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Encrypt Tex not Working since latest update

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Thanks for your help Gazumped. I will try Support. The odd thing is that I have now tried encrypting using ctrl+Shift+X and it works fine - but the menu item is still greyed out.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I am also having this issue, but only with text in a specific format.  Bulleted text will not encrypt.  I you select only one line from the text below it will encrypt.  If you select to or more it will not.  If this existing anywhere in a body of text it will not encrypt, but you can separately encrypt any non-bulleted text around it.

Test encryption bug:
  1. one
  2. two
  3. three
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  • 2 weeks later...

I ran into this today as well.  Windows 10 (10.0.14393 Build 14393) and Evernote (305825).  If there is a bullet, right click encrypt menu is not available but Ctrl-Shift-X works.  However if you use Ctrl-Shift-X on bulleted text, you will notice that the un-encrypt option does not appear on the bulleted encrypted text. It's broken both ways (encrypt and unencrypt).  Everything works fine on plain text.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having the same issue.  Very annoying because my encrypted text has several bullets numbers and line dividers in it and I had to reformat it all when I needed to add new information.  I had to reformat years of data because someone was to lazy to do their job to support existing functionality.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Add me too.  I have used bullets within encrypted text literally for years and years and years...and now I can't. 

Normally I want to update to the latest bits but I've been burned one too many times with Evernote. Rule #1: Don't break existing functionality.  Rule #2: Add great new features.  Rule #3: See Rule #1.

Please fix asap! :)

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I was ok with encryption, knowing bullets were a no no.   BUT today (10th April 2018) with W8.1 I updated to v and started a new * note.  In my usual way I typed in some text, selected it, Right-clicked, chose "Encrypt selected text" and the expected box formed around it.

Now if I copy and paste text with paragraphs from a web page and "Paste and match style"  inside the box I get some text inside it but more boxes for some of the text and some is not in a box.   There are several of those things(with a padlock & squares) I normally need to click and enter the encryption code to de-crypt too whereas before I only had the one I wanted.. 

There are no bullets or similar that I see in the text I'm trying to paste.

*with old notes, everything I paste inside the box goes inside the box no problem.

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  • Level 5*
8 hours ago, Herbie said:

Now if I copy and paste text with paragraphs from a web page and "Paste and match style"  inside the box I get some text inside it but more boxes for some of the text and some is not in a box.   There are several of those things(with a padlock & squares) I normally need to click and enter the encryption code to de-crypt too whereas before I only had the one I wanted.. 

Out of interest I tried this, using the text from your message above, and it worked fine for me.  Does this happen with content from all web pages?

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Thanks for your involvement CalS.    I just tried starting a new note, pasted in a line of text, selected it, rt clicked and chose "Encrypt selected text" and the expected box formed around it.

This time I dragged the bottom line of the box down to give plenty of space and selected and copied the last 3 paragraphs of my original post. Inside the box I Rt clicked , chose Paste & match style and clicked it.

I got the first para in the original box, the next one "There are no bullets"etc appears immediately below the bottom line of the original box and is not in a box. The third para "*with old notes" etc appeared in another box underneath.

I also tried 2 paras of text from another web page from an unrelated URL and when I pasted in the box with "*with old notes " etc the first para went in that box but now the bottom line is about twice its original thickness and the 2nd para is in another box below, formed with the thicker line at the top and normal other lines.

I then had two padlock with squares things on the page.

Out of interest I went File/Exit which closed Evernote, then launched again and the experimental new note has opened with five of those padlock with squares things on the page (what is the term for them?). The text "There are no bullets or similar that I see in the text I'm trying to paste." that was not in a box before exit is visible. Clicking all "things" opens an encryption key entry box. Once I enter the key & OK, I get 2 boxes with a para of text plus the unboxed text and none of the other "things" do anything on click. A RT click on them allows "Show encrypted text" (but it doesn't) or "Decrypt text permanently" which it does i.e. out of a box.

I've attached the relevant exported .enex which I hope helps.




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  • Level 5*

Not sure what dragged the line down means?

Have you tried using enter within the encrypted text, add some lines in other words, and then pasting into one of those lines.  It sounds like the subsequent pastes are outside the original encryption text. 

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I have the same problem not being able to encrypt text with bullets. Shift-Command-X doesn't work for me either. Version below.

Version 7.0.3 (456407 App Store)
Editor: 1.38.3824 (68bd1c0)

@Evernote team - Please acknowledge the problem, this is really frustrating.

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On 11/04/2018 at 5:58 PM, CalS said:

Not sure what dragged the line down means?

