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Output of Evernote data


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  • Level 5*

I use scripting on a Mac (Applescript); copy-links also works
On Windows, I understand you can use copy from list view, and paste into a spreadsheet.

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  • Level 5*
On 1/17/2019 at 8:15 AM, Seanfeiler1 said:

I am trying to get a fixed asset report together- we store all of our equipment in Evernote. How can I get an output of that information into an Excel format?

Need more information to answer your question:

  1. Is all the data you need in Excel in the Note Title, or in the Note Body?
  2. Please provide at least one real-world example of an equipment Note.
    • The best way would be to export 2 or 3 Notes to ENEX, put in Zip file, and upload to forum.
  3. How do you identify these equipment notes in Evernote? 
    • by Tags?  by keywords in Note Title?  Other?
  4. What platform are you using (Windows, Mac)?
  5. What versions of Evernote and OS are you running?
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