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Webclipper doesn't handle formulas correctly


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  • Level 5*

I don't think it's related to highlights - clipper also failed for me when I tried the page as it came up.  If you check Wikipedia there's a handy option in the left column to print pages as PDFs which also gets around this.  It's something to do with the file type that supports formulae - clipper certainly can't handle it (yet).

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The work arounds are good and I'm aware that I can print a page as PDF in any modern browser. 

Do we have a tracking bug on this feature? I'm sure many people requested this and PM can prioritize this as well. The first thing to do is to remove all the gibberish and all the simple formulas will just work. 

softmax(x)=normalize(exp⁡(x))" role="presentation">softmax(x)=normalize(exp(x))


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