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(Archived) Feature request: clipping without formatting

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Can we have an option to create clippings without taking the formatting of the original text?

Something like "Plain-text clippings" or maybe a new shortcut key for plain-text?

Usually I'm interested in just a short paragraph of text, and I don't want their blue-bold-comic font.


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Currently, you can copy from any browser and then use the desktop "paste without formatting" or "paste and match styles" option in the Edit menu to strip out the original formatting. But there's no single-step way to do this from the clipper itself.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd love to vote for this feature as well!

As a Linux user, I no longer have a workable native Evernote client and can only use the web client. It would be awesome if the web client (and the web clipper applet/extension) gave the option to insert as plain text.

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I'm not really a fan of just using WINE and an outdated version of the software. I'd be ok with just using the web version of the software, but I think this is a little improvement that it really needs.

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