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After using Evernote on Android for quite some while, suddenly one on my notes was decorated with a lock symbol. It was not possible to edit that note anymore. Now, some months later I have three such notes. There is no information whatsoever on what this lock means, why it is there, or what to do about it.

In the message list, there is a small triangle in the upper right corner, with an exclamation mark. Not information here neither. Obviously the app has detected some problem, but equally apparently it does not want to disclose it to the user. And, of course, nobody else than the user will ever do anything to correct the problem.

The last lock was actually activated while I was editing the note. I added a phrase, switched to another app to read some more, and when back in Evernote it was locked. No information about what has happened.

We users, really appreciate that companies like Evernote, and many more, try to make apps and home pages as user-friendly as possible, taking away all kinds of technical jargon, codes etc. But, when core information is hidden, the information I need to get out of this issue, it is just plain bad. Evernote is not at all alone. This is an illness of many modern applications. Still, it is very, very frustrating, having to spend a lot of searching on the Internet, trying to resolve the issue. If you find any answers, it is most speculations from other users trying to guess what the app already knows. And I have seen a lot of really bad and uninformed suggestions on how to solve different issues. Of course, I have search these forums for a solution, but all users seems equally puzzled as I am.

Since I am not yet paying for the app, I am not qualified to write any message to Evernote support, but I was informed that they are actively monitoring these forums. So, my hope is that this can be resolved in some way by writing here. If not, I need to switch to some other app to fulfill my need for simple notes, hosted on the web, instead of maybe upgrade to premium later. That would be a pity, of course. But, as a user you cannot have the app to randomly (as it appears to us) lock notes without providing any information at all on what, why, and how.

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  What device and version of Android are you using,  and do you have a strong wifi and/ or network connection when editing?  Have you tried viewing the same notes on a desktop,  and have you tried creating a new note and transferring the content of a 'locked' note by copy-and-paste to the new note?

Please note that Evernote (probably) won't respond directly to you here - we're a mainly user-supported group.  I haven;t had your experience with this issue,  but maybe someone who has can chime in with a fix.

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Thanks for quick answer. I am using a Samsung Galaxy S7 (SM-G930F) running Android 8.0.

I cannot guarantee that I have had a strong network connection at all times. Have that created problems Before for some?

The notes are viewable, and editable, in the web version. I changed one note from the web. The app then added as a prefix the text "Anteckningskonflik", which is note conflict in Swedish. I changed the name of another note that was also "locked", and that updated the one in the app corretly. But it is still locked. The note with changed name now have another Icon in the upper right corner. It is a green triangle with an upward arrow. What does all these Icons mean? I cannot find a list in the help pages, and not through google either. But some people in the forum seems to be equally uninformed as I.

On the web, I can copy the internals of a note, and create a new one. The "locked" one can be deleted from the app, and disappears from the web too. But then suddenly it is back again. This is consistent with what I see other users experience around this, noted in these forums. All of those have the strange "lock" symbol in the note.

The problems that I see:

  1. The app encounters an error, adds a symbol that seems to be undocumented, to the note. The app knows what the problem is, but keep all information away from the user for some reason. This makes it impossible for the user to resolve the issue in a rational way. She or he can only resort to trial and error together with other users guessing around. This is a bug. But we cannot file it as such.
  2. There are different symbols appearing on notes in the notes list (I called it that), and sometime on the note itself (like the lock). Nobody here seems to know what they mean. The programmers did know, when they introduced them, but they are hard to find in the manual. This is a documentation problem, which cannot be reported by us.

I hope you can use this feedback to improve the Product and the user experience. It would not only help me, but several others too. An I cannot Always move to Another product, but you on the other side we really like to keep your users. That is why I write this.

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  • Level 5*

Editing notes on a mobile platform is occasionally frustrating.  Mobiles do not store notes by default - existing notes are downloaded from the server and retained in temporary local memory until the changes can be synced back to the server.  New notes can be created on the device,  but again are kept in temporary storage until they can be sent to the server.  The connection between mobile device and server can be variable in quality and interrupted at any time,  so the server may have some difficulty in recording the note accurately...  which is where the locked and conflicting notes can arise.  

One way around this may be to become a subscriber so as to be able to save notes to the local device with or without a reliable local connection.

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@gazumped Your reply surprises me. I've been using the living hell out of Evernote for Android with inherent connectivity problems on my phone (2 GB of RAM, Android 7). Affected were Both, mobile data and WiFi. Even with an insidious bug where lack of connectivity wouldn't be reported to the device (all indicators keep showing connection present). And with that junk of a phone I've never experienced an issue with data loss or note lockout. The app stores a new note perfectly safe for however long it needs until connectivity is restored. He'll, it will do so even through a phone reboot.

The only note loss possible is with using the Evernote widget. Which is a real trap, frankly speaking.


While we're at it, let me remind that Evernote web (at least the old one) is almost guaranteed to delete a note or partially delete note information when on quirky connection. Which also should NOT happen. But it does.

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  • Level 5*
2 hours ago, rimboma said:

The app stores a new note perfectly safe for however long it needs until connectivity is restored.

Might depend on the device and the Android version - I've never had a problem,  but I make notes in a good wifi area and (usually) on the Evernote beta.  Mind you - the other benefit of subscribing is you get better access to Support if things keep on falling over...

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Hi gazumped,


So, your suggestion to how to go about this bug, is that all clients that finds i pay you for another version of the product, even if they do not need it. I understand that you do not earn any money on people not paying for an upgrade, but that is part of your selected business model. Accepting that the product contains bug, and refuse to see it, is not consistent with how I would handle the community.

Support for me, is helping me when I cannot do something for some reason. But filing bug reports is not support. You helping me with a specific problem is, but not you getting the information.

But, I get the message. I do not complain. I do not regard Evernote to be a bad product in itself,  but maybe not the right choice for me. I need a simple but smooth experience, and to feel comfortable that problems will be dealt with eventually.

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  • Level 5*
2 hours ago, Cyroxian said:

But filing bug reports is not support.

..as @PinkElephant says - there's nobody here but us users,  so I'm not making any money out of anything here.  My point is that expecting Evernote to 'fix' a problem they don't have details about is like expecting your mechanic to fix bad brakes without you going into the garage. 

