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Pin notes to the top of notebook



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It would be very helpful if different notes could be moved around like they were in a list. I have many notes and use them for different things during my week. It would be great and very helpful if i could hold on the note and drag it to the top of the notes to be able to see that one first because it's the first thing I need to do in my day. I'm constantly searching through my over 40 notes that I have to keep for work trying to see if I already wrote one for that job. Thank you.

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One note allows you to put notes in a specific order. As you look at these notes they go back into the same order. If you were making a "book" and want to read page after page you can do it. EN sorts alphabetically or the last note used. Your most important notes in a notebook can get lost under recent notes or alphabetically. I have photoshop notes in ON and I can read them page by page in a sequence for a particular procedure. In EN the same notes would be re-sorted each time. 

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56 minutes ago, dhdvt said:

EN sorts alphabetically or the last note used

EN has a variety of sort options9603391_ScreenShot2020-02-09at8_23_07AM.png.ef7123d5555f6a6603117c5b7815f041.png
The screenshot is from my Mac

We can not arrange notes in a manual sequence (also known as Pinning)

As a work-around, the page number can be added to the note title

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I understand the sorts available. If you use page a number as part of title it can sort page by page.If you want to add a page in the middle of you "book" the page would have to be 9a to fit in. If you wanted to a page between 9 and 9a it become cumbersome.  If the book went over 99 pages (unlikely but can happen) all the pages would have to be re-numbered 001 unless you did that in the beginning. If EN wants to compete with ON this is one thing to add. I use ON for books and EN for tagging but I could get rid of ON with this feature.

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On 2/7/2020 at 10:31 AM, brwnidgrl15 said:

It would be very helpful if different notes could be moved around like they were in a list.

I merged your discussion with an existing request posted for this feature

>>I'm constantly searching through my over 40 notes that I have to keep for work trying to see if I already wrote one for that job.

A dashboard note might be useful; discussions at https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/644-home-dashboards/

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18 hours ago, dhdvt said:

I understand the sorts available. If you use page a number as part of title it can sort page by page.If you want to add a page in the middle of you "book" the page would have to be 9a to fit in. If you wanted to a page between 9 and 9a it become cumbersome.  If the book went over 99 pages (unlikely but can happen) all the pages would have to be re-numbered 001 unless you did that in the beginning. If EN wants to compete with ON this is one thing to add. I use ON for books and EN for tagging but I could get rid of ON with this feature.

Doesn't help much in the scheme if things but adding a couple of zeros to the page numbering pretty much eliminates the number process issue.  Page 9 becomes 00900 and adding pages between 9 and 10 then has 99 options (preceding 00's to facilitate the sort).  Page 300 becomes 30000.  FWIW.

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I am begging you: please implement this feature. How is it possible that you haven't yet? It's extremely useful and all the similar notebook apps do this. I don't want to leave Evernote, I've been using it for years, but other apps are catching up and Evernote is lagging behind.

If you let me pin notes to the top of a notebook I would buy Premium immediately. But if you won't, eventually I'll have to give up on Evernote. I know you don't give a ***** about a single customer, no matter how long they've been a user, but I can't be the only one who feels this way.

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45 minutes ago, Luthien said:

If you let me pin notes to the top of a notebook I would buy Premium immediately.

It would be an interesting experiment if Evernote did add this but only for Premium users to see if it drives additional business.  I suspect we would just see additional forum traffic asking for it to be added to the basic plan.

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43 minutes ago, Luthien said:

I am begging you: please implement this feature. How is it possible that you haven't yet?

If you missed it above, a common workaround (which actually works well for me, in Snippet View on Windows, and on Android; the latest web beta, not so much yet) is just to use reminder notes. They appear at the top of the current note list, whether it's selected by notebook, or other search filter. You can order them by drag/drop if you want, or by date, and you can collapse the list altogether. Not sure how well this works on Mac or iOS, but in my world, they work great for pinning.

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Another simple workaround is to tag your pinned notes with Pinned and put the saved search tag:pinned in the shortcuts bar.  View independent.  Works on mobile as well.  FWIW.

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2 hours ago, s2sailor said:

The work around isn't bad, but I also would prefer true pinning especially now that I use it in my email client.

Sure, I'm just making lemonade from lemons here. But it happens that it works really well for me anyways. Besides which, some folks don't know that much about reminders and don't take the time to read this long thread, so I occasionally feel the need to um, remind those folks of their existence. For me, they're simple and batteries included.

