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Apply H1, H2, H3....

Jeff Whitlock


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19 minutes ago, bmat said:

how frequently do you access these documents?

All the time on my Mac and iPad

>>I find evernote impossibly slow in this usage mode- have to find the thing, click the thing, open native app, etc

No problem with slow or finding notes
I have an extensive Tag structure, and also use Text Search

I rarely use the native apps for viewing; there are display viewers for most record types
Inline display option on my Mac

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29 minutes ago, DTLow said:

No problem with slow or finding notes
I have an extensive Tag structure, and also use Text Search

I rarely use the native apps for viewing; there are display viewers for most record types
Inline display option on my Mac

interesting.  is your data mostly of a kind?  I'd be interested in learning more about your system if you ever write it up.  I have ~20k notes, mix of web clips, written notes, attached documents, bookmarks, spanning topics from work to recipes, to general interest to research of various forms.  mostly when I care about attachments its multipage PDF (journal articles and the like) or business cards.  I also use office documents, mind maps, etc.  I find that for the PDFs, I don't like the in-line reading experience, and for office documents, it is faster to use an old fashioned directory structure ( these are usually project based anyway) and likely are backed up to dropbox, google drive and / or my NAS.  though if an office document is on my radar, I am also likely editing it more than viewing.  given the heterogenaity of my data, search isn't great, and tag structure is hard to maintain as any given tag isnt used frequently.   I am working on a scripts to help make this more useful in the finding of things, but that is a work in process....

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44 minutes ago, bmat said:

for office documents, it is faster to use an old fashioned directory structure

Evernote is my digital filing cabinet.  I rarely store documents externally

Some users emulate folders using the notebook/tag trees in the sidebar    
Personally, I don't find it faster and am happy to use tag methodology for organization

>>backed up to dropbox, google drive and / or my NAS

Evernote is useful as a backup service, with data uploaded to the servers and copies on all my devices.   
I also have Personal backups running on my Mac; daily incremental, weekly full, and Time Machine, 

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Upvoting! This is a very important feature for organizing notes...

Notes are already complex with tables, source-code formatting, numbered lists, etc. Adding the ability to auto format headers is ridiculous simple and cheap, it is a torture to have to keep formatting headers and sub-headers manually


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On 8/20/2020 at 7:15 PM, Koelho said:

Upvoting! This is a very important feature for organizing notes...

Notes are already complex with tables, source-code formatting, numbered lists, etc. Adding the ability to auto format headers is ridiculous simple and cheap, it is a torture to have to keep formatting headers and sub-headers manually


The web version already does it. And you can use Markdown to enter the headings if you like (one, two, or three hash symbols). This new editor is supposed to come to all the apps at some point.

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I only use several styles throughout all my notes. At the least I need a simple way to update the formatting of body text to my standard body text formatting (today I use shift + command + F but I'd prefer command + opt + 0 like in Google docs). And a way to easily assign standardized h1 h2 and h3, ideally with similar shortcuts to Google docs and other text editors — command + option + 1,2,3.

It's not just for efficiency... I don't want to have to think about formatting when I'm authoring. I don't want to have to open the little font dropdown and the size dropdown and scan through all the options. I just want to focus on authoring my note.

And at the end of the day I want all my notes to look uniform and be easily scannable. Today there ends up being wide variations in the formatting used because I am often pasting things in from around the web. I can't command + opt + v paste these in because then it loses ALL formatting and I don't have time to go and restore all the headers and line breaks if I am pasting in part of an article.

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Although it's taking a long time for the unified editor to make its way from the web version into the "thick" clients – iOS, Android, Windows, Mac – it surprises me that more people don't realize that it is on the way already, and works perfectly well in the web version. Here's how it looks there:


And you can also use Markdown-style hash characters to create these headers if you prefer (# = H1, ## = H2, etc). They don't stay as Markdown but they act as a keyboard shortcut in a way. Similar to Dropbox Paper.

The outlines mentioned in the original post would be very nice. One of the "behind the scenes" videos from the Evernote team mentioned this as a future possibility. But I guess their first priority is to get the client tools using the new editor.

