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High CPU when idling??

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After the latest release [ (307881) Public (CE Build ce-53.2.6641)], it seems I'll walk back in the room after a short break to a loud CPU fan, and the Task Manager shows Evernote taking at least 10% CPU (after I pull up Task Manager--it could have been higher before I pressed a key). Switching to the open Evernote window doesn't stop its CPU use, but closing Evernote completely stops the high-CPU thread.

Is Evernote now mining bitcoin to help their financials?

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  • Level 5*
4 hours ago, goodguy3000hd said:

Seems that Evernote CPU usage hovers around 5% CPU while it's in the background, and not used. Was this sabotage by one of the laid off programmers?

No, it wasn't sabotage or at least it's pretty unlikely. If you've ever been through a layoff, you'd know that you don't get a chance to modify the code base before you get escorted out after the bad news. While you're in the meeting, IT is busy shutting down your access to company resources. Anyhow, recent code changes by laid off employees can always be reviewed/removed if necessary. 

Anyways, this isn't something that I'm seeing on the latest -- Evernote's currently running at 0% for me, spiking to 2-3% if I click between notes. So I don't think that it's normal behavior. Are you on a desktop or a laptop? What's your memory usage look like? Can you determine which Evernote subprocess is the culprit?

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No Windows devs have been laid off since I started here over 5 years ago... Some have moved on to other things of course... (and all code has to be reviewed before it can be checked in)

I'd guess it might be busy indexing the database...

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Thanks for the replies. I'm back to v6.13.13, so I don't have more debug info. If there aren't others experiencing this, then I'll assume I've a rare disorder.

Misc. info:

  • I didn't reboot between installs. Used the same database file (AFAIK, no big download of my notes).
  • v6.13.13 doesn't seem to run the CPU to index, so unless the newer version wants a new index structure, that doesn't seem the case.
  • I believe I remember the CPU thread was something called "evernote subtask" or some name like that beneath the Evernote task--it wasn't very descriptive.


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I am experiencing the exact same issue - whenever I open Evernote, it starts consuming over 25% of my notebook's CPU, causing the fan to start running at high speed and making noise. As soon as I close Evernote, the CPU usage goes down and fan speed reduces.

It does not seem to be caused by Evernote indexing (except if Evernote is indexing permanently), since it never stops.

I do note that, as soon as I have Evernote open, the Task Manager indicates at least 7 processes running.

I have version: (307881) Public (CE Build ce-53.2.6641)

This is really irritating. It means I have to close Evernote and only open it when I need to use it, since otherwise the fan noise is very distracting.

Anybody with any ideas on what could be causing this?

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  • Level 5*
59 minutes ago, Azeroth said:

I do note that, as soon as I have Evernote open, the Task Manager indicates at least 7 processes running.

That's pretty much standard these days. One for the Evernote clipper, one for the tray icon, and 5 for Evernote itself. I think you also get one per note being viewed (so if you're looking at the notebook view, you get 5 "EvernoteSubProcess.exe" subprocesses. Stitch to looking at a note, and you get one more. Open it in a separate window, and you get yet another one. I'm presuming that not all of them have high CPU usage, only one, right?

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I had the issue. I just checked for updates and installed (307934) Public. It seems to have resolved the high CPU issue. However, I'm not sure if the issue arose near the time of launch or took a while. I'll re-post if it comes back. Hopefully, it's gone.

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On 10/3/2018 at 6:24 PM, jefito said:

That's pretty much standard these days. One for the Evernote clipper, one for the tray icon, and 5 for Evernote itself. I think you also get one per note being viewed (so if you're looking at the notebook view, you get 5 "EvernoteSubProcess.exe" subprocesses. Stitch to looking at a note, and you get one more. Open it in a separate window, and you get yet another one. I'm presuming that not all of them have high CPU usage, only one, right?

I'm holding thumbs, but it seems since the latest Evernote incremental update yesterday, the problem has gone away...