Evernote has to know what is going wrong with which devices before they can find and fix any issues in the software:  if you won't bother,  and the next guy doesn't... all you have is the comfort of complaining about delays in fixing something that the company doesn't even know about yet... some feedback is necessary to get things done!

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Oh, sorry guys-. I really got this wrong. Reading too quickly, and reading the text of persons taking things seriously, fooled me into thinking gazumped actually worked at Evernote, and that he answered to me. I know, I shouldn't assume, but I did. I am sorry for that. gazumped, please disregard the part that was aimed at Evernote. You do not have to cover for them, but nice that you actually did. There seem to be some dedicated users here.

And you are right when you say that they will not fix problems they do not know of. My point is that I cannot make them aware of this. I understand if they cannot afford giving support to non-paying customers. But, as being an old programmer, I know the value of getting feedback from the users and the apps. Maybe they have already built in instrumentation into the app, telling them that I have several locked notes, that I cannot unlock since I do not know why. Maybe they are already working on this. We cannot know.

But regardless of their instrumentation, they cannot know how users perceived the app. This is what I would like to tell them. I know why they hide "technical details". Users do not want to see it. They want working software. But when the user is expected to solve the problem without any information, just chatting with each other, it has gone too far. This is important for any developer to see. Developer want to make great software, we put a pride in it. And agile development is the kind in this complex world. And this requires the users to be involved. You are really involved, and I am sure they see a great value in you.

Now, Evernote apparently have selected to block input from non-paying customers. That is ok. And this forum gets useless for me. I don't expect them to fix anything for me. I am not paying. I just wanted to get through with the message about what is wrong. I think they want that feedback. I would have wanted it. Now I have non-working software, and have to move on.

Again, I do not complain. I provide feedback. In the wrong place. There is no place for me.

Thanks for taking your time in answering me.

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  • Level 5

Just FYI: Us „regulars“ have pushed the issue of the Android client as far up the ladder as possible. Even me, and I do not own a single piece of Android-driven equipment ...

The „staff“ guys are completely aware of the situation. It is only they delivered in the past often software not sufficiently tested, so for one bug relieved, there were two more created. So they take their time making sure that the solutions will work.

With iOS, this worked pretty well. But it is easier, because the hardware is more consolidated, and usually iOS devices run updated, current software. My own iPhone 6S+ is running better with iOS 12 than it did with his native iOS 9. This means not only features, but speed and memory consumption as well.

Android is running on much more diverse hardware, and updating is not promoted by all hardware suppliers (with all the crapware loaded to the gadgets ...). So making sure a fix will work is much more difficult to assure. 

So far, so bad !

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I'm back here after being occupied with other things for a long time. And I am a paying user, so I will report the issue to Evernote support. Because I'm having the exact same problem as @Cyroxian.

Here is my experience: Starting on June 12, some notes will not sync. When I do a manual sync, Evernote pops up a notification that says, "Note upload failed," and lists a couple (not all) of the unsynced and unsyncable notes. I've synced very many times, and these same notes never sync. They have the red triangle in the corner of the entry in the note list with the exclamation point. When I try to access them again, they have the lock symbol, and cannot be edited. When I tap the lock symbol, a notice pops up: "This note is read-only. It was created in another app." I cannot comprehend why or how Evernote thinks is true.

Some of the unsyncable notes have links, some have images, some have text copied from a Website; some have various combinations of these. But other notes with this type of content sync properly. I duplicated one of these notes, but the duplicate can't be edited either, so now I have two copies of the same unsyncable note. I deleted another one, and it was moved to Trash, but it won't sync from there either, so that I have a note in Trash on my phone that is not in the Trash on the Web or in the Windows program. When I edit one of the notes in Windows and sync, this version syncs to the phone, and the phone's version gets "Note conflict" added to its title--but neither on the phone nor in Windows nor on the Web is there any Conflicting Changes notebook.

All this incomprehensible dysfunction leaves information in the Android app that I simply have to recreate/retype in the Windows program. I updated to the most recent version of the app (v. 8.11) on June 30, but the situation remains.

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I sent this issue to Evernote support on Saturday, and received a reply this morning. Here is part of what they said:


We are currently aware of this issue, and we're making strides to fix it as it's our top priority to resolve right now. We actually just released a beta build in the Google Play Store with a potential fix so that beta testers can try it out. If proven successful, we will then release this for all users.

So this seems very hopeful. I've also sent them an activity log, as they requested, in hopes that this may help.

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Thanks for all the information, and thanks for filing it as an issue. Nice to hear that the developers are on to it.

One thing that could improve (except bugs) is the information of what all these symbols mean. Exclamation marks, locks, and other. They are not listed anywhere, what I know. That might mitigate some harsh comments.

Then apparently you get more information from the payed for app than I. That makes it easier to see if it is a bug, or just me being an uninformed user. Most of us want to be good users, but are not given the information we need for that. This is not a bug, but could make good improvement to the value of the app. Clicking on the icon could easily tell me that it is a synch problem, or something else.

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  • Level 5
1 hour ago, Cyroxian said:


Thanks for all the information, and thanks for filing it as an issue. Nice to hear that the developers are on to it.

One thing that could improve (except bugs) is the information of what all these symbols mean. Exclamation marks, locks, and other. They are not listed anywhere, what I know. That might mitigate some harsh comments.

Then apparently you get more information from the payed for app than I. That makes it easier to see if it is a bug, or just me being an uninformed user. Most of us want to be good users, but are not given the information we need for that. This is not a bug, but could make good improvement to the value of the app. Clicking on the icon could easily tell me that it is a synch problem, or something else.

I don't know that paying users get any more information about errors or malfunctions. Tapping on the lock symbol got me that bizarre notice about the note being created in another app--how would that even be possible? But I don't get any info about the red triangle; I presume you also get the notification about notes that don't sync when you attempt a sync?

At any rate, it's good to know that they are working on it. This did only start happening shortly after I updated to v. 8.10, so I have to think it is another problem introduced in that version. But I'm surprised that more people have not reported it here; this suggests that it must not be happening to everyone.

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Hi again,

I get no errors at all while syncing. That adds to the confusion about the symbols.

Clicking on the red triangle, just scrolls the list away. Very strange behaviour, but consistent over time. I have to scroll back several pages to try again. Same with slow click.