40 minutes ago, CalS said:

Another simple workaround is to tag your pinned notes with Pinned and put the saved search tag:pinned in the shortcuts bar.  View independent.  Works on mobile as well.  FWIW.

That works too, but  what I like about reminders is that they follow my current filter context. Hey, I'm working in my work Todo notebook; I see my work reminders. Oh wait, it's lunch time, let me check my personal Todo notebook, and hey, my personal reminders are there too. I guess it's lame horses for lame courses either way??? :) 

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4 hours ago, jefito said:

That works too, but  what I like about reminders is that they follow my current filter context. Hey, I'm working in my work Todo notebook; I see my work reminders. Oh wait, it's lunch time, let me check my personal Todo notebook, and hey, my personal reminders are there too. I guess it's lame horses for lame courses either way??? :) 

For sure.  Down side to the search it is not notebook specific, though I suppose it could be with notebook drop down selecting post shortcut.  As usual, downside to throwing out ideas re a concept I don't really use.  Oops.  🤷‍♂️

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I would like to drag and drop notes into a fixed order for a notebook.  I use notebooks to track work items (one work item per note) and would like to order these notes by priority. Numbering the notes does not work because the priority frequently changes and I often need to reorder.

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6 hours ago, careydisco said:

I would like to drag and drop notes into a fixed order for a notebook.  I use notebooks to track work items (one work item per note) and would like to order these notes by priority. Numbering the notes does not work because the priority frequently changes and I often need to reorder.

Hello and welcome to the forums. Merging this to the existing request.

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20 hours ago, careydisco said:

I use notebooks to track work items (one work item per note) and would like to order these notes by priority. Numbering the notes does not work because the priority frequently changes and I often need to reorder.

Numbering should work for the frequent priority changes   
Your task list will be reordered if you sort by title

Tasks etc is off topic discussion, but you might adjust your processing     
I make use of the reminder feature; the reminder section supports drag and drop  

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In the "Sort by" option, can you please allow users to check the custom sort they want to use based on a drag and drop feature that allows rearranging based on your needs (a certain order) verses date only and title only?

For example, by clinking on the "SORT BY" icon you will have a third option to sort by two (for now) generic names that you can change, and that will allow for the drag and drop feature to create the order/precedence. 


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On 3/10/2020 at 11:37 AM, messynotes said:

In the "Sort by" option, can you please allow users to check the custom sort they want to use based on a drag and drop feature that allows rearranging based on your needs (a certain order) verses date only and title only?

Your post has been merged with the ongoing discussion for this request   
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fwiw  Drag and drop is supported in the Shortcuts section 

>>For example, by clinking on the "SORT BY" icon you will have a third option to sort by two (for now) generic names that you can change, and that will allow for the drag and drop feature to create the order/precedence

It's an interesting idea.  Currently we only get a single custom search option    
This would require the storage of multiple sort indexes

My solution is to maintain master Table of Contents notes   1530094135_ScreenShot2020-03-11at10_33_36PM.png.375b8611671847b84066fecef665880b.png
I can adjust the order preference as required

The screenshot is my ToC note for a project

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1 hour ago, DTLow said:

fwiw  Drag and drop is supported in the Shortcuts section 

And also in the Reminders section, at least using the native Windows and Android Evernote applications.

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17 hours ago, edpo said:

I know this is an old thread but it's still relevant. I really want to be able to pin notes to the top of a notebook so that the most important ones are easily seen. This is already a feature in Apple notes and makes it really hard to shift to Evernote. 

Hi.  As you may have seen from this lengthy thread,  it's not an option in Evernote,  although there are any number of work-arounds.  That doesn't seem likely to change.  In moving from one app to another there are always differences in how things work - up to you to decide whether the advantages outweigh the differences...

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no response on this for ages. 

the only thing you can do, apart from nagging to Devs about it, is to keep updating a file you want 

and hope that others you are sharing with have their list sorted by updated files. 

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3 hours ago, Bienne said:

the only thing you can do, apart from nagging to Devs about it

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>>keep updating a file you want and hope that others you are sharing with have their list sorted by updated files

Not sure what "file" you're updating   
To keep a note at the top of the sorted note list, you can adjust the note title and dates

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I don't even require custom sorting at this point, it's been too many years. 

Just please think about keeping the sorting of notes as it is with one small change. Adding pin icon in the note. At the top of the list sort pinned notes, underneath sort the rest of them, leaving sorting mechanism as they are right now.

