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Is there an easier way


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I have created a system which is sort of cumbersome, anyone have another idea? 

I see patients 5 days/wk. I set up a graph for each day of the week, and each pt. That part is OK. Some info that I enter in graph needs to also be noted in a calendar. I set up a calendar app and manually move the items from the graph to the calendar at the end of the day that is cumbersome. Is there an easier way to do that? 

How do I get the "to do icon" to stop showing up on my graph. I don't need it for every entry. 


Thank you!




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  • Level 5*
3 hours ago, drkate said:

I have created a system which is sort of cumbersome, anyone have another idea? 

Which platform; Mac/Win/?..

On my Mac, I've scripted data transfer to my calendar app

I'm not clear on the "graph" you're setting up for each patient/day and the "to do icon"

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I have a mac.I  just used the table option at the top of the note, (which I don't see on this note) nothing fancy. I  figured out the "to do button" so all set with that

 "I've scripted data transfer to my calendar app" how do you do that and what calendar app do you use?

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  • Level 5*
On 2017-04-07 at 4:49 PM, drkate said:

"I've scripted data transfer to my calendar app" how do you do that and what calendar app do you use?

I'm just using the Apple calendar on my Mac; which is also synced to the cloud and my iPad

At the end of the day, I process the notes in my @Inbox notebook

On the Mac platform, Evernote has a scripting level 
My script asks if a reminder is required and stores the date

set theReminder to button returned of (display dialog "Reminder?" buttons {"Yes", "No"} default button 2)
if theReminder = "Yes" then
theReminderDate to (text returned of (display dialog "Reminder Date" default answer (theSubjectDate & " 08:00 AM")))
 end if

and uses the date to set the reminder in the note, and an entry in the calendar

tell application "Evernote"
        set theTitle to theTitle & "         Scheduled:" & theReminderDate
set reminder time of theNote to date theReminderDate
set theReminderDate to reminder time of theNote
set theLink to note link of theNote
        tell application "Calendar"                            <<< Transfering data to the calendar
             tell calendar "Home"
             make new event at end of events with properties {summary:theTitle, start date:theReminderDate, end date:theReminderDate + 5 * minutes, url:theLink
     end tell
        end tell
end tell


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