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+1 on the request (and so voted above)

Moreover, +1 on confusion as to why Evernote has for so long ignored this request. The promised dialogue between vendor and customer remains starkly one way when it comes to this particular request (and markdown in general).

I respect the discipline it takes to stay true to the vision of a product, not letting it drift into some monster every-thing solution.  Each added feature has the potential to degrade usability. This is the innovators dilemma (good book by the way even if it could have been an essay). Yet deciding for all of us that support for headers is outside purpose, while to do lists, audio recordings, and word stats are all inside, seems rather arbitrary and bafflingly bizarre. It doesn't take much imagination to see that headers can help one organize thoughts, express ideas as an outline to be supported with (normal text) elaborations. How is this illegitimate use? What's more, a good design will integrate this functionality with minimal impact to those who don't want it.

What gives? I smell something stinky. It may be that the irritation you see here is a response to the arrogance that developers can have when deciding for paying customers with such subjectivity the appropriateness of their needs.

And friends here, please don't tell me to get over it and migrate to another solution. While switching costs work to Evernote's advantage (further explanation for the irritation), the time to convert not just data but learning and habits should not be trivialized.  

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45 minutes ago, Chrisph999 said:

Adding Titles is most needed, I am sure Evernote will find a way to keep it simple.

It's in Version 10. Four customisable styles in the drop down with #, ## and ### markdown like shortcuts.

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On 5/10/2019 at 1:40 PM, jamp said:

One nice thing about Heading styles in other apps (for example, the Apple Notes app or Google Docs) is that when you press enter and go to the next line, the format automagically resets to normal. I can make text bigger in Evernote but every single time I go to insert something under the bigger text (which I do often in my To-Do list note), I obnoxiously have to reset the font size back to normal.

In most other use cases Evernote is superior to the Apple Notes app but this is one clear feature disparity.


It's 4/17/21, and I'm on these forums in frustration, because Evernote STILL does this same dumb thing.  Why is this so hard? 

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44 minutes ago, Randy Cain said:


It's 4/17/21, and I'm on these forums in frustration, because Evernote STILL does this same dumb thing.  Why is this so hard? 

Are you running into this on the web platform and the other apps? I just tested it out on my Mac with the desktop app and I can type a header and then hit enter and the text automatically reverts to normal.

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8 hours ago, Sayre Ambrosio said:

Are you running into this on the web platform and the other apps? I just tested it out on my Mac with the desktop app and I can type a header and then hit enter and the text automatically reverts to normal.

I'm using V10 of the app on Mac OS. The web version does the same thing.  

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+1 one for this feature request

Been waiting for this quite a long time and would love to see it implemented

I write a lot of KB's and other notes, and this would make a world of difference if I was able to use headings.

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11 hours ago, iandessers said:

+1 one for this feature request

Been waiting for this quite a long time and would love to see it implemented

I write a lot of KB's and other notes, and this would make a world of difference if I was able to use headings.

This is part of the new v10

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+1. missing this function for so long. a function that is a super basic thing for othe apps that. i want to take notes... simple, quick /h1 /h2 /h3 and lets go... but i have to use the mouse to select on the top the different formats. takes so much time...

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27 minutes ago, BeEfficient said:

+1. missing this function for so long. a function that is a super basic thing for othe apps that. i want to take notes... simple, quick /h1 /h2 /h3 and lets go... but i have to use the mouse to select on the top the different formats. takes so much time...

The headers can be selected using markdown style formatting. # for large header, ## for medium header etc


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I am even considering options to migrate from Evernote, because of this.

When I create notes I need to be quick, and tidy. I just want to select the Heading 1 2 3 4... or normal text and be able to create index. This is such basic feature which exists in almost every text editor out there. 

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45 minutes ago, Arvid455 said:

however, I reckon it would be more Convenient to adjust the heading using simple key's or as a right click option.

You can use #'s to give the style you want. For example type ##<space> to switch to the "medium header" style


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Actually it is as it is.

It may be an option for you to move your data to a server under full control of the Chinese government. Feel free to do so.

Be assured that this is NO option for the vast majority of EN users. Not because we couldn’t do it, it is because we will not sacrifice the confidentiality and privacy of our notes just to get an outliner. Very, very bad deal !

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