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Evernote for Mac 7.7 Beta 1

Nick L.

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Hey Folks,

Evernote 7.7 Beta 1 is now available for download. Get it here!

Fixed and Improved:

  • Fixed an issue where notes and resources with long titles would fail HTML export
  • Fixed an issue where using macOS's share extension to create a note would create a duplicate note
  • Fixed an issue where business notebooks would remain in the Evernote account after leaving a business
  • Improved performance for larger accounts
  • Fixed an issue exporting local notes
  • Miscellaneous crash fixes including crashes during annotation
  • Miscellaneous UI fixes and improvements. 

Known issues: 

  • Spotlight search is not working for Mojave users.
  • Search highlight doesn't scroll with the note.
  • Text appears fuzzy for non retina displays. 

Please know we're working on fixing these issues above. 

Thanks again for your help reporting bugs. 

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  • Level 5*
5 minutes ago, Nick L. said:

Fixed and Improved:

Many thanks for all the bug fixes -- always my favorite "feature"/update.

5 minutes ago, Nick L. said:

Known issues:

I have not seen Evernote publish this category before, and I greatly appreciate it.  It will save many of us from wasting time trying to figure out what we are doing wrong, and documenting a bug you already know about. 

I really hope you will continue this in all release notices, including production GAs.

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  • Level 5*
43 minutes ago, rechnergott said:

Is there a reason Dark Mode is only rolled out to Mojave?

Evernote makes use of features supported by the operating systems.
Apple rolled out dark mode with Mojave, which allowed Evernote to implement dark mode.

The alternative is that apps develop their own code; which is expensive  and risky.  For example, we won't see Evernote mouse support on iPads until Apple implements it in the operating system.

>>It seems like it could be a simple trigger in the settings to enable this in previous OS versions. 

If Evernote had a $ for every post that indicated "simple", ...
No, nothing is simple when developing code for public applications.

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  • Nick L. unpinned this topic
  • 3 weeks later...

I allowed Evernote to install the 7.7 beta. It kept locking up when I would print a note. So I uninstalled the software and reinstalled the 7.7 that was not beta. Now, the message displayed is "your local evernote data is being managed by a newer version of Evernote. Please use the latest version." What can I do so I will be able to print my notes?

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  • Level 5*
10 minutes ago, cgstudio.us said:

So I uninstalled the software and reinstalled the 7.7 that was not beta.

Your software is at version 7.7
Your database is at version 7.7 beta

Un-install the database and it will be rebuilt from the servers.  Warning: the rebuild doesn't include unsync'd notes or Local Notebooks
App AppCleaner is recommended for the un-installation.

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