Clicking on the lock symbol within a note, just makes it disappear, just to come back next time I touch the note. No information disclosed.

That is why I think that things could improve. Don't just cease to work. Please, tell me something. I have similar problems with other modern applications. Skype for business often freeze or does not work, without any information to the user ar all. You get some crazy discussions in the call sometimes.

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  • Level 5

I've been in dialog with Evernote support, and at their request sent them activity logs and a screen recording so it could be bumped up to the development team. From the most recent email to me (today), this is the central point:

While I don't have a time or date on when they would be resolved, do know they are working diligently on a resolution.

I wish I could provide you a solution in this ticket but it does look like this will need an update to resolve completely.

So the developers are working on it. I'm not surprised it would take an update to fix it. My fear is that it may not be common enough or predictable enough to be high on the priority list. It has not happened to me recently, but it was always random (or seemed so to me).

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20 minutes ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

I've been in dialog with Evernote support, and at their request sent them activity logs and a screen recording so it could be bumped up to the development team. From the most recent email to me (today), this is the central point:

While I don't have a time or date on when they would be resolved, do know they are working diligently on a resolution.

I wish I could provide you a solution in this ticket but it does look like this will need an update to resolve completely.

So the developers are working on it. I'm not surprised it would take an update to fix it. My fear is that it may not be common enough or predictable enough to be high on the priority list. It has not happened to me recently, but it was always random (or seemed so to me).

Thanks for the update. After being burned badly twice this year with really bad bugs introduced in updates, I am holding off on updating due to this issue. For what it's worth, I haven't seen this issue on v. 8.9.1

I hope the reliability of Evernote updates improves enough so that I don't feel the need to scour forums for bug reports before installing an update.

For me, it's not always as simple as install / uninstall. I have large offline notebooks that need to be re-downloaded over many hours (and apparently many failures). This is not required when updating, but downgrading always requires an uninstall, which causes this headache.

I'll be watching this, so any updates are appreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Has anyone figured out the conditions that trigger this bug? I feel as if there aren't enough posts here to indicate that all users have it, but that might not be true. Perhaps all do, but only notes with certain content do.

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34 minutes ago, martiusnauticus said:

Do we have any updates on this? My notes are locking all over the place now. The app has become unusable. Have been using evernote to manage my research for years but unless this is fixed fast I will be migrating to another app. 

Anything unusual about the notes? Something in common that might lead to a workaround idea?

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  • Level 5

I couldn't see any common features among my several notes that couldn't be synced. But I also haven't experienced it recently, whereas others seem to be having it happen frequently. It does seem pretty random.

However, in an earlier post, I reported that tech support told me it's a high priority, and that they had a fix in beta. Let's hope there's more news soon.


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1 hour ago, martiusnauticus said:

My best guess as to the pattern here, based on my experience, is that it is notes of a certain age that are locking. It might be that evernote is treating notes created by some older versions of itself as notes created by a totally foreign app. 

That's not a bad guess. In my case, though, one of the problem notes was created pretty recently; and other notes created about the same time as the various problem notes sync OK. It's very puzzling.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a couple of notes that seem to be locked. The reason given for them being non-editable is:

"This note is read-only. It was created by in another app." 

I do not create Evernotes with other apps, at least not as far as I'm aware!


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  • Level 5*

Hi.  Reported by others - seems to be an occasional issue with Evernote notes that were saved maybe over a bad connection;  the note is corrupted slightly,  so doesn't 'look' to Evernote like a valid note.  If you can copy the content into another note and re-sync the new one,  business should continue as usual.  That note may be editable on a desktop where it's not on the mobile.  No 'third party' software involved,  just a glitch.

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On 8/12/2019 at 11:40 PM, Dave-in-Decatur said:

Please read through this thread:

With deepest respect, @gazumped, connection is not the issue (assuming that this problem is the same as the one in that thread). @mmmaak, are you getting popup notifications about note upload failing? I've reported this to Evernote, and they say they are working on it.

Pop-ups? I get them in the "shade" that I drag down to view notifications. Not sure if that's the the right term 😅

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  • Level 5
2 hours ago, mmmaak said:

Pop-ups? I get them in the "shade" that I drag down to view notifications. Not sure if that's the the right term 😅

Yes, that's what I meant. It does seem like it's the same issue.

@Shane D., thanks for the response. I just had it happen again yesterday, when I updated a note I had made a couple of years ago. Very frustrating. I copied everything from that note into a new one and it synced/uploaded just fine.

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1 hour ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

Yes, that's what I meant. It does seem like it's the same issue.

@Shane D., thanks for the response. I just had it happen again yesterday, when I updated a note I had made a couple of years ago. Very frustrating. I copied everything from that note into a new one and it synced/uploaded just fine.

Yup, I think that's where I see them. Will remember to take a screenshot the next time it happens. 

By the way, how do you quote a member's name (in that little green box)? Can it be done on Android? 

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  • Level 5
16 hours ago, mmmaak said:

By the way, how do you quote a member's name (in that little green box)? Can it be done on Android?

I do this forum on Windows, and there I type @ followed by the first letters of the name. A list of possible names pops up, and I keep typing till I get the one I want, or at least till it is close enough to select. I don't know if it can be done on Android.

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@Shane D.

You say the team is currently working on the issue. Which one of them? I see two. The problem that these lock appears, which is a technical problem is one. The problem that the app appears incomprehensible to users, which is a user design issue?, is the other.

Technical problems, bugs and so, are normally solved by the developers given some time. The user being shielded from useful information is trickier, since normally nobody wants to take such a decision. But it might have greater impact on how the product is perceived.

I hope you do not forget the UX issue.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all,

I have the same issue than related here as explained here

@Cyroxian : I am not paying too but I had the same notices than @Dave-in-Decatur explained here :

On 6/30/2019 at 7:12 PM, Dave-in-Decatur said:

Here is my experience: Starting on June 12, some notes will not sync. When I do a manual sync, Evernote pops up a notification that says, "Note upload failed," and lists a couple (not all) of the unsynced and unsyncable notes. I've synced very many times, and these same notes never sync. They have the red triangle in the corner of the entry in the note list with the exclamation point. When I try to access them again, they have the lock symbol, and cannot be edited. When I tap the lock symbol, a notice pops up: "This note is read-only. It was created in another app." I cannot comprehend why or how Evernote thinks is true.