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Yep just checked, 10 services running, taking 19%of my CPU and running my fans continually.  That is with EN closed!!!  FFS, why is this the only application I have that behaves like this, this is not acceptable to me.  For the amount I use EN, I'm going to look for a quiet alternative.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have the same problem. For the latest EN 6.15.4, the EvernoteSubprocess.exe continuously uses 10-20% of the CPU. Interestingly, this does not happen directly after startup of EN, but only after I click on one of the notes in the app. After downgrading to EN 6.14.5, the problem disappears, i.e., the CPU load is ~0-1% when the program is idling.

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1) Export all notes to file on your hard drive.

2) Import that archive into Onenote, which is free with Microsoft 10 (this version works really well. pretty intuitive, searching is easy and works, and CPU usage does  not move).

3) Uninstall evernote.

I have used this method and can confirm that although bit scary after 5 years of EN, it works great and my fan does not come on at all.

Goodbye Evernote, I will not miss all the ***** I have put up with over the last few years.  The way you totally ignore users and particularly Windows users, and charge good money for the privilege.  At least any ***** I come across, I will not be paying for.

Bye. x



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I'm noticing some CPU usage as well. Doesn't matter if I have the main EN window open or not, the task bar and background tasks are doing something continuously eating my battery...


This is on my Surface Pro 4, Windows 10, running Evernote (307934) Public (CE Build ce-53.4.6770).

My other Windows 10 device, my home built PC, is running the same version of Evernote and is not doing anything even with the Evernote main window up. 

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Everyone is talking about installing a prior version (like tauAlphaC mentioned EN 6.14.5 AND goodguy3000hd mentioned 6.13.13) but I have no idea where to find these prior versions.  The most recent one I have on my laptop is which seems way too old.  Looked via Google but came up with sketchy sites and would rather get directly from EN.  Any ideas?

P.S. I've submitted a help ticket and will report back with any advice I receive.

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So... over two business days have gone by with ZERO response from Evernote.  Over the past 5 years I've been their biggest advocate with colleagues, family, and friends, so this makes me a little sad.  I'm having the high CPU issue again, of course, so I thought I'd share an image of the situation...

Evernote, please respond to Ticket# 2690384.  I'm happy to help troubleshoot, but you have to engage!!!

Anyone that has a tip about where I can find a prior "stable" version, please let me know.



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For me, it's definitely intermittent (latest release). Just woke from hibernation, used Evernote, no problems (CPU = 0%). Other times, it gets stuck on something and runs the CPU indefinitely for no apparent reason (CPU: 5--10%), until I close the program.

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1 hour ago, Astermaster said:

turned off syncronize in background option and restarted evernote.


high cpu usage is not showing itself.

maybe this will help somebody.

Thanks - mine is already turned off, so that does not seem to be the solution, at least in my case.

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I too have this issue, and all auto sync options are turned off here too. The issue started a few weeks ago when I upgraded to 6.15.3.something, and continuing to, which EN says is the latest as of this moment. In my case, the high CPU usage depends on the size of the note displayed in the note pane. If the note is small, a few lines of text or just one visible page of stuff, the CPU usage is very low and would have never attracted my attention. But on notes that are very large, say tens of MB in size and many vertical scrolling pages long, if displayed in the pane they cause EN to continuously consume 20-30% CPU on my i7-8550U CPU & 16GB RAM laptop. The fans get loud. As a workaround, I put a shortcut to a tiny note in that upper row where favorites can go. I click that note whenever I'm not using EN for a specific task.

I started a support ticket on this a couple weeks ago, after once again laboring to find the entry point to the well-hidden support process. I got a reply quickly, asking me the routine drag-me-through-the-mud "support" steps (like try reinstalling, send activity log). I started with this, but failed to answer an email within 48 hours so my ticket was closed. (That's a great way to make support even more unpleasant, and reduce the number of support requests received.) I have not yet returned to this issue with EN support.

Anyway, I notice that on a second PC, a desktop with an i7-7700T CPU & 16GB RAM that's running the same EN version, there is no increase in CPU usage when a large note is viewed. So this problem is reserved for my laptop, with its particular hardware configuration.

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Using same version as most  (v6.15.4.7934) but my CPU issue appears to be caused by viewing notes containing web content that were generated using the Chrome clipper.  After opening one of these notes the SubProcess jumps to 25% and doesn't stop until I click to something else.  I already attempted disabling Hardware Acceleration without success.  Time permitting I'll drill into it further but wanted to add to the list in the meantime.

