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Improper hiding of upcoming reminders

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From @Aaditya...

Hey, I have to message you since I can't put more than 5 posts (level 1). And, yes I do have same problem in both android and windows app. But they somewhat differ. When I select to hide "upcoming" reminders [uncheck "Show Upcoming Reminders"]: 

  • In android: it still shows reminders due the same day (but not reached due time).
  • In windows: it still shows reminders due the same day but before due time as well as reminders due the very next day.

 - There are differences between the various apps,  though Evernote is gradually bringing everything into line.  I'd agree in a perfect world hiding the 'upcoming reminders' should take out events on the next day,  but if you have too many reminders for the current day,  you may be doing the whole reminder thing wrong...

Evernote might also be in difficulty because your local timezone may be different to the server...

Anyway,  you've raised the issue here - it will get considered by the developers,  though there aren't likely to be any quick changes.  You could consider setting up some saved bespoke searches to return 'all incomplete tasks due today' and you could even refine that to ...'due today in the next hour' if you wished.  Show your shortcuts in the Evernote Widget (or choose a one-button Widget) and you could run your searches from the device home screen.

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