So I am not sure your "second issue" is linked to your type of account

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  • 1 month later...

I have the same "note locked" issue - very randomly occuring, but usually right after I try to add to an existing note that was syncing just fine before then. I agree with what has been said above - the message about created in another app makes no sense. Often I am "attaching" a screenshot through the paper clip icon to an existing note and it suddenly becomes locked. The locked notes are not in Trash and I cannot recreate them either by duplicating them or merging them with a "healthy" unlocked note. Duplicating just creates another locked, failed sync (red exclamation point) note. My merging attempt did not merge - it created a duplicate of the locked note and a duplicate of the healthy note. So the only thing I have to add - and this is admittedly a feeble workaround - is to take serial screenshots of the locked note's contents, then create a new note and add in the screenshots by "attaching" them using the paper clip. On Android, the screenshots are stored in your photo gallery. That gives me a "duplicate" now that syncs. 

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  • Level 5

Today, for the first time in a long time, this happened to me again. I edited a long note (a list of books to look for) with a lot of divider lines. I went to a certain point, inserted another divider line; oh yeah, that doesn't work; went to the end of the note, typed a word, selected the word and the divider, cut it, and pasted it where I wanted the divider to be; typed some text as I desired; saved the note; and got the dreaded "Note upload failed" message, with the red triangle ! icon on the note in the note list. From that point on, that note was dead on my phone. I was able to edit it as I desired on the Web and Windows interfaces. Syncing then added the properly edited note to the notebook on my phone as a new note there, and converted the dead note to a "Note conflict" note, but again only on the phone, since (heh) it can't be synced to the servers.

I'm going to note this on the v. 8.12 release thread, without a whole lot of hope.

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Seeing this too and I cannot understand it.

"Locked due it was created in another app"

I got rid of one.  Sync'd.  All Good.

Added to an existing note using the App on the Android phone.  Sync'd.

Then an unrelated note from a different notebook, different period of time, shows up as a notification.  The only commonality is that the notebooks the various notes are in are all sub-notebooks within the same notebook above them.

I'm certain the the latest error was created on one of my Windows machines and sync'd.

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Hi, everyone! 

I also have the same issue as @Cyroxian wrote in the first post of this thread. I'm a paying user, so I opened a support ticket. Unfortunately, since this issue has been going on for months, I'm not very hopeful we will see a solution soon (or ever)! The amount of bugs in all Evernote apps seems to grow faster than they are fixed (and I have some bugs reported & acknowledged years ago that are still alive & kicking)...

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I just tried to edit a note that had the lock icon on it. To my surprise, I was able to add to the note (insert a screenshot) and it synced successfully without the red exclamation mark warning the sync failed. So it looks like Evernote may have fixed this issue. The lock icon remained, but did not prevent me from editing the note. I am using the latest version of the Evernote Android app. Hope this is a permanent fix. 

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  • Level 5

Thanks, @promosinc. Seeing your post, I went and updated to the latest version (8.12.2). But I find that, for me, nothing has changed. I still can't edit any locked note, and tapping the lock icon still gives the idiotic "created in another app" message.

FWIW, I got around this problem by editing each failed/locked note in the Windows program, just introducing the changes I'd made in Android (i.e., with my phone in front of me). I could then sync the note in Windows; this caused the synced note to appear properly (and editably) in the Android app, but also caused the original notes in Android to become "Note conflict" notes, and remain uneditable and unsyncable. I don't know if that's what's still making them "locked" in the Android app or not. Very frustrating. And the equally idiotic version note "We came; we saw; we conquered bugs" on Google Play only adds insult to the injury.

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I'm also on Evernot v. 8.12.2 on Android, and the issue persists.

Just like @Dave-in-Decatur, I also updated my note on Windows and ended up with a note conflict that won't go away. Adding more details:

  • My "locked" note on Android was called "Sand Spirograph"
  • I changed the same note on my Windows machine ( (308716) Public (CE Build ce-62.5.9981))
  • I synced on both devices (first on Windows, then on Android)
  • This caused a "note conflict" on Android
  • I deleted the "note conflict" on Android (the one with the lock and red mark)
  • Now I see the note correctly on my Android device (without the lock and without the red mark)
  • YET, whenever I sync on Android, I get a notification saying "Note upload failed / Note conflict Sand Spirograph"!
  • I opened the "Trash" folder on Android and saw the two notes there, "Sand Spirograph" and "Note conflict Sand Spirograph" (both with the lock and with the red mark)
  • I tried to delete them, but got an "Error / Some notes were already restored on another device. Nothing was deleted."




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Add me to the growing chorus. Using 8.12.2, same symptoms as described by @Ricardo above.

I was going to try downgrading the 8.9.1 as @mz123 had said above that the issue wasn't present in that version. Before I try this though, I've cleared cache and storage for 8.12.2 and set it up again (similar to uninstalling/reinstalling, however I think clearing storage is more thorough, since a traditional uninstall/reinstall often retains previous settings as backed up by Google, and who knows, settings may be part of the issue).

So far so good - the previously affected note was unaffected after the 'reinstall' and the 'conflicted' version had disappeared.

In case it's pertinent, I'm using a Motorola moto G6 running Android 9.

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6 hours ago, Ralph77 said:

Add me to the growing chorus. Using 8.12.2, same symptoms as described by @Ricardo above.

I was going to try downgrading the 8.9.1 as @mz123 had said above that the issue wasn't present in that version. Before I try this though, I've cleared cache and storage for 8.12.2 and set it up again (similar to uninstalling/reinstalling, however I think clearing storage is more thorough, since a traditional uninstall/reinstall often retains previous settings as backed up by Google, and who knows, settings may be part of the issue).

So far so good - the previously affected note was unaffected after the 'reinstall' and the 'conflicted' version had disappeared.

In case it's pertinent, I'm using a Motorola moto G6 running Android 9.

@Ralph77 I'm not certain it would help. You can somewhat disregard that message. About 2 weeks ago, I accidentally upgraded myself to 8.12.2. I haven't seen the issue described here, so perhaps whatever is triggering the problem isn't applying to me. Nonetheless, my circumstances don't present any strong evidence that 8.9.1 avoids the problem. Perhaps it does, but perhaps something else is at fault. It could also be a server-side issue that applies to certain people.

