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Check box font keeps reducing

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No idea if this a bug or a 'feature' introduced.

Using checklists for shopping or Todo lists in notes and noticing that every enter to create new checkbox entry is also reducing the font size of the next entry a step. 

Then the next enter reduces it again till your left with the smallest font size and squinting at the screen to read.

Anyone else see this ?

Not sure if this is a new autoformating option. However with no way to resize different text to different font size.  This is annoying. 

Any thoughts on this. 

Ps: can't say when this was introduced.  I go back to checked lists only when needed. 

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  On my version (which is a beta),  successive checkbox entries show in the same font.  If your experience is different,  I'd suggest uninstalling / restarting / reinstalling your app.  If that doesn't change things,  looks like the next update will do so.

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I need to likely uninstall and reinstall install the app.   

It's only on the Android and didn't go away. But then I didn't reinstall yet.  Will do so and let you know how it goes.

Thanks for sharing experience


Ps:  I added screenshot here just so others know what I'm talking about. Screenshot_20180904-061939_Evernote.thumb.jpg.c0fc40fd16e19729baafa6d9c2219aba.jpg

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