Edit: My workaround is to start notes with specific symbols (e.g. !,!!,?, !?,%..) and only after that title your note. Then, sort your notes by title asc/desc. 

This way you can kind of create your custom sorting mechanism

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On 5/10/2020 at 8:38 PM, joeboxer35 said:

Seems like the idea of pinning a note to the top of a notebook or stack has been around for awhile. I'd love to see this happen. Any idea, when?

I currently have over 2000 notes in 5 or 6 stacks with 5-20 notebooks in each stack. Super powerful and helpful.

But I'd like one or two pinned notes at the top of each stack and one or two notes pinned to the top within each notebook.



Evernote don't (usually) comment on whether or when any given feature might be released. In any event this is a -mainly- user-supported Forum so your guess is as good as anyone's. There are lots of work-arounds to create 'highlighted' notes with reminders, titles and dashboards. As yet,  there's no Evernote native method.

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On 5/10/2020 at 12:38 PM, joeboxer35 said:

But I'd like one or two pinned notes at the top of each stack and one or two notes pinned to the top within each notebook.

This option is not supported in Evernote   
We only get sort options for notes; date, title

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Strong vote of support. Doesn't have to be a feature on every platform (as with font changing on some mobile) if devs are worried about screen sizes (and people who can't figure anything out) but it would be really good to have it on non-mobile and web (and I'm sure many people want it on mobile too -- either way it should respect the pins you made on any platform.)

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I am a med student and I use evernote for school, I have notebooks with notes from some time ago and now I realize that those notes could be arranged in a much better fashion within the notebook in order to make studying and updating those notes in a more efficient way, the problem is that changing the dates of creation takes too much time, and the other sorting options do not work for me. Could a way to edit the note order within the notebook  be implemented? 

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3 hours ago, JQ7gysgfykgdsah said:

I wish there's a feature where you can Pin some of your important notes to the top

I merged your post with an existing request   
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>>I wish there's a feature to high light - change the color of the background of the title of each note, so some of the frequent notes are more visually popping out - i think the current short cuts are not as useful as it is intended 

You might want to post this separately so that it can be better addressed as a request   
No colours, but you can insert emoji characters into the title 

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I've found a lifesaver - the only way to make sure the key notes come to the top is by prefixing the titles, like this :

1. Main note
2. Sub-note 1
2. Sub-note 2
2. Sub-note 3
3. Sub-sub-note 1.1
3. Sub-sub-note 1.2

Works brilliantly for me.  Recommended.

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42 minutes ago, GCN said:

Just like Apple Notes, would like the  ability to Pin notes, so they stay at the top of the list.

I merged your post with an existing request for this feature    
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You're allowed (I think) up to 100 saved shortcuts which would immediately jump you to those notes; any note can be set as a shortcut on the home screen - also the Android widgets include a large icon which can list notes with various optional settings.

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On 8/31/2020 at 4:10 PM, Erik Fogth said:

I think it would be a good idea to be able to pin specific notes to the top of a specific notebook, so that the person does not have to scroll through all of their notes to find frequently edited notes.

Your post has been merged with the ongoing discussion fot this feature request     
To indicate support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion

My notes are displayed in creation date sequence
To pin specific notes, I adjust the note creation date

As per @gazumpd, the Shortcuts section gives me quick access to notes.   
I use a saved search based on tags

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There was a workaround for this using Reminders in Windows, but because Evernote hates us they removed it in the new version. Should've known better than to update. Never trust a software company with such obvious disdain for their userbase.

EDIT: please don't tell me to create shortcuts. I use multiple notebooks, one for each project, and I want each summary to show up at the top of that notebook. Having them in shortcuts does not solve my problem.

Edited by Luthien
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Have been an Evernote user for more than a decade and it is EXCRUCIATING to not have any ability to pin notes to the top, particularly given the enormous size of my collection and how many different uses it is trying to serve in different contexts. The recent removal of the "Reminders hack" by splitting out Notes and Reminders into separate views was a heartbreaking insult to the injury.

Wordpress solved this "lost in a reverse cron sea of information" problem via pinning. It is the best known solution (yet) for combining the best of recency and priority -- Evernote has been flirting with it since at least 2013 and it's long past time to put the ring on it! Don't make us beg (further)... ;)

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13 minutes ago, doctorparadox said:

Have been an Evernote user for more than a decade and it is EXCRUCIATING to not have any ability to pin notes to the top, particularly given the enormous size of my collection and how many different uses it is trying to serve in different contexts.

