Pro...


We'll that takes me out of my account... so my question is how do I retain all of my notes etc. that I've collected over the past year? I don't want to start a new account or use a different email.


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I have been using the free version for the past year and just bought the MacHeist bundle but can't find any way to enter my activation code to go to Pro...


We'll that takes me out of my account... so my question is how do I retain all of my notes etc. that I've collected over the past year? I don't want to start a new account or use a different email.


PLEASE do not fake quote me. (Or fake quote anyone - VERY BAD FORM!) I'm guessing you must have done this by accident. But tor the record...the quote is not something I posted. If you click the icon in the quote, it will take you to the original post, where you can see this is NOT what I posted.

IF you are trying to activate a NEW premium account...did you use the link...???

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I really was hoping to upgrade my existing account from free to premium. I don't want to create a new account with a different email, etc. and I don't want to deactivate my existing account...

But upgrade doesn't provide an option for entering the activation code....

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