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Recordings Deleted without warning

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PLEASE make this simple change to save your users a lot of pain.  I have lost many VERY important multi-hour recordings and it happens the same way every time.  

At the end of a meeting, I accidentally click on the "x" in the recording bar instead of the stop button.  Since I have done this so MANY times even though the results are catastrophic, it must be natural in the UI.  Instead of just saving the recording and closing the recording bar, it DELETES the recording without any warning.  Any other place in Evernote apps where something is about to be deleted and it can not be undone, there is always a warning.  In this case, there is no way to get it back.

There are two simple solutions to this:

  1. Just save the recording instead of deleting it.  They can always delete it themselves.
  2. Just toss up a warning window asking if you are sure you want to delete

Attached is the screenshot showing what I'm talking about.

Rich Warwick

Ex-Evernote Employee


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