I agree it would be useful and for the last 10 years I've been using a $pinned tag to quickly select those notes I would pin to the top of a view if I had that option. Works better in legacy where you can shift click a tag in the sidebar to select an extra tag - I am more hopeful that that function will return than we will ever get pinned notes!

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1 hour ago, DvirG said:

It would be amazing if we could pin notes to the top of notebooks.

So all pinned notebooks will appear at the top of the notebook and sort between them in the same way the rest of the notes gets sorted.

This will give many more uses to notebooks, for example adding at the top a description note, etc.

A quick search of the forums will show you that here are plenty of other people who would like this feature. These requests though go back for a long time, well before V10, so it seems very unlikely that it will happen given that V10 would presumably have been an ideal opportunity to introduce the changes in architecture required.

The problem we now have is that some of the workarounds that people have used in the past are no longer available:

  • If you sort by uptated date you can no longer change the date to be way into the future so that it always appears at the top
  • Notes with reminders no longer appear above the normal notes in the notebook

This leaves us with:

  • Starting the title with a suitable character to bring it to the top if you sort alphabetically
  • Changing the creation date to be a date way in the future if you sort by creation date
  • Having a "pinned" tag to allow you to quickly select those notes from a particular view which would be pinned if the facility existed. This is my preferred method although it has been made more difficult by the inability to multiiselect tags from the sidebar. Therefore you need to use the filter menu which in my opinion is less convenient.
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2 hours ago, Gary Keenan said:

Eight years since this thread was started...

Speaks volumes about EN's interest in implementing it.  Maybe the new dashboard stuff would help you out.

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A trick could be the new filtered notes widget. Create a tag "PINNED", apply it to the notes to move to the top and filter for this tag. Select the notebook you want to see. Downside: Works only for a selection of notebooks.

Maybe this could at least be a partial solution.

It does not solve the general request, which I support as many others do.

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The easiest workaround is to use a symbol (like the @ ) at the beginning of the title of the note you want to pin. Then simply sort the notes by title. The symbol will be moved to the top (or the end, depending on the sorting priority).

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I also think that the ability to pin a note to the top of a notebook is a long overdue feature. Evernote is supposed to save us time - yet we have to find work arounds to create a simple table of contents type note that we can pin to the top of our notebooks to help us navigate our information. It is beyond frustrating.


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10 hours ago, almost practical said:

I also think that the ability to pin a note to the top of a notebook is a long overdue feature. Evernote is supposed to save us time - yet we have to find work arounds to create a simple table of contents type note that we can pin to the top of our notebooks to help us navigate our information. It is beyond frustrating.


<sigh> have you seen the Home page?

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On 12/26/2022 at 8:50 PM, gazumped said:

<sigh> have you seen the Home page?

Apparently you have come late to this thread. The home page only allows ONE note to be pinned. I, along with the others requesting this feature, want to be able to pin a note within a notebook. I have many notebooks for the various projects I run, and want at least one note that is most relevant to my work in that project to be pinned at the top of the notes list. I shouldn't have to bend over backwards which is what Evernote asks of us. Use reminders so it shows in the Reminders tab. I can tag a note and use filtered notes on the home page, but once again, too many steps. Click a pin and boom it is pinned at the top.

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4 hours ago, Alxa said:

It is requested to pin notes to the top of a notebook instead of using work arounds as reminders or the dashboard.

Hi.  I think using the built-in features of an app (like the home page / dashboard) is rather more than a 'work-around'.  I use 'parent' notes as executive summaries for my individual project and topic notebooks,  which are basically annotated Table of Content notes containing my thoughts and progress to date.  I use tags to make current items of interest instantly available by way of a saved search.  I can use the home page to list all my parent notes in case I need to verify whether or not one has been created.  I'll also create 'child' notes (referenced in the relevant parent note and by tag) for sub-projects that have their own set of priorities and interactions.

It is possible to manage a wide variety of workflows with Evernote's available features.  Whilst I have no objection to a feature for 'pinning' notes being available.  for me it adds zero value to the existing package,  and I would expect that the same would be true for many users.  If and when Evernote decide otherwise,  you'll likely see the function being added.  Until then - it is only possible to use the actual tools available,  if you wish to stick with Evernote.

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On 1/3/2023 at 3:52 AM, agsteele said:

If you wish to pin more than one note to the Home dashboard then you can upgrade to Professional.

