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Note Not Syncing after Find/Replace

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I noticed that if my last action in a note before closing it is Find/Replace, then the Find/Replace changes are not preserved in the sync.  Has anyone else noticed this?

I can replicate the error with these steps:

  1. Create note with title Test Note
  2. Type ABC on several lines in the note
  3. Find/Replace all ABC with QWERTY
  4. Sync with F9
  5. Close the note Test Note
  6. Open note Test Note and see all ABC still there and none of the QWERTY

If I modify the steps above by inserting step 3.5 of typing any text somewhere else in the note before following the remaining steps, then the Find/Replace changes are included in the sync.

Not sure about the inner workings of EN, but maybe something like Find/Replace by itself doesn't set the internal trigger that the note has been modified.



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