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CLOSED: Evernote iOS current version crashing on iPadOS13b2

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UPDATE AND CLOSING - all is now fine under iOS13 b3 and latest Evernote iOS Version 8.22.370013 on my iPhone Xs. iPad Air2 is not with me currently but guess that will fine too - THANKS EVERYONE

 Hello, unfortunately Evernote iOS 8.21.369945 crashes on start using latest developer iPadOS13 b2. Just signed up for Evernote beta in hope that fixes things

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Same problem here, evernote keeps crashing on ipados 13. It’s the only app that is not working on my iPad with ipados 13 release. Hope there will be a fix soon because I need that software... I just registered for the evernote beta program...hope it will solve my problem..

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  • Level 5

Who knows ?

EN will have to keep up with iOS development. But currently it is the official EN release working fine under 12.3.1 that seems to be not taking good any of the new code in beta 13. Probably the coders are already working it out - they got hold of beta 13 at .the same time as any other developer.

So the app needs to follow the OS progress.

Hope they will implement split screen within of EN. This would still not be close to opening multiple notes on the desktop versions, but for copying content it would really help if one could keep 2 notes open side by side.

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  • Level 5*
11 minutes ago, robfol said:

Anyone here from Evernote?? an answer would be nice.......

This is a user forum.  Evernote employees occasionally show up, but they don't respond to all comments and questions.  An official answer here is unlikely.  If you haven't already, I would suggest you open a support ticket.

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Unfortunately, I didn't think to check this forum before downloading the iOS 13 public beta to my iPad..

I'm running the latest Evernote beta, and it seems to work as long as you don't touch a note - that makes it crash. So Evernote beta does NOT work yet, though you can at least see your notes 😏.

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There's about to be a rush of people installing ipados and realizing EN is one of the few big apps that's consistently crashing.

The public beta is the same as the developer beta 2, so don't install it yet.

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  • Level 5

Betas are not a nice add-on for early birds to really work with new stuff - it is for testing, crashing and debugging. One should expect to loose something, like time, patience and sometimes even data.

EN runs its own beta-program where users are in close contact with beta support. Who is not in (like me, not doing betas) may try, but on his own peril. Especially early betas (concerning iOS 13 and ipadOS we are still early) will lack a lot of functions. The betas of apps logically lag behind those of the OS.

This forum is for User-to-user exchange and is not permanently monitored by EN staff. They will show along, from time to time, which usually proves helpful. But there is no schedule for this.

Conclusion: If somebody is running his own beta-testing and want to communicate something to EN, a support ticket is the most appropriate way to do this.

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Also, there is an Evernote ios (app) update out today. I still wouldn't install ios13 if you want to use EN, but maybe someone who already has will have luck with today's update. That said, my dev test ipad with ios13 is still not playing well with EN.

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Today’s version of EN (8.22) still keeps crashing on iPad OS public beta, my current workaround is to use EN’s Web version, which works surprisingly well with Safari’s new desktop-grade browser support on iPad.

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Unfortunately I also did not check this forum (also new...found it because I am having the same issue as the OP).  Also having the same issue.  EN immediately crashes upon opening on my iPad Pro with iPadOS installed.  Am hoping this gets fixed soon!

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I've got this same issue too. Hope they get it fixed soon.

The upside though, you can run desktop evernote Web on safari, which allows you to insert tables into your notes!

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On 6/18/2019 at 2:59 PM, robfol said:

Hello, unfortunately Evernote iOS 8.21.369945 crashes on start using latest developer iPadOS13 b2. Just signed up for Evernote beta in hope that fixes things

As far as I know the Evernote beta does not fix it. I'm running the stable version and beta iOS apps. It's hit or miss, but alas that is the way the beta world works. The best option is to do what you did here to report the bugs you are finding. Officially EN doesn't provide support for beta builds of their product being that it's a beta and you acknowledge that when you start to use them. However, I have found that using the forums to share experiences has been helpful when it comes to things like this.

The support (officially) for those of us running stable builds on a beta OS is the same as if we were running a beta build of EN so those issues should be brought up here in the forums as well.

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  • Level 5

@neowy If you go to the settings of your iOS app, choose notes, pickt the first option from the following submenu (extended options or something like this) and activate the last of the 5 positions on the next screen, you can insert tables on iOS as well:

Write „ []“ which is one bracket like this [ followed by this ] for each column, then followed by an „x“ and a number, for the number of lines in the table.

Example:     [][][]x4     will create a table of 3 columns and 4 lines.

If you then get a virtual keyboard with a „tab“ key, or have a physical one which most bluetooth and connector-pin keys have, you can add more lines to the table by clicking tab in the last cell of the existing table. Tab works as well to jump from cell to cell from the keyboard.

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  • Level 5

@Y.K Good to know. I am using my iPad Pro a lot and wait for the new OS as well.

Getting the desktop version of a website is however possible on the current iOS as well.

Just enter the URL (like Evernote.com) and when the site has opened, press long on the circular arrow to the right of the URL.

You get a little box asking you whether you want to open the desktop-site. Click it, and the desktop version of the site will open.

With EN this means you will not be redirected to the iOS app, in its place the web client will open.

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Hopefully Evernote gets it sorted for ios13 fast because given the nature of the App Store, people will leave bad reviews. Then again, they obviously will for an unstable release too.

edit, I forgot for a second you can’t rate an app if you’re running the beta iOS. 

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  • Level 5

A beta is a beta is a beta is ...

Who is Running a beta should expect crashes.

And who is running a beta of an OS together with a stable version of an app should know that if the app crashes, it is most likely due to the beta OS.

So what is to fear ? Negative reviews by users that don’t know what they are doing ???

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  • Level 5

Yes - and then rely on those who load a beta, crash their stuff and are whining away about it !

Since Apple launches a new OS every year AND the Adaption of apps to the new OS practically only starts when the developers beta is out, a complex app like EN will never be ready when the public beta starts. So who gives a f*** ?

If you offer such an app, rushing things and releasing a bad product of your own is really no alternative !

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I’ve had apps in the store where I clearly stated not to buy it for a specific thing and they still did and left reviews. I’ve seen apps where there was a long string of people leaving reviews for a place as they thought it was yelp etc etc. You'd be surprised.

Also, I wasn’t suggesting Evernote push out a half-baked update. I was simply stating how people act on the App Store. Some percentage acts like children and sociopaths. 

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I had the same problem with Evernote crashing with Beta 13 on Ipad.   I removed the app and used safari to login via evernote.   Then used the Add Bookmark to home screen feature.   It created a nice evernote icon.   Works pretty well.  Slow to launch, especially the first time, but gives me a fully functional Evernote on IpadOS, until Evernote comes out with an update to address or apple fixes a bug that might be causing the underlying issue.   My suspicion is this is an Evernote issue, since my other apps are working correctly.   I hope this helps.  It did for me.

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