Oh, super really? I have been a loyal user since 2013. And the only thing I asked for is to be able to pin notes. And it has been an open request on here for an equally long amount of time. And your response is Upgrade to Professional. Really?!?! Even so it doesn't do what I want. I want to pin notes within the notebooks, not cluttering up my home page, which I find rather useless.

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On 1/3/2023 at 9:15 AM, gazumped said:

Hi.  I think using the built-in features of an app (like the home page / dashboard) is rather more than a 'work-around'.  I use 'parent' notes as executive summaries for my individual project and topic notebooks,  which are basically annotated Table of Content notes containing my thoughts and progress to date.  I use tags to make current items of interest instantly available by way of a saved search.  I can use the home page to list all my parent notes in case I need to verify whether or not one has been created.  I'll also create 'child' notes (referenced in the relevant parent note and by tag) for sub-projects that have their own set of priorities and interactions.

It is possible to manage a wide variety of workflows with Evernote's available features.  Whilst I have no objection to a feature for 'pinning' notes being available.  for me it adds zero value to the existing package,  and I would expect that the same would be true for many users.  If and when Evernote decide otherwise,  you'll likely see the function being added.  Until then - it is only possible to use the actual tools available,  if you wish to stick with Evernote.

I architect and build enterprise software. And a guiding principle I have learned to follow is Less is more. As someone who considers themselves a power user in just about all things software, I have found in my 30+ years in this business, adding features for the sake of features is a poor plan. This thread speaks to the interest of many serious and long time users of EN for this feature to be able to pin notes.

It is a simple feature that can add a heap of usability.  "for me it adds zero value to the existing package,  and I would expect that the same would be true for many users." On what basis do you make this claim? 

And as for workflow, I really don't see any workflow value of any kind in this product. It is a note taking and information management platform. Its task functionality is weak and does not impress me at all. There are plenty of other products to cleanly manage workflow. EN should not be trying to become something it isn't.

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About tasks: I think you didn’t get the main point why tasks are very useful: Tasks make notes actionable.

For example many people keep one note for each contact (like a client etc.). With tasks you can now plan ahead for the next action. A friendly phone call or a complex project - you can manage it all, tasks for the action, the note holding the information. The combination of both is what EN tasks do better than the usual task manager.

About pinning: First you elaborate why more features are not necessarily better. And then you ask for exactly that, an additional feature.

Not really a stringent chain of arguments, crowned by a suada over true or imagined power users in general and in specific.

My position is simple: We have the shortcuts section, and that’s usually enough for pinning. There are some users here who want more. But I have not yet really seen a „power argument“ I found convincing.

Which is just my opinion, as just another user without marvel super powers (no, not Captain Evernote …).

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54 minutes ago, Alxa said:

Interesting with how much energy EN's ignorance on this simple request is tried to be justified 😅

- Vs the energy spent by users who just want that 'extra feature' added to suit their own convenience? - and for the record Evernote isn't ignoring anyone.  The company simply has not commented whether,  or when it will introduce this option - just like the other thousands of style / layout / bells-n-whistle feature requests in the forums. 

And as for "justified" - which bit of this feature does not currently exist - you need to find a different way do you find especially unreasonable?

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“Ignore“ is the standard sticker those apply who can’t stand that EN does not implement whatever has been posted here. 

It is a long standing policy that forum requests are nearly never commented by staff - which can be mistaken for ignoring. 

Not implementing does not mean ignoring. Maybe the devs had heated discussions in the 3rd floor coffee kitchen about it, and then decided not to implement. Who knows …

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3 minutes ago, Luthien said:

Hey, is anyone planning a 10-year-anniversary party for this request? I'd come!

Ever tried the Home page?  You can pin notes there...  that's been around for what - 2 of those 10 years now..

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15 minutes ago, Luthien said:

Hey, is anyone planning a 10-year-anniversary party for this request? I'd come!

Would come too 😆and maybe discuss all EN alternatives that do offer this little but nice feature. 🎉 Even the 2 or 3-men-company UpNote provides this feature. Some companies do care. Maybe EN has gotten too big, lost ground? 🤷🏼

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Maybe most users are quite happy with the shortcut notes, notebooks and saved searches ? Works fine, so for many of us this is not an issue. You may find „pin note in notebook“ in some note apps, and not in others. Doesn’t seem to be decisive in the end. Good it is not all the same topping we get on our salad bowls.