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My Evernote thread CPU burn seems completely random -- sometimes stuck at 5% until I close the app, sometimes none. I've not noticed that it's predictable like any of the recent posts have suggested (e.g., a plain-text note of a few sentences in focus will burn my CPU cycles indefinitely at times, other times, not). Usually (but not always), re-opening the app will make it behave until perhaps a sleep/hibernate cycle?

Anyway, I suppose the devs (if enough are still there) have already fixed it for the next release. In either case, typing in this forum won't likely make much difference in getting it fixed.

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Evernote high CPU usage (Evernote always > 12% CPU, and I don't see high mem or I/O usage by Evernote at the same time) issue has been consistent on my Windows 10 based system (i7 + 16G mem + 512 SSD + Nvidia). No other heavy load running on this system most of the time other than "idle" Evernote client. To get around, I have to exit Evernote from system tray whenever I am not actively using Evernote. (308094) Public (CE Build ce-58.1.6897)

On the other hand, never experienced the same high CPU usage issue on my Windows 7 based system (i7 + 16G mem + 1T SSD). Same Evernote (308094) Public (CE Build ce-58.1.6897)

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I, too, am seeing high cpu usage by en with version 

Be nice if windows incorporated enhancements which...
- allow users to set, right in task mgr, max cpu possible for an app
- forced an app to report the reason for cpu usage above a certain level...  so we would know, for instance, that en is indexing the db, etc.

Be nice if en would throttle-back non-critical, long running, high cpu operations, when sensing keyboard and mouse activity.

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I've only been looking at the CPU for a few times since installing the latest version, but it seems like it's not hitting the CPU on my particular Windows 10 machine.

Evernote: (308094) Public (CE Build ce-58.1.6897)

Windows: 1803, build: 17134.345


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I see the same problem om my system - a couple of Evernote processes in the task manager and one of them running at 5-10% CPU.

Apparently it has something to do with the note content, because the problem completely disappears when selecting a note with empty content ... and if I select a note with a decent amount of content, the CPU goes up again.

After that I tried opening a couple of different notes in different windows. Now the process count goes up - one for each window - but all the processes idle at 0% CPU. What?

Closing all the windows again and the CPU is still at 0%.

Now I go back to the initial note and let that have focus aging - and - voila - the CPU goes up again.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Same here since beginning of the month (when I first noticed).

I am working with version: (308094) Public (CE Build ce-58.1.6897)

Someone mentioned it before, it has to do with the note you have in preview (having it open is ok). Only those notes that are big (with copy / paste images) make problems for me. Other smaller notes are ok.

My personal workaround: I have an empty note called "Relax Evernote" which I try to always have in preview (it does not help to uncheck the Note Panel in "View"). But it is not practical in the long run.

Help!!! This is so annoying when you are travelling and need the battery!

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Had the same problem, but only when I had a certain very large note (122,284 words  ~ 640,349 characters ~ 1 image ~ 7773 KB) active. Even if I wasn't working in that note. As soon as I made a different note active, then my Evernote CPU usage dropped from 34% down to less than 1%.

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I was at the edge of buying a new laptop.... ( hp spectre x360 1 year old..)

now I found out Evernote is the big problem, it uses 33% of my CPU, while it is running in the background...

It kills my laptop, makes it Super hot and the battery denigrates because of it...

Is there already a solution...???


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On 12/7/2018 at 12:27 PM, Bart Bregman said:

I was at the edge of buying a new laptop.... ( hp spectre x360 1 year old..)

now I found out Evernote is the big problem, it uses 33% of my CPU, while it is running in the background...

It kills my laptop, makes it Super hot and the battery denigrates because of it...

Is there already a solution...???


Same! Same laptop even.

I keep having to kill the EN subprocess to make it stop. Strangely, it says (32 bit) when this is a 64 bit system.

If I kill the process and relaunch, it's fine for a while, but eventually, my laptop gets hot and the fan goes non-stop and full blast.



