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Note link lost format after partially highlighted

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Paste a note link and then highlight part of this link, then the rest would turn into plain text. Shown as attached file. I'm now on the latest stable version, on windows 10 with the latest updates installed.


  • Level 5

FWIW (probably nothing), this does not happen with the older version I'm still using (6.5.4). Some have been using v. 6.13 beta; they may be able to say whether the problem is fixed in that.

9 小時前, Dave-in-Decatur說:

FWIW (probably nothing), this does not happen with the older version I'm still using (6.5.4). Some have been using v. 6.13 beta; they may be able to say whether the problem is fixed in that.

Though I don't have latest beta version, I believe it would still have this problem. I have installed 6.10, 6.7.5, and both have this same bug.

Until I roll back to 6.6.4, it's gone. So, this bug lasts for at least 8 months, for 6.7.5 was released that time.

I think I will stick to 6.6.4 for a long time. The recent updates are all full of bugs. Umm... I would say that I feel a bit disappointed.

  • Level 5

Yes, I am of the same mind. I am a little surprised, though, that this bug hasn't been reported till now. Perhaps not that many people have applied highlighting to part of a link.


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