I hate this circus. I miss the days when I could upgrade Evernote without fear that the upgrade would include debilitating bugs. There have been too many lately. I really hope Evernote identifies the root cause and fixes it before I run into it, as downgrading, adjusting settings, and re-syncing offline notebooks is not how I want to be spending my time.



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1 hour ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

I will try clearing cache and storage and then uninstalling and reinstalling--not till next week, though, when I have more time.

Just clear cache and storage, then open the app as normal. Unless anyone knows better, I think this is the best way to do a 'zero-day' reinstallation of the same version. You'll need to sign in again and adjust your EN settings to suit your own preferences again.

While this doesn't apply specifically to EN, several times when I've cleared/uninstalled then reinstalled apps from Play Store, Google has re-imported all my settings (even log files) for the app. This is by design - it's what happens when you initially setup a new phone so that you can be up and ready in minutes without having to setup the app from scratch.

Clearing storage and then just restarting the app (without reinstalling) circumvents this so you'll have a clean installation - which, if you're reinstalling because the app has some kind of issue, is the best course of action.

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  • 2 months later...
  • Level 5

Well, 2 months later I finally got around to trying this out ... and it worked! I've had several new instances of non-syncing since then, the most recent just 5 days ago. But clearing both cache and data, without reinstalling, did remove the unsynced notes (all of which I had reproduced my edits of in the Windows program, producing spurious "Note conflicts" on the Android app). I fully expect to have the problem reappear randomly again. I'll just let the crud build up until it's worth the time to do this, which does require a complete new download of my note "snippets" and other data, and recreating my settings. Thanks, @Ralph77, and Happy New Year! 👍 🎉

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Hello everyone,

I recently became a premium user and this issue start happening to me. I am really surprised that this bug isn't resolved since last Summer! I hope that Evernote developers are aware that this is a real deal breaker for us paying users. This is some basic functionality which we should not even discuss. 

I resolved my problem by copy-pasting the conflicted notes into a new ones, since nothing else seems to work.

Happy New Year to you all!



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Hi, and welcome to the forums. Now that you're a Premium user, you have access to tech support. It would be good to report the problem to them, I think, since the more reports they get, the more possibilities they have to discover the underlying problems.

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It worked for a week for me.  It is back. It is a different note.

Complete waste of time.  Took a day to reload data back to my phone.

YES, the note WAS created in a different app..... an older version of EVERNOTE that actually functioned correctly.  😡 😡


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Still happening to me and it is quite annoying. Sometimes I copy and paste a locked note into a new one and a few hours later it happens again to the new one I have created with the copy and paste.

I noticed that it is only happening with notes that are in notebooks that have more than 40 notes. I don't remember that it happened with notebook of less than 10 notes

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a Samsung S9+ running Android 9. I am a paid Plus user of Evernote since 2015.

I have been experiencing Locked notes whenever I make changes to an older note since May 26, 2019.

I have written letters to customer support, and their standard replies refer to my unstable wifi connection or my poor 4G connection.

They keep telling me to uninstall and then reinstall Evernote.  I have done too many uninstall and reinstalls, a real waste of time, since the problem persisted.

The best solution is to make a complete copy of a Locked note, create a New note and then Paste everything onto the New note (with a different Note name, I usually put a date beside it).

Afterwards, delete the Locked note.  Don't forget to go to Trash file section and Delete it again in order to remove it completely from Evernote. 

This kind of issues never happened before May 2019.  I am surprised Evernote Staff has yet to find a fix to this bug.  It is very annoying. 

I have thought of moving my entire data to Microsoft Note. However, Note has its own deficiencies.  I am trying to keep using Evernote, but I keep wondering why older versions of Android Evernote didn't have this kind of problem BEFORE May 2019 ?     Is there ever going to be a REAL solution ?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Level 5

What Ezio.arsh reports is the problem under discussion in this thread (into which someone merged his report in a separate thread, and my reply to him--this post, which I'm editing for its new context).

The notes are absolutely Evernote notes, not from another app. There is something screwy in the Android Evernote app which they've been looking into since last summer. The solution that @Ralph77 suggested above worked for me: clearing both cache and data for the app. This does require a complete new download of note data, and recreating the settings. But it gets rid of the locking of notes.

Edited by Dave-in-Decatur
Separate thread merged into this one
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Level 5

And now it's happened to me again, the first time in two months. The note affected consisted only of an underlined two-word title and 4 text-only bullet points, 56 words and 558 bytes in all. The only change I made was to add a word to the end of the title. I'm going to report this to support again and try to find out if they're actually working on it currently.

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Following up on this, I did send another email to support, replying to my existing ticket from last summer. This is their reply, which seems reasonable to me (given the exasperating randomness of the problem), although it doesn't offer any immediate solution:


In the interest of transparency, the issue reported has been incredibly difficult for us to pinpoint. It's currently our number one issue on Android and continues to be our main ticket driver on my end and I assure you our development team continues to work on pinpointing the cause. The main cause of the delay is that we have been unable to replicate the issue on our internal devices.

We believe it's possible the issue is related to how our editor initializes itself in a note and as you are probably aware, we are making some pretty big changes coming soon to all of our platforms which we hope will help alleviate the symptoms and possibly resolve the issue altogether.

I wish I had a specific timeframe on when this would be resolved but we will continue to work diligently on the upcoming improvements along with continuing to test the problem in hopes we can replicate the issue....

I know it's been difficult to work on the Android platform for some time but we hope to release updates that address these concerns soon.

"Soon" is a subjective term, but from what I've seen of the "Behind the scenes" videos and the Web beta, there are some great changes coming up, and it could well be that this "incomprehensible" issue (incomprehensible to all concerned, apparently) will simply get resolved in the general code revision.

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  • 1 month later...
On 6/25/2019 at 12:48 PM, gazumped said:

Editing notes on a mobile platform is occasionally frustrating.  Mobiles do not store notes by default - existing notes are downloaded from the server and retained in temporary local memory until the changes can be synced back to the server.  New notes can be created on the device,  but again are kept in temporary storage until they can be sent to the server.  The connection between mobile device and server can be variable in quality and interrupted at any time,  so the server may have some difficulty in recording the note accurately...  which is where the locked and conflicting notes can arise.  