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BTW, just clicking the X to quit doesn't kill the subprocess. You have to File>Exit. Even then, the fan doesn't seem to return to normal until you launch  EN again.   ...unless that's just a coincidence, but I waited 5 minutes for the fan to stop after closing EN and force ending the process via task manager. The fan kept roaring, but as soon as I launched EN again, it immediately slowed, then stopped.

The EN Subprocess (32 bit) is nowhere to be seen yet since the relaunch.

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It seems it indeed has to do with displaying a note. When I checked my version ( (308094) Public (CE Build ce-58.1.6897)) via Help>About and have that pop up open, CPU drops immediately. Close that pop up by clicking OK and have your note upfront again, CPU climbs again right away (for me up until 40% even).


Also have run my laptop for hours just in the hope it would have to do something with indexing, but after hours of high CPU I think I can conclude that's not the cause.


Now playing with displaying different notes, and indeed, displaying note containing e-mail text only also lowers CPU consumption.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/15/2018 at 4:16 AM, Oart said:

It seems it indeed has to do with displaying a note. When I checked my version ( (308094) Public (CE Build ce-58.1.6897)) via Help>About and have that pop up open, CPU drops immediately. Close that pop up by clicking OK and have your note upfront again, CPU climbs again right away (for me up until 40% even).


Also have run my laptop for hours just in the hope it would have to do something with indexing, but after hours of high CPU I think I can conclude that's not the cause.


Now playing with displaying different notes, and indeed, displaying note containing e-mail text only also lowers CPU consumption.


Mine just did it with the only note open being text only. There was some bold, but otherwise plain text pasted in from a plain text document. I ended up having to kill the process that was eating up ~30% cpu using Task Manager before the fan would slow.

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Does anyone happen to have a working knowledge of WinDbg to perhaps run a trace and determine what is happening?  I’ve looked at Process Explorer but don’t have Symbols installed to gather anything meaningful.    Of course this is EN’s job but....

Today I tried creating an offline folder and moved some content there as a test but that was a bust.   

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  • Level 5
23 minutes ago, devsdca said:

What I'm wondering about is why Evernote is isn't commenting on this topic or better yet fixing this issue.

Evernote staff look in on these forums, but they seem to be quite selective about what they comment on.

What I'm wondering is what the consequences of this high CPU usage are? I've never checked it myself, so I don't know what I'm missing :), but for those who have discovered it, is it causing performance of other apps to lag, or causing overheating of the machine?

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  • Level 5*
6 minutes ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

but for those who have discovered it, is it causing performance of other apps to lag, or causing overheating of the machine?

For laptop users, it's a battery drain, is about all I can come up with.

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16 minutes ago, jefito said:

For laptop users, it's a battery drain, is about all I can come up with.

I can come up with more: Wear and tear on my laptop's fans, and an increased volume of air taken into my laptop's innards means quicker accumulation of dust inside, which will necessitate more frequent cleaning, if these parts can be accessed at all.

Evernote has said that they prefer to be notified of problems here, on the forum, yet Evernote often ignores threads, like this one, that seem to communicate a genuine issue. Weeks ago I tried to bring this up with Evernote "support," but they responded as if this issue was unique to me. I got nowhere.

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On 1/4/2019 at 11:57 PM, rdenzel said:


Mine just did it with the only note open being text only. There was some bold, but otherwise plain text pasted in from a plain text document. I ended up having to kill the process that was eating up ~30% cpu using Task Manager before the fan would slow.

I'm STILL having the same issue - any update from Evernote on fixing this issue?

I also notice it with text-only notes - larger text notes with e.g. a table and some tick boxes... 30% CPU usage. As soon as I close that note, it drops back to 2 or 3%.

Please Evernote, fix this bug.

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Does this problem still persist in v6.17, which has been recently released? Did anyone check?

I'm still on v6.14 because this bug is so annyoing -- especially on a laptop where it leads to fan noise, heating and battery drain. Besides, I think that a software which is left in the background or which simply displays a note should not consume any significant CPU power.

