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(Archived) Premium: what file types show thumbnails?

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I understand that if I upgrade to the premium version of Evernote that I can put any kind of file into a note: not just PDF and plain text, but also Word, Excel, and other file types. Great! But for which file types does Evernote show a thumbnail of the contents? If I have a Word document in Evernote, will I see a thumbnail, for instance, the way I do for a PDF file?



ROBERT J. SAWYER, Science Fiction Writer

Author FLASHFORWARD, basis for the TV series

http://sfwriter.com * sawyer@sfwriter.com

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Correct, we've incorporated software for our various platforms to read and display PDF documents in thumbnail form, but we don't have equivalent software for the myriad of other file types that you may use, so we just display a generic "attachment" icon instead.

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Thanks, Dave. Has Evernote looked at Outside In, a technology now owned by Oracle? It can generate thumbnails and formatted views of documents in over 400 formats. (It used to be owned by "Systems Compatibility Corporation," which changed its name to Inso, then was bought by Stellent, and then by Oracle). Yahoo! Mail used to use it to render views of attachments to messages. Some info is here: http://www.oracle.com/technologies/embedded/outside-in.html.

All best wishes!



ROBERT J. SAWYER, Science Fiction Writer

Author FlashForward, basis for the TV series


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Thanks for the pointer, we'll take a look at this.

The hybrid nature of our app (web and clients) makes some of these tools a little tricky, since people on the Mac desktop expect to search and view thumbnails of stuff they create locally, too, so we need to add software features all over the place (not just on the web). But maybe their licensing model would be friendly enough for our needs (especially supporting Free users).

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