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(Archived) TTransportException error, Response Code 417 type=0


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Hello, I am able to login, but unable to retrieve my notes, receiving this exact error :

TTransportException error, Response Code 417 type=0

Platform is Samsung Galaxy S, Android 2.1

Evernote version is the latest, directly downloaded from the market yesterday.

I checked my APN settings, there is no particular restriction or proxy, and I can access to https URLs within internet browser without any problem.

Thank you for your attention.

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From the error code, it seems that the token does not match. 2 things I can recomend:

1. try this link from your phone: evernote.com\m and login to the mobile client to see if you can see the note. If not, it means that there is some blockage from your internet connection. If it is ok, then try #2

2. un-intall Evernote, delete evernote directory from the phone, reboot and re-intall.

(P.s did you reboot after your first intall, if not, try to re-boot and see)

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Thank you for your quick answers guys.

So :

- I can login in the mobile (and on the classic) browser version

- I can see all of my notes in these environment

- I made a fresh reinstall following the exact steps you wrote here

Unfortunately, still the exact same error.

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If you see this error, can you try to sync over WiFi to see if that works?

If WiFi works, but your 3G mobile network does not, please tell us what network carrier you are using.


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I took some pictures at ikea today and have been trying to get it to upload all day. It keeps giving me an error



connection reset by peer type-0



clientprotocolexception type=0

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Starwood, did you see this same "417" error message?

If not, then you are having a different type of problem. Try rebooting your phone and then see if you can sync on WiFi.

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If you see this error, can you try to sync over WiFi to see if that works?

If WiFi works, but your 3G mobile network does not, please tell us what network carrier you are using.


Hello Engberg, you were insightful : it totally works on WiFi.

Tried again without then : error returned back.

My network carrier is Orange France.

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Ok, it seems that the French "Orange" carrier is doing something strange on the network. As far as we can tell, it is acting as some sort of "Proxy", but it may mis-handle certain types of HTTP requests. It appears that Orange's decision to act as a magic HTTP proxy server may cause other problems:


We're investigating this issue further, thanks for the reports.

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If you see this error, can you try to sync over WiFi to see if that works?

If WiFi works, but your 3G mobile network does not, please tell us what network carrier you are using.


Exactly same issue here. Doesn't work on 3G but it does work on WIFI. Mobile site does work on both 3G or WIFI.

Think it's a carrier thing aswell. I'm on Mobistar (Belgium)

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Thank you Engberg, it fixed the problem.

On a sidenote, now that I can access my notes, there's an odd behavior : for some notes, the upper "edit" button turns out to an "add text" button, without obvious reason.

Fact is that it prohibits editing already written text. Is it intended?

Edit : ok found where it comes from : as soon as there is any clickable link in the note, I can't edit it.

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