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5 hours ago, pstock said:

6.17 fixed the problem for me. (Win 10)


On 1/12/2019 at 5:23 AM, Radiophile said:

Thanks for the heads up on the new version, tauAlphaC. I installed just now. For me at least, the problem is gone! 

Interesting that it doesn't list this issue in the release notes. 😕


So far it seems better for me.

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  • 5 months later...

It's back.

Every few days I find my fan running full blast. I check Task Manager and find Evernote Subprocess taking up 19-29% of my cpu.

This morning I found that when I changed from my last selected note (created using Clip to Evernote) to a text only note I'd manually created that the CPU immediately drops, although 'power usage' remains high to very high for a little while.

I've tested this with a variety of notes, both text only and Clip. Not all Clip notes do this, but several of them do. It doesn't matter if they are open in a separate window or just clicked on in the side preview, the cpu immediately goes way up. If I don't click away, it will stay high for hours.

If you want to try to recreate this, the link below is the web page that I saved via the Clip to Evernote Chrome extension.


I have to keep reminding myself to click to a text-only note when I'm done for now.

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  • Level 5

„It’s back ...“ leads to the question „what has changed ?“. In this thread was zero traffic since January and the release of 6.17. This does not speak for a continuing problem.

Did you update the EN client, Windows, something else etc. ?

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  • Level 5*
4 hours ago, rdenzel said:

If you want to try to recreate this, the link below is the web page that I saved via the Clip to Evernote Chrome extension.


I have to keep reminding myself to click to a text-only note when I'm done for now.

I see no suspicious CPU spikes looking at the clipped versions of this page (I did the full article and the simplified article). Clicking on either of these gave a quick spike to 6-8% in one of the EvernoteSubprocess.exe's, after which it dropped back to negligible. Build is (308555) Public (CE Build ce-62.3.7750)

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I had the same problem and after installing (307671) Public (CE Build ce-48.0.5483), it never happened again. I was actually wondering if the latest versions have addressed the problem, so I could start installing the most current version again, instead of working with this old version. Would be interesting what others have experienced. Let me know. Thank you! 

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18 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

„It’s back ...“ leads to the question „what has changed ?“. In this thread was zero traffic since January and the release of 6.17. This does not speak for a continuing problem.

Did you update the EN client, Windows, something else etc. ?

I'm not sure what changed, when. The problem came back at least a week or two ago, but I couldn't figure out what the pattern was, and I didn't have time to look into it until yesterday.

It's possible (seeing the pattern that's causing it for me) that my issue never truly went away, but that the notes I was selecting weren't ones to cause the issue.

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17 hours ago, jefito said:

I see no suspicious CPU spikes looking at the clipped versions of this page (I did the full article and the simplified article). Clicking on either of these gave a quick spike to 6-8% in one of the EvernoteSubprocess.exe's, after which it dropped back to negligible. Build is (308555) Public (CE Build ce-62.3.7750)

Thanks for trying it. I'll keep track and see if I see a pattern that can be replicated.

I'm on the same build as you, btw.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I guess I'll have to figure out the official support and submit the issues. My laptop just went 'red hot' because I failed to click into a text only note.

It's not EVERY clipped page, but lots of them do it, and it's almost instantaneous. The task manager power use goes from low to very high over about 15 seconds!


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I have the latest version of EN, and whenever I open or even just select certain notes that have been created by the Chrome clipper, the CPU, Memory, and Power Usage immediately jumps. It never comes back down until I click into another note and close that note. Either one will leave it running down my battery and slowing down my computer with the uber-high cpu usage.

I've copied the content of the note to a fresh note, and that note also exhibits the behavior.

It doesn't happen with ALL clipped notes, but with most of them.

I've attached the portion of the log that shows the errors. It shows 'failed to open' and 'unable to open' even though the notes DO open and look fine, although CPU immediately shoots up and power usage (in Task Manager) goes to Very High in just 2-5 seconds.

Screenshot 2019-07-25 09.34.48 (2).png

Evernote_6.19.2.8555_20190725 edited.log

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  I use Brave,  which is a Chrome-clone,  but I haven't noticed any such clipper-related CPU spikes.  Have you tried syncing,  backing up your database and uninstalling / reinstalling the app?

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