One way around this may be to become a subscriber so as to be able to save notes to the local device with or without a reliable local connection.

I am joining this discussion because I'm finally frustrated enough and now in this Lifeinthetimeofcovid, I have time to address it. I AM a subscriber! I have notes that are locked that were made on my very reliable home wifi and also notes that now say "note conflict." My Evernote is so dis organized, this OCD person, (me) can hardly bear to pull it up to try to add something or find something. I dont want to know why the lock appears or note conflict, I just want it to stop happening! 

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  • Level 5*
4 hours ago, Thornhillgardens1@gmail.co said:

I am joining this discussion because I'm finally frustrated enough and now in this Lifeinthetimeofcovid, I have time to address it. I AM a subscriber! I have notes that are locked that were made on my very reliable home wifi and also notes that now say "note conflict." My Evernote is so dis organized, this OCD person, (me) can hardly bear to pull it up to try to add something or find something. I dont want to know why the lock appears or note conflict, I just want it to stop happening! 

Hi.  Quickest way to get some action would be to raise this with Support - if Evernote are still assuming that this is a connection issue,  nothing is going to change. Present a real case where the connection is not a problem,  and they can look into it...  (mainly user-supported forum here,  so best we can offer is advice and speculation...)

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I don't think support will help. Last time I checked, they said they are aware of the issue, but since they can't reproduce it on their side, there are not many people being affected, and is mostly an inconvenience (instead, e.g., something worse like data loss), this is a low priority issue.

As they are designing a lot of changes for a new app, they just hope this issue goes away when they release it.

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3 hours ago, gazumped said:

Difficult to fix something you can't see....  🙁

That's true, but there are a few ways to work around that. They could add a support option in the app (it could even be hidden at first) for users to upload their data (in part or in whole) for them to inspect.

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  • Level 5*
5 hours ago, Ricardo said:

They could add a support option in the app

They could always ask for the logs after a support request if they thought it would be possible to identify the issue from there.  If the answer you got was to do with them rewriting the basic code I'd imagine they would be reluctant to invest the time and expense of changing the existing app if it's due to be replaced anyway...

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I had the same problem here. However, I was able to fix the error using the following workaround (without having to reinstall the app or delete the cache and data). These were my steps:

  1. Duplicate the affected note in EN(Win)
  2. Add the unsynchronized changes made to the note in EN(Android) manually in the duplicate note in EN(Win)
  3. Sync EN(Win)
  4. Sync EN(Android)
  5. Delete the original (locked) note in EN(Android)
  6. Without syncing, go to the app's trash folder and delete the note there once again (i.e. long tap on the note, then tap three-dot button at the top right > delete notes)
  7. Empty the entire trash in EN(Android): three-dot button at the top right > empty trash
  8. Sync EN(Android)
  9. Sync EN(Win)

At least for me, this procedure meant that no more sync problems were then displayed in the Android app. The locked note was then completely deleted in EN(Android) and even deleted in EN(Win) -- i.e. the deletion of the note was apparently successfully synchronized from the Android app to EN(Win). No "note conflicts" reported. I hope that this solution will work for you as well.

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I am very pleased to see all the work the engaged people in this forum are doing, sharing experiences and adding to the body of knowledge.

One thing that I highlighted when I started this thread was the fact that the app, when encountering a problem (even if it can be considered a bug), just throws up an undocumented icon, without any extra information. I really do like easy to use apps where I don't have to read the manual. But, when in doubt it is nice to look up what the icon is considered to communicate to me.

A padlock symbol for me, indicates some sort of lock, but since I never seen it in the app before, I get insecure about its meaning. And for every lock operation, there must be a reason. What has triggered it. Here, Evernote gives no clues at all, no information source to turn to.

In such cases, my first priority is not get "support", since I cannot even assess the situation. The app is telling me something, but I don't know what.

This thread was my only way to try to reach out to the developers, trying to give them a hint on how to improve the user experience, and maybe in the long run, get less support cases to deal with. But, they are all hiding behind a formal support procedure, open for paying customers. For good reasons, for sure, but there are more to it than support in the domain of user community interaction. I am a software developer myself, so I know.

I still hope someone from the inside will read this. I am told they do. But I will never know for sure what is being read. I understand that my remarks here is not targeting the developers themselves, but those who write the specification, and those who work with business process improvements. They are more seldom part of the support process. And it of course all comes down to whether they are using agile and/or lean startup whay of working or more traditional ways. How do they align app features with customers demands and expectations.

Hope I did not offend anybody. I just thought this is an important point that should not be lost.



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  • Level 5
17 hours ago, Oberdada said:

I had the same problem here. However, I was able to fix the error using the following workaround (without having to reinstall the app or delete the cache and data). These were my steps:

  1. Duplicate the affected note in EN(Win)
  2. Add the unsynchronized changes made to the note in EN(Android) manually in the duplicate note in EN(Win)
  3. Sync EN(Win)
  4. Sync EN(Android)
  5. Delete the original (locked) note in EN(Android)
  6. Without syncing, go to the app's trash folder and delete the note there once again (i.e. long tap on the note, then tap three-dot button at the top right > delete notes)
  7. Empty the entire trash in EN(Android): three-dot button at the top right > empty trash
  8. Sync EN(Android)
  9. Sync EN(Win)

At least for me, this procedure meant that no more sync problems were then displayed in the Android app. The locked note was then completely deleted in EN(Android) and even deleted in EN(Win) -- i.e. the deletion of the note was apparently successfully synchronized from the Android app to EN(Win). No "note conflicts" reported. I hope that this solution will work for you as well.

Thank you! I currently had just one unsyncable note (always flagged as such when I do a manual sync, despite the fact that the only change I made to it, as indicated in my prior post, did sync to the server database). I followed your procedure, and it did permanently remove the unsyncable note and therefore the error message when syncing manually.

The key step here is #7, emptying the trash in the Android app. People, please be aware that doing this and then syncing will also empty the trash on other platforms (Windows, Web, etc.) So be very sure that there isn't anything in the trash that you'll ever want to see again! (Although, for me, the trash in the Windows program still has 20 notes int it. Some of these had been deleted from Conflicting Changes, and it's possible that all of them were duplicates of other notes. I decided to go ahead and empty the Windows trash too, for the sake of consistency.

