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(Archived) Bug? Share to Evernote on Android


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The announcement for the new Android app said that application that have a share menu will now include evernote as a choice in the menu. I am using an EVO, and so far have only found one instance where I saw evernote as a choice.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm using Evernote for Android 1.5 on a HTC Droid Incredible. I don't see Evernote in the standard browser's share menu...am I supposed to?

Without it, there still needs to be a better way of clipping from the web in Android.

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It's certainly been working for me from Seesmic on my Nexus One on Android 2.1 and 2.2 (and even on my Motorola DEXT (aka CLIQ) on Android 1.6) for several months now.

Do the applications you're trying to share from allow sharing to other applications? My understanding was that if an application is registered to allow you to share TO it, that's it, and the application you share FROM can access anything that's registered.

I may be wrong, of course!


P.S. It works in both the Dolphin HD browser and the stock browser on my N1 too.

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If Evernote isn't listed in the "Share to" list, I'd be curious whether you see other third-party applications in the list. I.e. applications that didn't come bundled with the phone, that you installed from the Market.

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When I select text from the web browser on my Droid (OS 2.2), it just puts the text into the clipboard. I don't even see any Share meu at all. I can paste that copied text into Evernote ok.

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