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I am new to using Evernote and after having installed am getting the following error when launching the application:

Can't open database c:\users\username\documents\my evernote files\databases3\username.exb. error: CANT_RETRIEVE_NEXT_UID

The .exb file exists at the location identified in the error.

This installation is onto a Vista machine, all current updates (no SP1).

I have deleted the .exb file hoping that it would be recreated by the application.

Doing so the application does recreate a username.exb file and a new error is presented when launching the application.

This error is: Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library. Runtime Error! Program c:\program files\evernote\evernote3\evernote.exe Abnormal program termination.

The size of the newly created .exb file is 4096 as opposed to the .exb file created at initial installation which is 36,864

I have uninstalled and the same scenario repeated itself after a fresh install.

Comments, suggestions on what to try next are appreciated.

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Delete the .exb file, run Evernote again, and enter your credentials. Seems like the local storage file wasn't initialized properly.

If the problem persists, please send me this .exb file via the private message.

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  • 3 weeks later...


I am also new to Evernote and have the same 2nd problem as mentioned above (Runtime Error: ...Program C:\Program Files... abnormal program termination). I am also running on Vista and have the latest version (27500) . On my notebook I have XP and everythings runs smoothly.

I don't seem to find the .exb file anywhere. Please help!

Best regards,


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Having a similar problem and just can't get it working again. I tried to delete the *.exb file and let Evernote re-create it, but when I do that I get the error message above for "Abnormal Termination" and can't proceed. Am I missing something else? Running on Vista SP1, latest Windows release for Evernote 3.


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