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I find very often that lots of new notes in a notebook will use the same tags as the first note in the notebook when I am paying statements and create the notes by sharing to Evernote from a pdf... It would be so fast and easy to be able to copy the tags from the first note and paste (or share) the tags to the subsequent notes as they are created and added to the folder.

Please add this feature!

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How to copy tags from one note to another in Evernote (PC)

The option for duplicating a note and also copying along the tags is hidden inside the "Notebooks..." menu item. Since I didn't know about it at the time, I had to look for another way to copy the tags from one note to another. I found an easy method...
How to copy a note's tag to another note in Evernote (PC):
  1. Select both notes in the note list.
  2. Right-click and choose Tag Notes...
  3. Check Hide unassigned tags
  4. Press Select All
  5. Press OK
That's it! Now both notes will contain the same exact tags (i.e. a union between both sets of tags).
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Not clear on the definition of "the first note".

Until this is implemented, you might want to look into using templates that include the tags.

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23 minutes ago, DTLow said:

Not clear on the definition of "the first note".

Until this is implemented, you might want to look into using templates that include the tags.

I simply mean that it would be very useful to be able copy & paste tags from one note to other notes. Whether or not they are in a notebook for that matter. I often want the same tags for many notes, especially several notes within a notebook.

I searched the help & learning for templates but don't see anything relevant. Is that a feature for a Business user? I have a premium account.

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10 hours ago, amsterplan said:

I searched the help & learning for templates but don't see anything relevant. Is that a feature for a Business user? I have a premium account.

Templates are just notes that you duplicate as needed. Tags go along when you duplicate (make a copy in the current notebook) or copy (make a copy in a different notebook) a note. A web search on "evernote note templates" will yield a number of hits. E.g., https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/210176028-How-to-Save-time-with-templates

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Just looked to see if there was any implementation of "Copy and Paste" tags.

I would use this a lot when creating notes by way of sharing pdf files of paid statements. When I do this at bill paying time there are 4 or 5 tags that would be applicable to several notes. A template would not work as well as a copy and paste tags feature.

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On 4/5/2019 at 11:25 PM, AllenC said:

How to copy tags from one note to another in Evernote (PC)

The option for duplicating a note and also copying along the tags is hidden inside the "Notebooks..." menu item. Since I didn't know about it at the time, I had to look for another way to copy the tags from one note to another. I found an easy method...
How to copy a note's tag to another note in Evernote (PC):
  1. Select both notes in the note list.
  2. Right-click and choose Tag Notes...
  3. Check Hide unassigned tags
  4. Press Select All
  5. Press OK
That's it! Now both notes will contain the same exact tags (i.e. a union between both sets of tags).

This is only true for the legacy app, isn't it? It is the one thing that keeps me using the legacy app rather than the new version. I do this every day tens of times. Am I alone?

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18 minutes ago, Alessandra said:

Am I alone?

Quite possibly. If it is a function you want to suggest then you could submit feedback or support ticket.

Remember that this thread pre-dates v10 so any new suggestions may get lots priority unless there is strong evidence of demand.

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2 minutes ago, agsteele said:

Quite possibly. If it is a function you want to suggest then you could submit feedback or support ticket.

Thank you I see elsewhere that other people miss this feature. My experience with feedback has not been so positive and given evidence elsewhere that other people asked for this to no avail I will stick with legacy. But if anyone knows of a workround I would welcome knowing about it

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Wow, nothing on this, really?! There doesn't even seem to be an "assist" to allow referring to another note to ensure two notes have the same tags.

Yes, being able to copy or equalize tags between multiple notes is a fairly basic function that is either missing (in 10.31.6!) or so difficult to find that it might as well be missing.

Evernote, do you even use your own product?

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Use a desktop client.

Select all notes you want to „equalize“.

Select the tags you want to use, and apply them. They will stay on all notes that already have them, and be added to the others.

Or copy the relevant tags from a note that has them, and insert them into a note where you want all of them to be applied. This is described in the thread you posted.

There are IMHO sufficient possibilities to create the same tags on a set of notes. It will not happen without a minimum of effort - it is still you who needs to tell EN what to do.

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