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Highlight in dark mode not working properly (Mojave - Mac)

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I've noticed that today my changes in highlighting aren't saving on sync. So I'll highlight some text, unhighlight other text, and then quit the app (it syncs, then quits). This has always worked before, but now when I open it up, it's gone back and reversed what I did to my highlighting - so text I unhighlighted is highlighted again. I typed 'CATS!' into parts of my document to check whether it was just the highlighting that's affected, and it seems to be. Thank god the 'CATS!' were not removed upon sync and quit.

Not a huge deal as extra highlighting won't kill me, but it does make me nervous about whether my work is actually being saved, so wanted Evernote to be aware of this. I don't have a paid account so can't submit a bug ticket 🤷‍♀️

Oh and I'm using a Mac on Mojave in dark mode, if it's relevant.

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