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Rename attachements does not work properly

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Hi there, I am working with Evernote for Mac in German. I very often scan documents as new notice into Evernote. The PDF-Attachement appears with random filename. Then I give the notice a different title.

This title I want to give to the attached PDF-file. There ist a function "rename" for this purpose (I use the German version and hopefully this ist the correct translation). This works properly and when I open the PDF-File right away it shows this new name.

But then this name disappears in Evernote. The attached file shows the old name again. I have to repeat the renaming several times until I can be fairly sure that it will stay as I want it.

Why is this and what can I do against it?


Thanks for any help


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  • 1 month later...


I've the same problem in "renaming" PDF files as described above for several month! 

Yes, and I've a ticket from support team, but nothing happens within the last 6+ months in terms of a fix. This works properly perfect a year ago without any of the described "features" above.

I also use a GERMAN version of EN on my Mac ... is nobody else having this problem??

Thx for reply


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I got an answer from the support team, but just telling how to make a copy of my activities. It seams that we both are the only ones having this problem. Yesterday on one scanned note I could not even change the topic. Whenever I tried, it turned back to the topic given by the scanner after a while. Very strange.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I am having the same problem - it used to be that I only needed to repeat the renaming process one time to get the new name to "stick."  Now, no matter what I do, I can't get the attachment to stay renamed.

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I tend to copy the title as new name for the attachments. As I am German, I use letters ä and ö and ü in my titles. It is obvious that this can not be accepted as name for the attachment. Since I realized that I am having less problems. But sometimes still a name is not accepted and I do not have a clue what the reason would be.



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  • 7 months later...

I have been having the same problem in the EN version of Evernote for years. Sometimes the rename works on the first attempt. Most of the time, it takes at least three attempts. Occasionally, it's been more than four.

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yes, I agree James!
I talked a lot to EN-Support ... and the fix is "on hold" for several month now - they're working on a new release for the web and other platforms first and after that, they look at it again ... so we have to be patient ... 

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  • 1 month later...

If you contact support, they’ll have you uninstall the client, update the OS, reinstall the client, and try myriad options — all of which result in the same behavior after years of people pointing it out.

You can spend more time chasing down their troubleshooting advice than just living with the inconvenience. Sadly they are not willing to believe it occurs or that it could be their program causing the problem.

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  • Level 5

From my experience (Mac, latest OS and EN versions) renaming of an attachment (not only pdfs) generally works.

Make sure to sync the change to the EN server right away, by clicking the sync symbol.

If the renaming is not done, it may be that the new name was not accepted (for whatever reason), or the the name extension (like .pdf) was altered. If that happened, a security question will show, because without the extension, the File type can not be identified. If the response to the Security question is not done, it may set back to the initial file name because it will try to avoid a mistake in the naming.

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My experience is that very simple filenames succeed on the first sync.

Unusual characters and punctuation, legitimate on MacOS, usually don’t survive the first sync. Recent updates to the client make it only two renamed to success. It used to be more.

Thing is, if the rename option worked, then this wouldn’t be an issue. It should be up to the EN program to rename the file attachment, sync, and verify — not me, and not every time.

Just because it works for many users most of the time doesn’t mean this isn’t a bug worth fixing.

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  • 2 months later...

I've had the same problem for at least a year if not longer. I agree that it takes 2-3 attempts (sometimes more) at renaming a PDF attachment for the new name to stick - this is every single time I attempt to rename an attachment.

In my experience it doesn't appear that it has anything to do with unusual characters.

But it is quite frustrating and annoying that I've had to add those steps to my workflow!

iMac, OSX 10.15.3, Fujitsu ix500 (converted from an EE scanner). ScanSnap Home 1.7.0

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  • Level 5

Thanks, just a workaround. Closing the note with the changed attachment inside of EN and reopen it should do the job as well.

 It should save the moment one closes the little rename window, but obviously it doesn’t.

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I am having the same problem... in USA... English version... This problem seems to come and go and is worse some days than others. I too have found that clicking somewhere else will sometimes save the renamed PDF, but DEFINITELY not always. It is very frustrating and consumes valuable time. Please Evernote, fix this glitch!!

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I believe it is a synchronization timing issue.  I have worked around it.

When I create a note, I name it.  I then manually activate the synchronization button at the top (rotating arrows button).  That tells the cloud that you have created the note.

Then I rename the attachment and synchronize again to check.

That has fixed the issue for me. 

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I've done this for that issue for several times for the last 1,5 years (and get several support tickets!) ... all of them are still "open" and nothing changed from developers side




sorry, it worked well some time ago... 


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  • Level 5

My post did not tell whether support will move anything for good. I just have the limited experience from my own support tickets. Some issues got solved, some by support, other later with new releases.

I just said that posting here will not move things.

So it is try, try again (or don’t ... ).

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  • 1 month later...

I now have this issue. I had it many years ago and now it's propped up again. The CEO's may change but the bugs don't ... so much for all that platform rebuilding that Evernote allege to have been working since Dec 2018.

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  • 3 months later...
On 12/28/2018 at 1:53 PM, Bluesy said:

Hi there, I am working with Evernote for Mac in German. I very often scan documents as new notice into Evernote. The PDF-Attachement appears with random filename. Then I give the notice a different title.

This title I want to give to the attached PDF-file. There ist a function "rename" for this purpose (I use the German version and hopefully this ist the correct translation). This works properly and when I open the PDF-File right away it shows this new name.

But then this name disappears in Evernote. The attached file shows the old name again. I have to repeat the renaming several times until I can be fairly sure that it will stay as I want it.

Why is this and what can I do against it?


Thanks for any help


Hi Bluesy, 

good Idea but does not work either on my side - I using PDF-Expert on my MacBook.

It does not effect, neither PDF-Expert is open or closed when renaming.

still :-( 

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My workaround is as follow:

  • Import file to Evernote-by scan/email etc.
  • sync Evernote
  • rename file
  • sync Evernote

This usually works the first time around but sometimes takes a couple of tries. It is definitely something glitchy in the sync process. Most of my scans I now rename in Scansnap Home software after scanning with my Fujitsu Scansnap. I then can export the renamed file to Evernote. This is a much faster and more efficient workflow but you must have the scanner and its software to do it. Files that I email to Evernote obviously require the workaround. 


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On 8/27/2020 at 12:47 PM, wheiser said:

Hi Bluesy, 

good Idea but does not work either on my side - I using PDF-Expert on my MacBook.

It does not effect, neither PDF-Expert is open or closed when renaming.

still :-( 

Hi wheiser, I use PDF-Expert as well. Good program.


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On 4/1/2020 at 9:41 PM, PinkElephant said:

My post did not tell whether support will move anything for good. I just have the limited experience from my own support tickets. Some issues got solved, some by support, other later with new releases.

I just said that posting here will not move things.

So it is try, try again (or don’t ... ).

Hi Pink Elephant,

this works, I know. But isn't it funny?

I realized another issue: If the note is older (i.e. imported some days ago) and I change the name of the annex, it mostly works. Mostly.



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  • 2 weeks later...

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