Since nobody puts a gun at your head when the subscription is up for renewal, just do what everybody should do: Pick what’s good for yourself. And be sure: No matter what you pick, something will always be missing.

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On 4/3/2023 at 3:00 PM, PinkElephant said:

And be sure: No matter what you pick, something will always be missing.

Yeah - I've found this to be the case for me in my own personal searching.

And speaking of the recently mentioned UpNote that implements pinned notes very well... I really like UpNote and I wish Evernote had quite a few of some of the features that UpNote implements:

  • Side bar table of contents
  • Side bar backlinks (Evernote is close enough now, but I like UpNote's implementation in the side bar better)
  • Internal note-linking to headers
  • Collapsible sections
  • Pinned notes
  • Snappier
  • Lower price
  • Quote blocks
  • Syntax highlighting in quote blocks
  • Thumbnail image sanity
  • Sticky note on top of other windows (on Desktop)

However, even though I'm a Premium/Personal user of both, I still prefer Evernote for a variety of reasons and features that UpNote doesn't have:

  • UI/UX (A lot of things about Evernote that I personally prefer)
  • Accessible via web browser
  • Dragging/dropping bullet points, images, attachments
  • More robust table operations (drag/drop, adding rows/columns)
  • Larger attachment size
  • Inline PDF viewer
  • Image annotation
  • Built-in audio player
  • Tasks
  • OCR
  • PDF search
  • Fully Offline (UpNote only temporarily caches attachments offline on mobile)
  • Cmd-J, Switch To command

I'm sure many prefer UpNote and you should be using it if it checks more boxes for you (and you are comfortable with the security of your notes).

Edit: btw -- please send me an invite too for the 10 year party. 😃

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On 2/15/2020 at 2:28 AM, jefito said:

If you missed it above, a common workaround (which actually works well for me, in Snippet View on Windows, and on Android; the latest web beta, not so much yet) is just to use reminder notes. They appear at the top of the current note list, whether it's selected by notebook, or other search filter.

Looks like this feature has since been removed in later version of evernote :( 

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12 hours ago, DaneLennon89 said:

+1 vote for this. Just went looking for this and while there is an option to "pin note to home" I really only want the note pinned to the top of the notebook

Not quite the same thing but you can drag a note to the saved search section in the left hand pane and “pin” a note there.

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8 hours ago, DaneLennon89 said:

Looks like this feature has since been removed in later version of evernote

Not exactly - reminder notes are still listed separately in all views on desktop.  I prefer 'side list' as here...


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56 minutes ago, Gary Keenan said:

I think it's safe to say if we're waiting +10 years on a feature request then EN aren't likely going to bother. 

? Evernote is under new ownership as of 9 months ago - I don't think the previous 10+ years of waiting actually count;  they've not had time to do anything much other than to fix sync (user request) address speed issues (user request) and add AI options (user request).  Plus it's not possible to have a 'pinned' window on the home page or pin posts with reminders.  What else exactly are you looking for?

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Dropping any feature request and then putting it on the „personal waiting list“ is the wrong approach anyhow.

There are a lot of feature requests that will never be tackled - some of them pretty popular, measured by the vote count. There may be technical reasons, there may be that it doesn‘t match the strategic planning, or simply that it never makes it to the higher ranks of the backlog list.

Whatever, decisions should be taken based on „what is“, viewed under the own use cases and value perception. Moving to a service as to entering the waiting rooms for things to happen is a bad perception, and will most likely result in disappointment.

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16 minutes ago, VincentC said:

Meanwhile, just insert a period in front of the note title and it is effectively pinned to the top of the notebook.  Hardly, IMO, an onerous work-around! 😀





That forces you to have your notes always organised alphabetically. 

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3 hours ago, Gary Keenan said:

That forces you to have your notes always organised alphabetically. 

If you're determined that no other work around will do,  and you must have manually sortable notes,  I wish you luck with your wait for satisfaction.  It may be a long one...

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22 hours ago, Gary Keenan said:

That forces you to have your notes always organised alphabetically. 

Yes, well, I posted that comment more for the benefit of others who DO organize primarily alphabetically and who, after stumbling onto this thread,  may think there's no way to get a note to stay at the top of their >alphabetical< list.



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It seems to be a Universal Rule (or something) that no matter how much better an alternative shiny app seems to be than your current beaten-up,  mouldering pile of code,  almost as soon as you switch to the new one,  your old app gets a similar upgrade... ;)

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