Anyway, thanks, @Oberdada! Pending the some-day-maybe fixing of this (and its cause does seem extraordinarily hard to track down), this is an excellent workaround to keep from losing data.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Level 5

FWIW (if anything), it happened twice this week: making a one-letter change in a particular note resulted in a sync failure. And then recording that in the note I use to keep track of this problem resulted in that note failing to sync! Insult to injury, but @Oberdada's workaround worked perfectly again.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Back again...  All of the notes with the sync issues have dates in the body of the note.  I tried replicating the error with notes that do not have dates in the body but so far have not been able to get the error for those notes--granted I only tested a couple notes.  It may be coincidental but it seems this started happening for me around the time I started getting prompted by EN to allow permission to my calendar and to "Make smart notes wirh my calendar and location."  I deny.  Is this a coincidence?   Anyone else observing these two things:  (1) locked notes have dates in body and (2) issues started when EN started wanting to make 'smart' notes using calendar/location?

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  • 2 weeks later...
So here we are more then a year later and this is STILL HAPPENING! I have the same problem as Dave-in-Decatur and I regularly stumble upon more and more notes that get locked when I try to edit them.
Oberdada's workaround might work, but WILL NOT fix the other notes which are just waiting and most likely will break sooner or later once you try to edit them!
What I have found out is that it seems like some (but not all!) notes created more then one (or maybe two?) years have this problem and it happens when you try to edit and save them. I have tried to salvage the note by copying text to a new one, but it became real mess and now I don't know what was synced and what is only in my phone in several cases. Sometimes I trigger manual sync by mistake by pulling down and I just get annoyed because the phone gets crazy with many error notifications about "note x could not be synced".

I wonder how hard can it be for some devs to finally start doing something and if they can't reproduce it on their end I would be more then happy to do some video conf or the heck even change my evernote password temporarily so they can look at my data! Just get this fixed finally!

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51 minutes ago, McVitas said:
I wonder how hard can it be for some devs to finally start doing something and if they can't reproduce it on their end I would be more then happy to do some video conf or the heck even change my evernote password temporarily so they can look at my data! Just get this fixed finally!

Having access to your data in their servers (the "cloud") is not the same as having access to the data in your phone - the issue might exist because they are different.

IMNSHO, if the Evernote team wanted to, they could easily get the data from your phone (after your consent, obviously!) and then try to reproduce the error, but that is not their focus ATM.

Here's what I received from support, in 2019/10/25:


I understand you are experiencing an issue where notes edited on your Android device are appearing as read-only and are unable to sync as expected.

I appreciate you sending us clarifying information as its helpful to understand what it is you are experiencing. There are a few things happening that I'd like to address and fill you in on.

The note lock issue has been reported to our development team. It has been reported by our customers for the last few releases and we are attempting to work through why this is occurring. The issue is that we have been unable to replicate the issue on our internal test devices. This is causing a delay in a fix. With that being said, we're laser focused on improving our note editor and our sync architecture.

We're making major improvements here so that we can eliminate some foundational issues. Doing this will allow us to bring you some big improvements soon.
You can learn more about what we're doing here. Our CEO has been hosting a video series over the past few months where he details much of the work that we're focused on.

I recognize that this doesn't fix the issue that you're running into today but I want you to know that we are hard at work on prioritizing major improvements that you'll be seeing soon.

I then suggested ideas of workarounds, from exporting notes, the whole database or even the full app data for them to examine, but got no reply after that.

A month ago, Evernote published a video saying their new app was promoted from "preview" to "beta". I believe this means no one is going to fix the issue discussed in this thread for the current app. The Evernote team probably wants this and other issues to just go away with the new Evernote app and back end.

If anyone is interested, join the beta program and let us know if that solves your issue. Also, let us know about all the new issues! 🤣

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37 minutes ago, DTLow said:

Can someone post an .enex export of a locked note    
I'm wondering if we can use a third party tool (like Filterize) to unlock the notes

I already examined notes exported from my Windows app, and they not only look just fine, I also don't believe they contain the metadata that is causing the issue.

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"we're laser focused" - I am sorry but if a company is laser focused and keeps getting reports about a problem for such a long time and is still unable to do anything about it, then they really need to have some serious discussion with their devs team!
I am code developer myself and I can't understand what is so hard on pressing ctrl+f in a source code, going to the section which detects and decides to say that "note was created in a different app" and see exactly what strings/values are being checked to cause this result. Then I would ask the community to provide some export of data from their phones and it would be clear what is different and where is the problem! I just can't see why is this so hard.

And regarding the network problems. I always find funny how people try to blame software bugs on this, because here we are talking about TCP communication and not UDP which is used for internet video! I am pretty sure Evernote does not use UDP which CAN lose packets and you just have a slight image artifacts for a moment, but otherwise it's fine. TCP communication on the other hand confirms delivery of all packets. So take this as a general answer to similar topics elsewhere ;)

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2 hours ago, McVitas said:

"we're laser focused" - I am sorry but if a company is laser focused and keeps getting reports about a problem for such a long time and is still unable to do anything about it, then they really need to have some serious discussion with their devs team!

I think they did have a very serious discussion - and the solution they came up with (to solve many bugs and allow the implementation of new features) was to rebuild their software.


I am code developer myself and I can't understand what is so hard on pressing ctrl+f in a source code, going to the section which detects and decides to say that "note was created in a different app" and see exactly what strings/values are being checked to cause this result. Then I would ask the community to provide some export of data from their phones and it would be clear what is different and where is the problem! I just can't see why is this so hard.

That was also my first thought. But they said they did work on it, and as a programmer, I also know some bugs can be difficult to understand and fix properly.

But again, since they are "laser focused" in building and transitioning to a new system, fixing a rare problem in the current version is clearly not their priority. Unless we are talking about security issues or low hanging fruit, I don't think many bugs in the current version will ever be fixed.

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I appreciate this discussion and the different viewpoints. In my experience, this problem (which has happened several times in the last couple of months) is just bizarrely random. The other day it happened when I attached a PDF to a note while in the basement with a slightly questionable WiFi connection. Two days earlier it happened when I deleted 3 blank lines from a note, with a perfectly good connection. I attribute the difficulty in reproducing it to this randomness. It seems odd that it just never happens in their test setup. But everything about this bug is odd.

