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Getting Rid of annoying "Productivity Planner"

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I am a simple person, with a simple mind. Okay, I am simpleminded. But I have a problem that is so annoying to me that I'm about ready to chuck an otherwise beautiful system.

For some reason, I started getting "Productivity Planners" loaded to my Evernote account several times a day. I tried deleting them as they occurred, but I can't keep up with them. I didn't get Evernote to share with anyone. Very unsophisticated, my needs. I use it only for my writing research.

I would love it if someone could give me a specific directive? 

Thank you, so much!

Jay Squires

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  • Level 5*
16 hours ago, Jay Squires said:

For some reason, I started getting "Productivity Planners" loaded to my Evernote account several times a day.

I wasn't aware "Productivity Planners" was an Evernote thing.  Could you post a sample?

In the meantime, you might check for external applications (Settings > Account > Applications) to see who has access to your account.

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  • Level 5*
18 hours ago, Jay Squires said:

I am a simple person, with a simple mind. Okay, I am simpleminded. But I have a problem that is so annoying to me that I'm about ready to chuck an otherwise beautiful system.

For some reason, I started getting "Productivity Planners" loaded to my Evernote account several times a day. I tried deleting them as they occurred, but I can't keep up with them. I didn't get Evernote to share with anyone. Very unsophisticated, my needs. I use it only for my writing research.

I would love it if someone could give me a specific directive? 

Thank you, so much!

Jay Squires


  1. Do you use IFTTT or
  2. Have you used your EN email address for some newsletter or notification
  3. Do you use import folders with source set to keep
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Level 5

Have you by any chance accidentally started a trial of the new Evernote Business option? That might well include some kind of Productivity Planner (which, I imagine, could really sap your productivity!). Go to https://www.evernote.com/Home.action and login to open the Evernote Web interface, click on the initial at bottom left to access your account info, and select Settings. At the top it should show the level of your account.

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I'm gratified you took the time to respond. I'll check that out. I think it unlikely I chose the Business option.  I think I chose the deluxe plan, but for the individual use. I don't use the share function. But, I'll certainly check it out.  Thanks again for your thoughtfulness. By the way, I just checked my settings and I have the Premium Plan for 69.99 a year.

I've decided to live with the problem for the remainder of my membership.



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As far as I know Evernote Business does not include a Productivity Planner (I certainly don't get one on my own EB account), so this must be getting populated by some integration that's gotten linked to your account somehow. I do see an IFTTT applet that is set up to produce a Productivity Planner note daily.

IFTTT has to be granted access to your account (if someone had your login/session somehow they could've done it for you?), but you can revoke it from the Applications section of the settings in the web interface. Here's what it looks like for me:


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