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Lost note on HTC One M9

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Dear support,


I do not even recall using Evernote on any different platform before the following happened:


I just opened the app on my HTC One M9 one and a half month ago (can't remember the android version, but it was up to date) and it kept informing me that there is a sync conflict with a different device on one of my notes (the most crucial one that I use most). After I clicked to update the note, it just went blank and all the data is lost. I have checked the trash and checked on the web version and still nothing. The note is there but it is empty, all the contents are gone. Please help as the information is crucial to me. I have also attached the log from my HTC.


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  • Level 5*

Hi.  The sync conflict presumably meant that you had been changing the note on another device but that the HTC didn't know whether its (older) note or the other version was the most recent.  By updating the local note you lost the history saved from elsewhere.  Evernote has a subscription feature Note History which will recover earlier versions of the note - even if you are only a subscriber for one month.

If you have regular backups of your database (which is always a good idea) you would also be able to find a recent version of the note.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks a lot for your reply!


I would consider subsribing for one month if it does bring my note back, however, would it be able to bring the note back from over three months ago, and taking into account that I was not a member when the note got lost?

In other words, did Evernote keep a history of my note which I will be able to access if I subscribe?


Also, I dont believe I should pay for the subscription just to solve an error in the app. Is there someway Evernote helps in these situations without me having to pay for my app problem?


Thanks in advance!

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  • Level 5*

The 3 month old note is not a problem - all notes for all users are backed up 2-3 times daily on the servers.  Retrospective refreshes are quite possible.

Don't know how Evernote will feel about allowing you access without a membership upgrade or some kind of a charge.  Like any activity on a mobile device,  connectivity can be fragile and if you have important content it's down to the user to take suitable precautions.  Also it's not exactly clear that the app caused the issue here - it was doing its job by warning you of conflicts;  it's not clear how or why your note was affected.

You could certainly ask via Twitter - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps

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  • 1 month later...


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