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And I say that it would be super easy to pin-point the crucial differences between "healthy" and corrupted note if the devs only asked you or me for it! After that they would simply see what piece of code is responsible to make that data and in what cirmumstances it can possibly not do it or do it wrong. That's how I debug my software since 2000 or so and it always worked.

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And as a  work around it would be very easy to add a function where the user can unlock the note herself. The problem, as I see it, is that it gets locked and never unlocked. Why not just let the user unlock it, and take responsibility for any possible lost information that an unlock in the wrong situation could mean. You could go even further. This kinds of locks seem to be used only during synchronisation. Why not automatically unlock notes that have a synch lock for a very long time, like hours och days.

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  • 1 month later...

At least in my case I've pinpointed the sequence of events that results in a note lock with the notice:

"The note is read only it was created in another app" 

This is occurring (nearly*) every time I edit a note I've opened after a search and selection. In other words when I select a note from search results and make an edit = note lock.

If I don't search but instead scroll to find a note I can open it and edit to my heart's content without problem... But with some notebooks having hundreds of notes scrolling to access and edit is not a feasible method of working - I need to be able to search.

*nearly = I'm set to sync every 15 minutes. I think (haven't proven to myself) I can create or edit a note I accessed by scrolling, save it then create a search and access it again from the search results and edit successfully without a note lock IF it's still in the same interim period before the next sync occurs. 

Is this the same bug that's already been reported without a resolution?

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Hi, @Melisse McF, and welcome to the forums. Thank you for researching this so diligently. For me, the problem occurs with notes I've just scrolled to; searching doesn't seem to be part of the problem. WRT whether it's the same problem, the issue under discussion here has symptoms that include the "note was created in another app" message, as well as a notification that says, "Note upload failed," and a red triangle in the corner on the unsynced note(s) in the note list. Are you seeing those as well?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/21/2020 at 12:59 PM, Ricardo said:

I believe this means no one is going to fix the issue discussed in this thread for the current app. The Evernote team probably wants this and other issues to just go away with the new Evernote app and back end.

So when my account is migrated to the new version--I dare ask--what will happen to all those locked notes on my phone that haven't synced? 😱

Btw, I just read an article from Jan 2019 where (then new) CEO Ian Small admitted it was known "sync doesn't always work right", and vowed to spend 2019 addressing such issues by "...overhauling the core infrastructure that powers the app".  Wish I could ask him my question above. Tried tweeting/emailing a couple months ago...

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  • Level 5*
54 minutes ago, SM@EN said:

So when my account is migrated to the new version--I dare ask--what will happen to all those locked notes on my phone that haven't synced? 😱

Btw, I just read an article from Jan 2019 where (then new) CEO Ian Small admitted it was known "sync doesn't always work right", and vowed to spend 2019 addressing such issues by "...overhauling the core infrastructure that powers the app".  Wish I could ask him my question above. Tried tweeting/emailing a couple months ago...

Did you try raising this issue with Support?

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1 hour ago, gazumped said:

Did you try raising the issue with Support?

Not yet.  I will but forgive me for not having high hopes.  Why wouldn't the support persons have offered me some glimmer of hope when I raised (several) tickets just a couple months ago?  I only got the "We are working on a new release.   We know this doesn't help with your current issue."

There seems to be a lot of faith in raising tickets in regards to this issue.  I wonder how many tickets they've gotten about sync issues?  Enough for the incoming  CEO to bring up in an interview.  In Jan 2019...  It's Aug 2020...  And not one person here who has mentioned they also got the "A new version is coming!  A new version is coming!" has said "Support" has told them the new version will unlock their notes or has offered a workaround.  Instead we are still here, left to come up with our own workarounds.  Tip to Premium users:  Demand some--if not all--of your subscription fee back.

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13 minutes ago, SM@EN said:

Tip to Premium users:  Demand some--if not all--of your subscription fee back.

That's not a bad idea, but I have no idea how one would do that. I'd hazard a wild guess it's more likely the "new" CEO won't be around much longer. I think they like to come in and look like they're all guns-a-blazin', trying to make an impression. Then stick around just long enough to collect a mighty bonus, before moving on to their next pasture/victim, having achieved little of substance... Too cynical?

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  • Level 5*
7 hours ago, SM@EN said:

I will but forgive me for not having high hopes.

OK: just so we're on the same page - this thread is about notes which have synced and are visible on all clients being un-editable on Android.  Your query seems to be about notes which have not synced and are only present on your Android,  which is a rather different issue.  The standard answer to your original query - 


what will happen to all those locked notes on my phone that haven't synced?

- would be that such notes exist only on your phone and would be lost if the app is restarted.  But I'd imagine the notes have synced otherwise they would have been zapped already by a phone restart.

As to Support - talking to them is never wasted,  because however cynical your view,  a large number of similar complaints does indicate a serious issue; it gives them a pool of users from which to get logs and technical info which might help them solve the problem;  and it should persuade someone to check that the 'new' app doesn't have similar issues - maybe by offering a beta version to someone to test.


7 hours ago, Ralph77 said:

then stick around just long enough to collect a mighty bonus

Not aware of any 'mighty' bonuses flying around,  but AFAIK all Evernote's CEOs have been in their respective post for years before moving on,  and the current one hasn't shown signs of leaving yet...

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  • Level 5
5 hours ago, gazumped said:

OK: just so we're on the same page - this thread is about notes which have synced and are visible on all clients being un-editable on Android.  Your query seems to be about notes which have not synced and are only present on your Android,  which is a rather different issue.

For once, @gazumped has, well, gazumped himself. The issue in this thread, which I've been following carefully since it affects me frequently, is precisely with notes that are edited or created in Android and then fail to sync, with a red indicator on the note and an error message, often indicating (stupidly and wrongly) that the note was created in another app. If the note already existed on other Evernote platforms, it will still exist there, but the edits made in Android will not be synced to it.

@SM@EN, I know it's tedious, but if you haven't yet, please read through the thread from the top, including the workarounds that have been suggested. You are right that EN, while fully aware of this issue, is probably not going to fix it before the new editor is released, in part since they are unable to reproduce it, since the @#$$# thing is so %^&+$ random. The workarounds do work, and for me it's best to do it as soon as the problem occurs rather than waiting till I have to do it on half a dozen or more notes.

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