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Local File URL in Note Information

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I have several notes with the local file URL in the note information area.  I have no idea how I managed this.  I don't *think* I did it manually.  I'm hoping it was automatically added some how, but I've tried several ways -- drag and drop, import directory -- but the hyperlink field is empty.  How can I get this information added automatically when the note is created?  


I know how to copy/paste the URL -- I'd like to streamline the process.  






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Hi.  Is the content of that note a clip of some sort from the file content,  or just a bookmark to the file?  As it's apparently from the "N" drive,  it's possible that clipping content would be treated the same as a web clip,  URL and all - even if the URL is to a different drive.  (Although I just tried that with an external drive and can't seem to generate a URL either.  I get "clipping local files is not supported...")

I can't think of a way to generate the URL automatically either.  Best option might be to copy the file location and just paste a link.  Adding one or the other of picture clip or link means two operations.  If you find an answer please let us know!

Edit:  fixed typo above,  plus: the page url you quoted is,  actually,  a URL.  If you're opening that in a browser,  does the 'not clipping local files' exclusion still apply? ??


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