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Keyboard Shortcut for Spellcheck and Increasing Font Size is identical

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Hi, Evernote shows inconsistent behavior when using the keyboard shortcut Cmd + Shift + . (which is equal to Cmd + : on a german keyboard)

Sometimes, this opens the spellcheck-window and sometimes it increases the font-size. The behavior seems to be quite random.

I would think that changing the font-size will be used more often than spell-checking in a note. It would be great if the shortcut was working. The Problem seems to be exclusive for the Mac app combined with a german keyboard layout.


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  • 1 year later...

I've figured this out after struggling with it repeatedly!

The behaviour occurs because of the native Mac keyboard shortcut Cmd + : for spellcheck: https://support.apple.com/en-gb/guide/mac-help/mchlp2299/mac


To solve it, go to System Preferences / Keyboard / Shortcuts, click on "App Shortcuts" and add new shortcuts for the commands "Bigger" and "Smaller" as Menu Titles (spelled exactly that way) for the App Evernote. E.g. Cmd + Option + . and Cmd + Option + , work for me. 




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