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Remove tag from Note in Chrome

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I'm using Evernote in Chrome (on my chromebook).

I know how to delete a tag altogether. What I can't figure out is how to delete a tag from a note. I searched google and the forums to no avail.

I tried clicking on the tag and hitting delete, but it does nothing. Right clicking also doesn't help.


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  • Level 5*

Hi.  I don't use Chrome or a Chromebook,  but in Windows the tags show up as coloured blocks.  If you hover a mouse over them,  there's an 'x' to delete the tag.  You have to hit the 'x' dead on...


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There is no x in the Web version, neither on hover nor on click or right click. It seems to be one of the many features missing online. You can click the tag, then it changes the background color to green, but doesn't do anything else (like displaying other notes with the same tag, or give you options to do something with the tag itself.)

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