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Photos 9 hours later

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Hi! Photos I take in Evernote are marked "taken over" (or so, my english is not so good) with 9 hours "delay", 9 later as I made them and put it in my note. Whats this problem? Photo taken 8 o'clock in the morning, details of Pfoto "taken over" 5 o'clock in the evening same day, but it is still 8 a.m. in the morning! This is nonsense, makes no sense...

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  I use Android and I don't get any delays in taking pictures.  I use the camera in my phone and the image appears after a few seconds.  Do you mean clipping a web page?  Clipping an item from a web page can sometimes take time and the note will show a 'waiting' message until that is complete.  It is possible to use the URL in the note to go back and clip the same page from a desktop computer if you need the information more quickly.

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Hi! No. When I take a photo this photo appears immediately in the note. But when I read the data/details of this photo, the time and date of when it is taken is correct(name of file),
but the date and time when it is put in the note ( I don't know the words in english, I am german, and there is written: "Übernommen" maybe "taken over" or "put in Evernote" (date and time) but this time is 9 hours in the future!
The Photo is taken, lets say, 1 o'clock p.m., then the time - Evernote says - it was taken in the note is 10 o'clock p.m. in the evening! But this time is still not actual, it is 1 o'clock, middle of the day! This is total nonsense. The bug is only in the detail data of the photos, to take a photo is no problem. Its just the 9 hour difference in the details of the photos.
This shouldn't happen....

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  • Level 5*

Hmmn.  If the system time and date are correct,  that's what you should see as the 'updated date'.  I have a note created yesterday with a photo,  and updated today with another picture,  and the created date correctly shows as yesterday,  with an updated date today.  The times are also correct.  You could try uninstalling and reinstalling the app on your Android device?

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