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Font size discrepancy between Windows laptop and Android smartphone

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When I add text to a note on my Windows laptop, the font size for that text is greater than the rest of the text when seen on my Android phone. 

I created a test note just to demonstrate this. Please see the screenshot taken on my Google Pixel. The bigger size text was added later on my Windows laptop (Microsoft Surface Book). It looks fine on the Windows app. But when I go to my Android app, the size is different. 

My solution has always been: 

  • On my desktop, I select all contents of the note (Ctrl A)
  • Then I change the font size to a different size (like size 14)
  • Then I change the font size back to the size I prefer (size 9) 
  • Then it looks fine even on my Android phone

This problem has existed for at least two years now.


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