Have you tried using enter within the encrypted text, add some lines in other words, and then pasting into one of those lines.  It sounds like the subsequent pastes are outside the original encryption text. 

Hi CalS.   I am bewildered to tell you that all seems normal today when I tried your instructions.  I was on the verge of going back to the restore point I made just before the  V 6.11 update if that failed.   I can now copy  a section with multiple paragraphs from a webpage then paste (with style match) inside a box and it all goes in the box.    

.  About drag line down.... Previously I could click & hold on the lowest border of the box that appears  after decryption and drag the line down and that enlarged the box by creating  space under the lowest line of contained text.   I cannot do that today. It may have been one of the thick lines that I could drag .. not sure.

I cannot explain why all is OK now other than a W8.1 update happened this morning. 

Anyway, "case closed" now I hope and thanks.


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21 hours ago, as128 said:

CASE IS NOT CLOSED!  Bulleted text still cannot be encrypted!

Sorry people. I did not mean to mislead.  My particular issue (which was to do with encrypted text) is "case closed"

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  • Level 5*
On 15/04/2018 at 7:19 PM, 33AndA3rd said:

@Evernote team - Please acknowledge the problem, this is really frustrating.

This public forum is -mainly- supported by users.  It's read by Evernote developers,  but has no link into other support channels.  The devs rarerly comment on ongoing issues.  The only sure way to get personal feedback is to raise a query with Support who are available on https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action if you're a subscriber,  Twitter - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps if that doesn't work,  or you're not a subscriber. 

My understanding is that only text is covered by the encryption feature - formatting of any kind is currently not.  You could raise this as a feature request if you wish.

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Same thing for me with Code-block text  (Ctrl-Shift-L) : no Ctrl-Shift-X availability and Encrypt is grayed in menu. It works with normal text.

Quite annoying because I often use text formatted with Ctrl-Shift-L

It used to work a few weeks ago, but I have to say I previously was with Win7 (now Evernote & Windows 10)

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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, RVD said:

Same thing for me with Code-block text  (Ctrl-Shift-L) : no Ctrl-Shift-X availability and Encrypt is grayed in menu. It works with normal text.

Just FYI: these appear to be working in the lates beta.

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  • 3 months later...


   I have encryption working OK for my free Desktop version Windows 8 but have tried it with the WEB version and Google browser on PC and chromebook and the decryption passphrase field is not popping up. I have re- tried after disabling my blockers (Disconnect and Privacy Badger) and chrome browsing data.  I do not see any limitation mentioned in the desktop Help.


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  • Level 5*
8 hours ago, Herbie said:


   I have encryption working OK for my free Desktop version Windows 8 but have tried it with the WEB version and Google browser on PC and chromebook and the decryption passphrase field is not popping up. I have re- tried after disabling my blockers (Disconnect and Privacy Badger) and chrome browsing data.  I do not see any limitation mentioned in the desktop Help.


Hi.  Are you saying you can't encrypt text in Evernote Web via Google,  or that you can't see the password box when you try to access the encrypted information?

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  • 1 month later...
  • Level 5*
On 8/16/2018 at 1:55 AM, Herbie said:

I cannot see the password box in "Web".   I see the thing to click but clicking does 0.

Sorry for a very slow reply - have you tried other browsers & new vs old encryptions?  If this is still an issue,  which version of Evernote are you using?

49 minutes ago, frumess@nyc.rr.com said:

verything works fine EXCEPT still cannot encrypt text with bullet points.

It's not possible to encrypt anything except pure text.

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  • Level 5*
27 minutes ago, frumess@nyc.rr.com said:

So what does one do when you have a large document that includes bullet points?

'Print' the note to PDF and encrypt / password protect the PDF file

Copy/ paste the content into Word or another word processor and password protect that file,  or output to PDF from there...

Best to create a new note for your content then,  if the original was synced to Evernote's servers.  The original may persist in backups or on other devices for a while - deleting it will ensure it's purged sooner rather than later.

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  • Level 5*
11 hours ago, frumess@nyc.rr.com said:

So what does one do when you have a large document that includes bullet points?

Put the note in a local notebook if not needed on multiple platforms. 

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  • Level 5*
12 hours ago, frumess@nyc.rr.com said:

So what does one do when you have a large document that includes bullet points?

For large documents, I'd suggest a word processing program.  I use Word/Pages.

This allows bullet options and encrypted documents.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

for me the solution was spelling errors. I have EN set to show spelling errors with the red squiggle underline. once I manually corrected the spelling, I was able to encrypt. and it was just that line that I couldnt, meaning if I selected text line by line it would allow encryption except that line. 


maybe its because the text is being read by a dictionary function while its misspelled? in any case, this was how i resolved it

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