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Evernote doesn't open on desktop

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Level 5*

Hi.  This seems to be a windows error occasionally thrown up after an update..  the trick seem to be to:

Exit everything,  switch the device off / then back on.  If that doesn't work...

  • exit Evernote (if it didn't already crash)
  • backup your database
  • rename the database folder
  • restart Evernote and log in - your database will rebuild from the server.

NB any unsynced notes and local notebooks will be lost if you do this.  If that's a problem,  please raise a support ticket*.

(If Evernote still runs normally,  you can export unsynced notes and local notebooks to ENEX files and re-import them later)

* https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action if you're a subscriber,  Twitter - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps if not. 


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